>we will never get a Fallout game with this artstyle ever again
We will never get a Fallout game with this artstyle ever again
You never did have one with that art style. The pixels of 1 and 2 were not detailed enough to express anything in that image.
that girl is hot
The atmosphere was definitely lost after the first 2 games. Everything used to be a lot more dark and ugly.
thats fucking ugly OP, that looks like a Rob Liefeld comic panel, this is what you want for fallout?
I think they tried to replicate the style of Fallout 1 and 2 in the new games, but it really falls short.
Is he holding That Gun?
Why were there so many faces on the pre-war architecture?
She's holding that firearm like a bass guitar.
we may never know
When will we get the 10mm revolver again?
Damn. It looks like it inspired 1984.
Looks like a Micro Uzi to me.
I miss how mysterious pre-war felt in classic Fallout. It seemed both retro and futuristic, and had weird shit like the faces, whereas in the new games it's just 1950s.
>tfw you never got one in the first place
>tfw fallout was never good in the first place
I feel like Fallout 4 doesn't get enough credit for it's aesthetics. There are big faces in architecture all over F4 as well.
not until we get the desert eagle
Actually there is a lot of faces in Fallout 4, if you go downtown you can see those type of faces in the walls of various buildings, if anything, Fallout 4 had more of that type of feeling that those images of FO1 and FO2 try to convey.
Also in Fallout New Vegas you could see some small faces like that.
However i dont recall seeing a lot of faces in Fallout 1 or 2 for that matter.
With stellar designs like these I can't imagine why
Whom are you quoting?
The problem is the new games focus on it way too much. Every dungeon you set foot into has terminals and notes all over the place that tell you what the deal is with each place without leaving much to the imagination.
It got rid of a lot of the crazy gothic architecture in favor of sleek paneled 50's retrofuture though unfortunately.
>that looks like a Rob Liefeld comic panel
Get your 90s artists straight. It looks like Simon Bisley, but I'm not 100% sure if it is. Pic related, only remotely vidya related thing of his I could think of, besides some Lobo stuff. Sure his anatomy's as bad as Liefeld's, but he puts a lot more detail into the painting.
Thats the harbor hawk you silly
No one tard.
I simply wanted to emphasize, do you into green text son?
I-is that a nutsack she's holding?
What I miss most from the classic games is the soundtracks. Fallout 1 and 2 had amazing ambient music, but 3 and 4's are just generic and forgettable, and NV mostly just reused songs from 1 and 2.
F4 soundtrack is utter trash. Boring and uninspired generic orchestral epic shit with zero personality.
Fits the game perfectly come to think of it
>Boring and uninspired generic orchestral epic shit with zero personality
You described every soundtrack in the series.
>what is 1 and 2
>my first fallout was NV
>It got rid of a lot of the crazy gothic architecture in favor of sleek paneled 50's retrofuture though unfortunately.
That's the thing. They take the 50s retrofuture and art deco style a bit too literally. Sure Fallout 1 and 2's art style had those elements but it was a lot more dark and gritty and still managed to be its own thing. Remember that their world before the war was crowded and dirty, with resources dwindling and everything basically falling apart. The sort of idealized 1950s style vision of the future as depicted in the new games didn't exist.
It still baffles me that they even ditched the R91 Assault Rifle which they introduced.
This one was always my personal favorite:
>boring orchestral track with no personality
>vs boring drone track with no personality
>nice non-degenerate track
>just some songs from the 50s
You just gonna keep posting weeb reaction images instead of actually making a point?
That's good
The second one is meant to be spooky background noise, not something jazzy or upbeat.
Can you list a reason you prefer the bleep bloop soundtrack other than that you just like the genre of music more? That doesn't make it better.
Damn, exploring that version of vault-Tec industries would be awesome
I'd let her hold my firearm as a bass guitar if you catch my drift
how good is fallout 4 for roleplaying? Never played it before.
Not at all.
That's actually something I never understood about the new Fallout.
Do they ever take the time to explain how many problems the prewar era had? Besides just "War never changes, blah blah..."
I mean, it must have been a terribly unstable world if it could lead to world destruction.
Now it's just a kind of idealised dream world.
Idk, maybe that's part of the point.
Just seems like a missed opportunity.
fallout 4 is relegated to either being /k/'s wet dream through the weapon mod system or a shittier S.T.A.L.K.E.R
>tfw modders do a better job than Bethesda
Not surprising at this point.
You tell me
I think Bethesda implied the old world kinda swept their problems under the rug with fancy shmancy ads and propaganda etc
is this exaggerated or is the game actually this bad?
You can't sweep problems under the rug if no one can drive because no one can afford gasoline
I have this, the Service Rifle/Assault Carbine and Simple Assault Rifle Replacer.
Absolutely glorious to not see that piece of shit lewis gun in the game anymore, neither the combat rifle.
That's an example of 90% of the dialogue.
nuke-powered cars
Not OP, but maybe it's just more exciting to think about the Fallout story not as a lighthearted adventure, but a spooky journey into hell.
