Remember when you used to think you were good at vidya?

Remember when you were a kid and you beat super mario brothers you thought you were really good? Like how you thought if people could play video games for a living, you might do alright?

Doesn't it suck now that competitive multiplayer is a thing that those dreams were dashed? Waking up one day to find the thing you spent doing during most of your free time, the one thing you thought you were good at, that you weren't even mediocre at it?

I mean that was before people started to hack servers and find ways to cheat, but still, what a blow to your confidence..

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Thats what I hate about vidya. It makes you think, "Hey, I'm pretty smart/quick/clever, maybe I could be a programmer/streamer/media type person." Then you get to the bush leagues and you just get blown the fuck out, and your like, "What happened?"

nah, I don't really get that. When you really apply what you've learned in an environment outside of vidya, you'll see you really do have a pretty accurate sense of logic.

Yeah, it's was a bit of a blow to confidence the first time going online and realizing in the grand scheme of things you're not that great. Before, if you could beat all your friends in the neighborhood you felt like you were great, but now you have the whole world to compete against. You can either accept it, or focus on improving and getting to the point where you actually are amazing.

This is true. I think a general skill in video games, even if you're not master level, can help you quickly pick up new systems, which is a really useful ability nowadays.

Nah cause I turned out to be above average. Must suck to suck though

Remember when Nintendo Power magazine was a thing and people would post their high scores in it? And there were all those games that had no score that just said, "Finished" or something like that..

There is a difference between being above average and being a league or tournament player. Why do adults have to ruin everything with their competitive advantage?

I remember that. Never paid much attention to the section, but Nintendo Power was nice. I miss game magazines like that.

>Kid in college shows me some Touhou games
>Think they're fun, he gives me a copy of some of them on a thumb drive
>Play a lot over the summer since I didn't bother finding a job or anything
>Start uploading replays under some new throwaway name to a website for my own archival purposes
>Notice that people are trying to get my attention and contact me
>Start having playful score rivalries
>End up a world record player with random Japanese people asking me if I have a Twitter account

I think we were pretty good as kids, have you ever watched kids today play Mario and shit? I used to be able to step to my dad in Street Fighter 2, my friend's son sucks at all games.

Remember when Street Fighter 2 first came out and there was always that one kid hogging the damn machine, and everybody basically lined up to try and kick his ass but he was so good he only needed one quarter to beat the whole game?


I hear my people talking like kids can't play games at all, but I remember beating plenty of NES games when I was 3-6 years old. People underestimate what kids can do.

Kids seriously have better reaction times than adults. Mix in autism and cheap parents that only buy their kid one game, and you have a world class competitor in that game.

sometimes I pray for a crash so that we can do things the old fashioned way. I always feel so overstimulated, trying to go out in the woods or even to the park feels like sensory deprivation.

lol, i just realized I got my first nintendo the same year that I was molested..

I remember my 10-12 year old older brother beating a college student repeatedly at Street Fighter. He pulled out a big bag of quarters and kept trying again. Eventually our mom came and we had to leave, guy seemed frustrated.

There were a lot of arcade games that were just money pits. I'd bring 5 bucks and just dump 20 quarters into the Ninja Turtles arcade game or X-Men until I beat it.

Those games were so fucking cheap sometimes, they were literally pay to win.

I played against EG's TF2 roster a few times, in competition
I'd say there was a point in time where I could've called myself pretty decent

My favorite type of game like that was altered beast. I could beat it in the arcade but I couldn't beat the home version for genesis, i'd always ran out of continues. Then fucking game genie came along and ruined everything.

I remember there was this adapter that would let you save nintendo games on floppy disks and let you play straight off the disk. Those guys got busted so fucking fast.

There is a difference between talented player and pro player. Pro players are just meta slaves.

Thats kind of what I mean though.

Games were never like sports, it wasn't like baseball where you were getting your ass dragged through the mud so you didn't get your ass kicked at recess.

If you weren't a competive type of kid you could still feel good at something that was unique and challenging that didn't involve zero sum games.

>instead of being really good at one thing I'm just average or below at everything

>Things that never happened

I realized this in World of Tanks.
Feels bad man.

That feeling gets even stronger when you actually attempt to be competitive. Seeing the worldwide talent pool and just how far you have to go to be high level is demoralizing when you've been grinding for years and improved only marginally.

Nope, I'm really good at multiplayer games. I'm adapting and learn too fast and pretty much everytime go on top of every list.

I never beat any of the 3 NES marios as a kid. Made it to the last world in 1 and 3, that's all. Although most of the time I had to quit for time reasons. Saving really made SMW the best game for me.

I'm grandmaster equivalent in several games.
So no, I am good at Vidya.
Doesn't matter, though. So don't worry about it.

Lol nope. Funny thing is I actually had a similar tier personal list to competitive Melee and I ended up going to high school with a guy who won regionals and top 8 in majors. He was shocked at how much I knew on my own.

I do fine online and offline in any game I put time into. I'll never be a god, but I'm not going to get utterly decimated in a game I play.

