Pubg shitpost
>ewww gayyyys
Jesus fucking christ, imagine being this underage.
Made sure to leave a dislike on your video OP.
gays are bad though
more interactions = more success thnx pal
Reminder that Eric and Dylan did nothing wrong.
gays aren't healthy for society
>loves gays
>doesn't like pubg
Jesus fucking christ, imagine being this much of a virgin
>Admitting to shilling your own video here
Your not funny the whole HAHA RANDOM LOUD MEMES shit is so played out.
>have enough guns and explosives to kill an entire small town
>only manage to kill 9 burgerlanders
what's wrong with gays
people who positively contribute to society while also not worsening our population crisis seems like it would be healthy for society
They aren't unhealthy either.
ah yes an intellectual i too watch rick and morty
>population crisis
Good goy
Gays are actually better than straights, objectively. This has been proven across multiple studies.
post them then, faggot.
protip: you can't, because they don't exist.
Fuck off skynet
AIDS is pretty unhealthy.
Haven't you heard Columbine was actually conspiracy by NRA to get more guns on the streets?
heterocucks eternally btfo
Resource crises are imminent, everyone will be fighting for water and non-renewables within the next century. There's also environmental concerns -- even if you don't "believe" in AGW, we're toxifying our living environments and irrevocably disrupting the equilibrium of the ecosystems we rely upon
Have you seen that graph in which black people commit 60% of the crimes while being only 10% of the population?
Well gayfags are only 23% of the population, run the math, faggot.
chads don't play bing bing wahoo
It's weighted, you retard. It means that gayfags only commit 23% of the rape that straights and biscum do. Can you seriously not even read a graph?
More dislikes means your video has less of a chance of showing up in the recommended section, retard.
So good job fucking yourself over.
More gay men means less competition in getting your virgin ass laid, user.
>can't even read a chart properly
>is actually this stupid
>blows him self the fuck out EVEN HARDER
>what is weighted
Seriously, at least try to get through basic school before posting here, retarded underage.
>ywn be this stupid
Thank Christ.
>samefagging this hard
It's ok, faggot. Someday someone will love you.
Every single post with this specific anime girl attached to it that I have seen has always been retarded. Not one has ever had value. What is it about this character that attracts retards?
Next you're going to say you were only pretending to be retarded.