No, that's definitely how it is, only they hide each dialogue option behind a vague word or two that only somewhat describes what you're going to say. It's usually the same thing said 4 slightly different ways, if that.
Never because Bethesda hates weapon variety.
That's a Bethesda retcon
The shit the T-51b ran on could've stopped the resource war since it was such an effective power source.
You mean shitty pre-rendered models that look worse than Donkey Kong Country?
Same. I turned the Minutemen into the NCR too.
What was it, desu?
Wait, so should I even attempt to play fallout 4? Is it still fun to be an asshole in the game or no? That's all I want to do 2.bh
Hey come on now. Fallout One and Two had a good crisp claymation like vibe going on there.
fuck I forgot
what did the highwayman run on though? need to replay the first two sometime
The Highwayman is an electric car that you charge with energy cells
>Wait, so should I even attempt to play fallout 4?
try for yourself but it's pretty bad, it's borderlands meets fallout
It ran on power cells.
>tfw i cant get into FO2
The second i rescue vic im suddenly assblasted by enemies and completely lost
I think that plutonium originally charged the cells, since you don't have any you just cut that out and transfer the charge from one battery(weapon cells} to the next(the car)
The game doesn't even really let you be an asshole, beyond just killing people. Your dialogue options are:
>Sarcastic Yes
>Inquisitive Yes
>No (but they act as if you meant Yes)
Just head to Vault City like he says, Jesus. Or are you trying to bust him out by killing the slaver guild instead of buying his freedom?
I can kill the slavers fine. Its just the encounters getting to VC blast my ass which makes me think ive fucked up somewhere
It's a decent open world shoot n' loot if you're into that.
I think the theme of the old Fallout games was that the world had already gone to shit long before the war and that it was sort of like a reset button where society could start over again and we see if humanity will repeat the mistakes of the past.
The theme of the new games is more about the irony that you had this ideal 1950s vision of the future get destroyed and everything devolves into violence, sex, and barbarism. The only sense you get from the pre-war times being bad is the propaganda from stuff like Liberty Prime, which was really hamfisted.
In the original lore those were just barely getting out and were too expensive for anyone to really buy so they barely did anything. Another way that Bethesda's lore takes the nuke powered stuff too literally. The Great War was fought over petroleum and uranium like Fallout 1's intro says. They wouldn't use nuke powered stuff willy nilly when it was the stuff they were fighting over.
does it at the very minimum have a gay sex mod?
F4 mimics 2d fallout aesthetics pretty close, except for character proportions. If someone to take some screenshots from isometric perspective i think they would look beautiful
I have Power Armor overhauls installed that redistribute Power Armor through the Brotherhood so there is more variety.
I have the Danse Dilemma installed so currently I am Elder of the Brotherhood
A mod that lets NPCs from other factions spawn as settlers.
Iinstalled the Minutement Overhaul which adds Vertibirds for the Minutemen, recruitable soldiers etc.
I have those NCR Clothes, but I didn't install the NCR overhaul for the Minutemen.
I have a mod to let settlers enter power armor so I can get rid of spare frames I dont need.
What Bethesda is missing the most is atmosphere. Everyone remembers Fallout's soundtrack.
Not even that. /k/ would go ballistic over how shit the weapon variety is and how ugly they are.
What the fuck? Why did this get deleted?
This was already posted here
I didn't see it.
Bethesda's like the generic hollywood reboot. Yeah, it has flashy CGI and dramatic music but it misses what made the original installment good.
Like Total Recall or Robocop. 3 and 4 feels like a bunch of boardroom execs trying to put together the safest game possible, and attempting to compensate for the lack of an actual creative core by reusing plot elements and iconography lifted from not just Fallout 1/2 but other media as well.
Fallout 4 tackled the android question so poorly it makes me wonder if Ridley Scott wrote the script.
If you "like Fallout 4 for what it is" you are the cancer killing vidya.
That "liking Fallout 4 for what it is" usually comes along with "everything else outside of these few aspects is shit." and "I know you can do better because you have."
Well in the new Fallout games, one way of looking at it is that they loved nukes so much, they nuked the planet. There was no fear of nuclear technologies so they just used them to their ultimate potential. The pre-war society was just naive and ignorant and half of it was tangled up in weird conspiracy bullshit.
It was just too decadent to survive.
To be honest, the setting has its own charm, even if it may not be as deep as the old games. Ultimately, it's just a different way of going about it.
What pisses me off is that Bethesda has made the franchise more popular by dumbing down everything that made it great and turning it into a glorified amusement park.
They should have gone bankrupt already for using a decades old engine filled to the brim with bugs. Fuck it all.
>I know you can do better because you have.
The past is the past. Every Bethesda game from now on will be shittier than the previous.
That's fan art, none of the games use that art style, you retarded faggot.
Fallout 3 (pre Bethesda) used it as a loading screen IIRC
Because Zenikike wants Bethesda to appeal to normies as much as humanly possible while still keeping the game an "rpg" with "branching paths", "open worlds" and """meaningful""" "choices".
It is official concept art that was also used for loading screens in FO1 along with another pieces by the same author, like said
Point still stands.