Tell me the best unknown video games... Or suffer my curse

Tell me the best unknown video games... Or suffer my curse....

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How would I know them if they're unknown?


I don't wanna

see, you're gonna need to be a little clear here. if it's the best, it shouldn't be unknown. and if it's unknown, it shouldn't be the best. If we try to meet middle ground and name you some average games, i guess that would work out, but i reckon it'd be a long list.

Patrician answer.


this show gave me existential dread


Fuck you! this thing messed me up as a kid aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh


Fuck off retard

>the final episode that showed how Courage was found by Muriel
I almost cried desu

>the poor dog who lost his family is now constantly abused by Eustace
I hated him so much, especially in that episode o where they had that special tree that grew anything for them but the fag cut it down because he was mad it was making Muriel and Courgae happy

He was pretty clear though, best unknown game as in best of unknown games, wouldn't necessarily make it a good game, just best of games that aren't well known, best of that spectrum

From what we know, Eustace had a rough childhood and that is likely the reason why he was a jerk. He showed on more than one occasion that he has a soft side.

Any video games where the major characters fucking DIE at the end?

Space Griffon VF-9

Full of cheesy dub dialogue and clunky /m/ immersion. You'll probably get more out of it if you've seen an old OVA or two but I'd recommend it anyway. Also fits spooktober, try it if you like sci-fi horror


PS, ^ is free

My favorite MMO. I'd do almost anything to resurrect it and make it popular

Cool little adventure game by Ben Chandler, gave me Planescape vibes

No. NO. GET OUT. This game is horror.

I like the song though.

I feel you bro. Doing the naked woman in black cloak boss with my gladiator was the shit.


I found this game and played it with my friends when it JUST came out and we finished the content pretty much and never touched it again. This was years ago.

I had a mage guy with that slow lightning ball that did gradual damage as it passed through enemies and whatnot.

Fuck me, I wish that was still alive. What a nice game it was.

Coming from a Crash fan, this game is better than CTR in my opinion

great story until the cliffhanger

AND the multiplayer was fun while it was populated.

I only opened this thread looking for that. Thank you user

Pretty good series

Jersey Devil on ps1


>tfw sequel never ever
It hurts

Remember the point I got stuck on this, it was like 2 minutes into the level where you start in a hedge maze or something similar and I didn't know where to go. Lost the save after that and never went back

This scared the shit out of me as a kid.

poy poy 2

fun as fuck.

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, it's pretty unknown outside of places like this.

tfw you could download the demo and use a patch to unlock the full game, albeit without the multiplayer.
Another game that was possible to do this with was SWAT 4 demo.