What games have you found emotional?
walking dead season 1
inFamous 2 is always my immediate thought.
unironically the demo for undertale
Last of us.
>That secret boss fight in the desert
Ace Combat 5. When all those pilots started singing.
MGS4. Microwave hallway and fight with Liquid.
Crisis Core. FUCK!
Might sound stupid, but something in The Talos Principle's story progression made me extremely sad at the finale.
all of the MOTHER games
Ni No Kuni final boss got me gud
The Beginner's Guide
doki doki
undertale actually
yeah that's about it
I guess I felt bad about arthas become the witch king but w/e he was a dick anyways
mgs made me feel confused if you count that as a an emtion
MP1 and 2
Planescape Torment
The Talos Principle
The Walking Dead S1
The Witcher 1 and 3
I'm sure there are a few more though.
LA Noire. Thought it was a strange reaction that I teared up at the end. Years later, I beat it on PC and the same reaction happened. It really was a portrayal of how fucked up my life. Shame the PC port is shit though would love to give it another try.
Valiant Hearts
Unironically the latest Wolfenstein.
Caroline... Lend me your wings.
To The Moon
Max Payne 1 and 2
Max payne 3 for a little while
Final Fantasy 8
MGS3 (Snake at the end gets me every time)
On an unrelated note, Princess Mononoke makes me shed a few tears at certain points in the movie.
This hit me the hardest a game has ever hit me, and probably ever will. When he walks into the room frantically calling out his daughter's name unsure if shes there or not it made me cry so much cause it reminded me when my son died. we didn't take his crib down and sometimes I'd have these nightmares about his death and wake up scared and unsure if my child is okay so id call his name out, get out of bed, and run to the crib only to find his teddy bear and a bag of diapers we never used. It's nice to think booker found his daughter there in that crib and lived a wonderful life with her.
Sorry this is the right image
>Bioshock: Infinite
>hardest a game has ever hit me
jesus how much of a faggot can you be?
FF6. The scene where Cyan sees the souls of his wife and child departing on the ghost train.
I was not prepared for that night.
Unironically Life is Strange and Before the Storm
That damn ending.
The Darkness II, right in the feels in mid to early game.
Secret of Mana I cried like a baby at the end emulating the GBA version on my PC
Demon's Souls, I don't really have to explain 5-3.
The Witcher Series occasionally gets my feels, especially 3.
Oddly enough, Ori and the Blind Forest
>can't keep a kid alive
>can't even properly post
how the fuck have you not killed yourself?
Tales of symphonia
I cried at the end because I didn't want to say goodbye
made me cry
>PC port is shit
what the fuck? it's actually pretty optimized
they forced it to run at 60 fps for the facial animations but you can get a mod to uncap it and runs like a dream
He related to it as he lost his own child, its pretty easy to figure out. Losing your own child is one of most tragic experiences a person can go through.
Don't find many to be but Darkness was tragic AF. You have this sweet couple with a wedge driven between them, one aspect as a result of Jackie's affiliation with the mob, and the other the Darkness manifestation. Gives you opportunities to explore your relationship with Jenny as well as your past, so when the hit comes it hurts all the more. Better yet is the very real reaction from Jackie. No buff manly action hero revenge initially, instead you get hit with the weight of the world and blow your brains out.
I didn't have a problem with it either.
Mother 3
Honey Select. Reminds me that I'll get my own perfect 3d gf.
>Losing your own child is one of most tragic experiences a person can go through.
I never said it wasn't but Bioshock: Infinite was one of the worst written games I've played.
why is she so perfect
a lot of games has done this to greater effect
Bioshock infinite offers minor good moments but overall was just a garbage game
The writing may be bad but all it takes is one little scene to elicit feels from the right person. That was more or less my point. I never claimed Bioshock Infinite was good.
I felt absolutely miserable after finishing FFIX
you should play more games then. there are games that are way more disturbing when it comes to children than Bio:I
this isn't some contest about which games has the most disturbing scene you autist
okay? never said it was a contest, just shocked that such a terrible game made you feel bad, and yet there are so many good games out there that had much better written moments with parent/kid moments.
gone home freaked me the fuck out I legit thought it was a horror game
>tfw tricked into reading some lesbians diary
Asura's Wrath, not because of the game itself, but the fact Capcom charged people $6.99 for the "real" ending as DLC. Not even hiding the fact they cut it from the main game to package later as DLC. So emotion wise, I felt pretty fucking upset. Luckily in this day and age you can just find everything on YouTube but holy fuck, that was the lowest thing they could have done. Fuck Capcom forever.
