Apologize right now

Apologize right now

Press S to spit on the Wii U grave



I'm sorry. I wish we got a port of you on Switch instead of Mario Korok Seed Odyssey

Switch port when?

Uninspired and rushed Mario Game made with an engine designed for Handhelds

> mfw the only “argument” brainlets can muster against WiiU is “bad marketing”

Really makes U think



I was waiting for a game like odyssey and instead we got a filler game from a 3DS game.

Name a game like it

Super Mario 3D Land

> Nintendo game
Argument discarded

Sonic 3D Blast

for what? i always liked this game

>Rehashing your own game makes it cool and fresh goy


Bubsy 3D

For what? I like 3D World as much as I like Odyssey

3D Land
But 3D World had little to no Art direction, some worlda looled graphically really bad and plasticky while some looked so bad because they weren't designed for the engine and the game was probably rushed
Pic related

>tfw ill never get to try this game out solo
>tfw the only time iv played it was with friends and it was more tedious and annoying because of all the constant bullshit that comes with the multiplayer in the game

I would love to try this game solo because I liked 3d land.

I remember reading an interview that talked about 3D Land having a planned console port but instead they decided to use new levels.

When you look back, you notice that Nintendo was already showing signs of a hybrid console by porting games back and forth.

Apologize for what? It was a really underwhelming Mario title.


Can't even have proper discussion because your owners are all retarded.

Back to your progressive propaganda gayms, sonybro/pcbro

I agree Switch owners are retarded. Even PS4 owners dont actually beg for nothing but last-gen "deluxe editions"

Antagonizing your friends in the multiplayer platformer Mario games is some of the most fun you can have in the medium. If you're trying to get shit done you're approaching it wrong.

Seeing the hideous textures in the Wooded Kingdom reminded me a lot of this grassland segment.

>it's fun if you don't play it
NSMB was a mistake.

I hope Nintendo goes back to this linear style after Odyssey. 3D World with an expanded moveset for Mario would mop the floor with every other game in the franchise.

It alright. It not intricate or nuanced, it cliched and lukewarm, but it alright. It remind me of me game, which I like better.

>I hope Nintendo goes back to this linear style after Odyssey

at best let it be its own spin off series

Play snooty all you want but 4 friends constantly undermining and backstabbing each other while they try to clear the levels is obviously how these games were meant to be experienced. That's the whole point of fighting over the crown and being able to stunt people's jumps by stomping them.

That only lasts about 15 to 20 minutes before it gets old. Only retards find that funny for hours on end honestly. Maybe when you are neighbors you can fuck around like that constantly but if you all live far away from each other you shouldn't wanna waste time trying to piss each other off by being dipshits to be honest.

Also, its not even just fucking around and fucking with your friends that is just the bad part. It was all the fucking WAITING you had to do in that multiplayer.

Gotta wait for someone to make a jump, gotta wait for someone to catch up, gotta wait for everyone to get ready to make a simultaneous move, gotta wait for someone to call out what they are gonna do during boss fights, gotta wait for someone to decide on who is going to carry someone on the smaller platforms, gotta wait in line for some jumps sometimes, gotta wait for the camera to catch up/adjust when people spread out too much.

It's a fucking nightmare once the novelty wears off.

Bubbling yourself right before touching the flagpole in a gruelling level will never not be funny.

Super Mario 3D Bros. when?

I'm completely on the opposite end, Nintendo should stop releasing linear mario games altogether just since they're all the same


I liked 3D World, but it was worse than 3D Land and the 64/Sunshine/Odyssey style of game are way better.

There's no point to an expanded moveset with 3D World's level design.


The novelty of navigating a 3D space is dead and gone now that action and sandbox games have become so popular. Linear levels play to the strengths of a platformer better than 64 or Sunshine. Who wants to explore when they can jump on stuff?

I haven't finished Odyssey so I'm reserving judgement: I'm on the Sand Kingdom and I'm not impressed yet, but that's obviously too early to write the game off.

don't group 64 and Sunshine with korok seed garbage

Take your trash opinion and stuff it, faggot. Just because there are a lot of "Power Stars" doesn't make it a different type of game.

This section also heavily suffered from pop ins (this trees down right in your face because the engine never intended this view), Aliasing and weird reflections from the sun making everything look plasticky

all-time great soundtrack, mediocre mario game
odyssey shits on it from a great height

The zelda cycle doesnt work with Mario

3D World was fine for what it was, the issue is nobody asked for a sequel on a console, it shouldve stayed on the 3DS

Completionist retards have nobody to blame but themselves. Odyssey has enough obvious Moons near the critical path or in more interesting sublevels that you'll never need to go for the bullshit ones.

I never played this game but the response for it seemed entirely fuelled by sonic hate. Conceptually its the best attempt to translate Sonic gameplay to a 3D space, and the art style looked nice without straying too far from the original games. What does everyone hate about it? Does it really play that bad?

Here's the same section

>I'm on the Sand Kingdom and I'm not impressed yet
Too early.
There are linear sections. Keep playing and keep exploring.

It does.

Game was one of the shittiest I have ever played. I think Sunshine really had the best formula and Galaxy really cleaned up the bogged downness of it, while Mario 64 obviously invented the style. My ideal Mario would be

Atmosphere as consistent and strong as Sunshines tropics and coastal areas
Levels are just like the FLUDDless levels
More challenges and remixes like Galaxy
Better way of keeping track of things like Galaxy

It came with my Wii U. I thought it was a pretty solid game outside of a tonally inconsistent story and stupid designs, as well as odd control quirks. Not incredible, but easily much better and more memorable than 3D World

I liked it. Any game that lets me run around as Peach is ok in my book.

The game looks fucking trash. The only 3D Mario I'll never play.

It really does play awkwardly. To give you an idea, it's a Sonic game with a spin button. And the Spin Dash needs to be revved by jumping to keep momentum. It also has too many 2D sections. The weird cylinder levels are neat looking but I don't remember it actually coming up in any significant way. There are probably neat tricks with the gravity from planetoids, but I never figured any out.

My biggest compliment would be switching up the focus pretty often, but Galaxy honestly does that a thousand times better than Lost World.

Never, it was the game that disillusioned me from Nintendo. The don't do anything special, they just say they do.