Are 1-shot grab moves the truest example of artificial difficulty?
Are 1-shot grab moves the truest example of artificial difficulty?
I'm SICK of people saying 'artificial difficulty' this and 'artificial difficulty' that.
End of the day would you realistically go near that thing. Is it completely unforeseeable to imagine that monstrosity would not be able to tear you to shreds?
Stop fucking crying and expecting to get everything handed too you. Git Gud
They could be classified as such in Dark Souls, since the grab moves are usually unblockable. But in BB you're supposed to be dodging anyway, so no excuse getting hit, be it regular attack or a grab.
>posts this stupid shit instead of NG2
You don't know a damn thing kid.
Dark Souls has a dodge button too.
I can survive that grab attack, and I only have 45 vit.
I mean if you're running a shield char, and you're facing an unfamiliar enemy, and it uses a grab attack you can't block, it's cheap, especially it's a OHKO.
No, that’s cheap difficulty.
Artificial difficulty is where you’re skill doesn’t matter. Examples being leaps of faith or conketely random events you have no way of predicting or reacting to in time
Not getting grabbed is always an option, darksouls 2 grabs have really bad hitboxes though
I prefer to ignore the existence of that game.
You can blame PC permanently tainting the fanbase for that shit
thank god From's upcoming games will all be PS4 exclusive, PC just isn't capable of appreciating these games.
all of these are low ADP fails
learn how the game systems work before you complain
It "works" like shit because the game is shit, just like your taste.
you're going to have to do better than that user
Try again.
Not saying that one grab move is unfair, but I like it when the game is/feels unfair towards you. Really makes you feel that you have an actual opposition that wants you dead, not just enemies fighting by rules they have no reason to follow.
Of course, if that shit happens constantly it can be bad but I don't mind dying a few times because of that in a game.
artificial difficulty should only be used for bethesda difficulty, where making it harder just makes you take more damage and do less
>You can blame PC permanently tainting the fanbase for that shit
Nigga there was plenty of shitposting about artificial difficulty here during the original launch of Dark Souls.
>walk up to lion and get pounced on and mauled to death
"yo wtf artificial difficulty"
>getting grabbed by enemies with 3 second long, extremely obvious telegraphs
>artificial difficulty
How? I'm fucking bad at these games and I barely ever get grabbed
show me some posts from back then showing this supposed bitching about artificial difficulty, archive links preferably
go ahead, I will wait.
Is it three seconds ir is it 2.5 seconds? Not knowing for sure could cost you your life
hey look an iron golem
>they raise their arms in an exaggerated way
>you see it and run away
wow, what difficult and engaging gameplay
Why would you use 2 when you can find good examples of shit hitboxes in any From game? ADP is to blame for 2/3 of those.
ADP has nothing to do with those (well maybe it does, but not directly). The player character gets hit when their model is nowhere near the enemy model, but the invisible hitbox still gets them. Sure, maybe having high ADP would let them iframe through, but that's just treating the symptoms, not the cause.
Although, admittedly I've never experienced anything like those situations in the webm, despite playing since launch. Sure there were some shitty hitboxes here and there, but nowhere near anything shown if the webm.
What system?
No, it's ADP fail
see this handy image for an explanation
Maybe if they aren't telegraphed, but they are in Bloodborne.
It's just a strong attack with a long animation - if you didn't dodge it, of course you take damage.
Is there an actual proof of this, or is it just some revisionist crap? Because from what I know APD (or rather AGI) only affects the number of iframes and that's all. The rest is the fault of shitty hitboxes on enemy attacks.
It is and it isn't IIRC. 2 has basically the same kind of moves as 1, it's just that more animations are tied to the framerate. Consolefags never experienced the shitboxes in the same way as pcfriends because the PC version has an higher framerate.. This is why some people call bullshit on those webms sometimes.
no, it's definitely the player hitbox in most cases
the hitboxes are shit pretty often and not set up with any sort of care, don't get me wrong, but the player hitbox in regards to rolling is also to blame for some ridiculous bullshit.
Projectile attacks like ruin sentinel shield throw make it easy to see it's the player hitbox because evading those to the side at low ADP will most often let you see the projectile hitting the invisible hitbox as it gets dragged right through or into the projectile's path and you can see the blood particles shoot from where the disjointed player hitbox is
There's a webm that shows this very well but I can't seem to find it in my mess of a folder
If you get your adp up to retard levels can you dodge anything even if you fuck the timing up completely?
If you max it out, it's about the same as DS1's rolls, which did let you dodge everything and do so intuitively, instead of having to guess where your hitbox really was
If anything it means you havent got enough health, people that throw every single level into damage of some sort in a game and then complain that they get killed easily are kindof retarded.
I'm not a souls fag and never will be.This is a very very bad game design, who's idea is this ? it's 2018 soon and we have procedural motions and shit but fromsoft can't do something important right ? Why not the "ADP" thing directly affect/relate to the motion of the character instead of making a fucking invisible hitbox in a delayed respond state based on stats ? This is like 2005 f2p chinese mmo tier hitboxes and current chinese mmo with cryengine does this better. I bet one of the reason crapcom is using cryengine due to that reason.
thats not what artificial difficulty is, you inbred.
if the only move a enemy did was a one hit grab, and the move can out extremely fast, then sure, id agree. but if an enemy spends 30 seconds very slowly and obviously telegraphing an attack, being surprised when it instagibs you is moronic.
if anything i think there should be more 1 hit ko grabs. or at very least give every grab the potential to kill you, but then also make it so you can mash out of grabs. It always looks fucking stupid when something is in the middle of devouring me, but then decides to just let go for no reason.
Also the reason why some enemies move outrageously fast on PC compared to console.
It's an indicator that you should level up vitality
Too stringent. Increasing enemy stats can make the player strategize better like a higher difficulty in FPS. I think artificial difficulty should also include shitty game mechanics like enemies that can attack through each other.
>I-it's a feature!