I actually teared a bit when "dear Wadanohara let nothing stain you" begins.
I was in denial and thought she at least committed suicide or something
Hellblade. The poor girl was insane out of her damn mind but when you watch the cutscenes about when she meets the Chieftan's son you can see she's aware terribly awkward because of home abuse and her idolization of him is as disturbing as it is sincere. In the end she was just a very distrubed young woman who fell in love and mourned loss the same as everyone else.
Undertale during that part where the titular song plays, now I well up a bit every time I hear it
Okami final events.
Beyond: Two Souls
Jodie had a hard life.
The speech at the start of the game?
This pretentious Matthewmatosis meme needs to die already. Infinite isn't "le smartest game story ever made" but it does get plenty right and it did resonate with people. The aesthetic, the characters, and entirety of the drama stuck with people whereas most shovelware gets dumped out of the brain immediately.
Love it or hate it, at least it gave you something to fucking talk about. (Which is more than can be said for most games in recent years)
should've just sucked that dick
Her father on the "flashback", i forgot how it goes but something like "Dear Wadanohara let nothing stain you, let nothing down you, that is all i ask as a father" it was longer and more deeper but it was very sad and hitting.
that 180 at the end with sal too.
>pretentious Matthewmatosis meme needs to die already
what the fuck are you talking about, nigger? I have never watched his videos and wouldn't even have known about him if not for all the cancerous eceleb threads that get posted.
>but it does get plenty right
I played it twice back to back without going into any threads or watching any videos, second time on the 1999 mode thinking I missed something because it was so utterly retarded that I thought I HAD to have missed something crucial. turns out the second playthrough was even more glaring than the first.
>entirety of the drama stuck with people
the biggest drama was the fucking bait and switch with the E3 trailers and the final result.
>gave you something to fucking talk about. (Which is more than can be said for most games in recent years)
you are the biggest faggot in this thread.
as in wake up an emotion (not sadness like your faggot thread)? Red dead redemption.
>Being this assblasted but calling people faggots
Gotta love Sup Forums.
stop replying to it. He isn't even countering anymore, just baiting for replies. Talk about video games.
>TFW Most people hated his dialogue
BJ is too pure for this world.
>defending Bioshock Infinite and samefagging
okay retard.
Not him but what do you even mean by this? Usually you call someone a faggot to insult them, and you're insulting them because you're annoyed/angry/assblasted
Literally everything that could be take from him was, and then when he managed to get even the slightest bit of something good, it gets taken away again.
The fact that he's been in nothing else since then just makes it hurt more.
Wolfenstein TNC. It reminded me of the horror stories my Jewish granddad used to tell me about his time in the camps, how he was beaten, burnt, starved and worst of all had his money taken from him. Brought a tear of laughter to my eyes every time.
Infamous 2. Either ending.
>I have to try
>Let go
I was genuinely not prepared, and didn't see the end coming.
Keep going epic contrarian.
Insult? Where?
I like MGS3. (But this is fun)
>disliking Bio Infi is contrarian
what the fuck are you smoking?
Erm, what site do you think you're on?
>E.B.A. E.B.A. E.B.A! E.B.A! E.B.A!
"Even if it's pointless, you still have to do it!"
Infamous 2 was pretty fucking good.
>"I thought my friend would die as an unsung hero"
>people noticed him
>mfw he got immortalized as a saint and zeke's speech
I heard Second Son was not as good though
again, what are you smoking?
Oh right, that's what her father tells her and it's partially quoted in the opening.
The ending sequences hit me hard, the last one finished me when Wadda finally lets it all out in Fukami's arms
>The Christmas Gift level
Shit gets me every fucking time.
was this voted on by only Sup Forums posters?
because if not why are you asking what site we're on?
Final Fantasy VII
Yes that one, god it really hits hard after all you play as Wadanohara and the more you learn her backstor, and also the princess talking to her sister.
>"Why do you hate me sister?"
>"I do not hate you"
hug her
The entire game is shit, but this scene..
It's one of those games where it's good, just not AS good. Delsin just doesn't have Cole's heart, his interaction with his brother is t as good as Zeke's, the villa s aren't as well written. If it was the first game inthe series, it'd be fine, , but it just didn't have the weight to follow up on what we had seen. Not to mention the cock tease at the end of 2, which implied Cole would be back.
>missed his funeral because I didn't read my mails after a mission
>what site do you think you're on?
>posts results from a different site
fucking lol
glad you agree.
bioshock infinite, few games made me feel so intelligent.. i literally cried