I didn't grow up with JRPGs, do I don't have a mentality that mindless grinding is going to make me better.

Let this thread serve as a reminder that there are fucking autists with their head shoved this far up their own asses and they all post on /v

i had my dreams crushed the second i played a RTS game online. Getting into the top 10% of a game takes so much dedication it just stops being fun.

user, it's simple statistics. Take one hundred people, odds are there's someone in the top one percent.

Odds are the people in the top 1% don't go on Sup Forums like gigantic memelords trying to lord over other autists on the internet with their nonexistent talents.

No one's lording, there's a thread scrolled by, and it gets a short response written to it.

>now that competitive multiplayer is a thing
You're two decades late, famalamalimmadingdongdoogie.

Haha damn bro my comment wasn't even being elitist. I was saying gamers have developed certain states of mind that are healthy.

I didn't think I was good when I beat Mario bros. I knew I was good when I beat Gradius, ghosts and goblins, and Zelda 1 and 2 before I was 12.

Maybe I have autism but I enjoyed figuring out those harder games.

>t.brawl club member

I remember thinking I was good at Quake, the original game when it was just me playing with friends and I didn't even know what internet multiplayer was.

>Remember when you were a kid and you beat super mario brothers you thought you were really good?
You weren't even born around that time, autist.

are you good at being average or below at everything?

Funny how this image turned out to be real with competetive games, speedrunning, and becoming a famous vidya player.
Just like in real sports, not anyone can be a top player, or have a big mouth to talk about anything though.

No because I've never given a shit about multiplayer games.

Nah I'm well above average

Not really, I don't ever want to have my job be reliant on something as fickle as playing videogames and the culture that surrounds videogames.

I am really good at video games. Not so much competitive FPS games cos they're boring and I'm not 12. But pretty much any other game that requires skill I'm certainly better than average.

As a kid and a teenager I was that good at anything I enjoyed playing. I just wasn't very smart, so puzzles and "move in specific direction" mazes and shit like that I either brute forced or ran around helplessly for hours and not much has changed.
I've slowed down on a lot of shit, and just plain fallen behind on other genres, but I'm still damn fucking good on racing games.
Shmups are a great example of my falling behind the curve. I'm still pretty decent at "traditional" shmups, hori and vert, but I can't really get into bullet hells. I still do much better at the ones that rely on reflexes than I do the ones that are all pattern and micromovement like touhou though.

Nah, I could be in the top if I spent 16 hours a day practicing one game.
That's all it takes, but its a lot easier said than done, eventually you'll want to play something else or spend your time doing something else.
You'll become boring as shit, you'll want to tell other people about what you do all day and they won't want to hear it.

Uh... yea idk man, its really not all that hard to compete competetively in multiplayer games.
I was in the quarter finals for I25 for competetive tf2, my team actually played against the best tf2 team in the world (and we of course lost) FROYO, and while we havent decided to do a LAN since because we all live in different states from each other it was a great experience.
Anyway my original point was, if you simply put alot of time and dedication you CAN be one of the best.
Maybe not THE best of all time, but like any other sport of skill you just need practice and you stand a good chance of achieving anything.

Also if you really do get depressed playing multiplayer and dont even try to get better why play vidya?
OP you are probably better off finding another hobby if it makes you unhappy.

i was actually pretty good at cs though. i came back to it after a few years and couldnt aim for shit.

Biggest wake up call to me for how im bad at video games now came when i grouped with an actual pro player in LoL in silver league. He went 1v5 the entire team without significantly outgearing them just through his superior mechanics. It was insane. The thing was he didnt really know how to think for himself/think critically so his long term strategies were shit but he didnt want to ever listen to anyone elses ideas because he could solo the enemy team. etc. This led to him throwing the game then having temper tantrums because he didnt want to play as a team.

Has the artist finally finished that weird midget demon story arc? His naughty in-law stuff was much better.

>you thought you were really good? Like how you thought if people could play video games for a living, you might do alright?
>what a blow to your confidence..
Fairly sure anyone who builds their persona on such tenuous things didn't have a very strong foundation to begin with.

Also anyone who grew up with the Arcade already knows the reality of pole positions.

>be 12
>play Quake 3 arena SP on nightmare
>ok, I'm ready
>go online, join random server
>killed instantly
>over and over
>spawn killer 50% of the time
>don't manage to get single legit kill
>everyone laughing at me and calling me a kid

I've already achieved the gitgud state and was seen as one of most innovative players in the community, but I haven't came close to my younger self ever since I went casual attempted tried to go back to being good again.

However, of all my friends and myself, two of us actually went pro and manage to win a few time. One of them is still a pro today.

You might ask WHO but I'd like to keep that private since we don't talk anymore due to me leaving the community BEFORE he got big - I was tired of the game, thus, me going casual and playing other games. But I was really happy to see my friend being so successful when I returned. And I was glad to be one of the people that pushed him to keep going and challenged him. Crazy that we were on the same skill floor at once, he'd destroy me today.

Some of the others still think they're good and gonna go Pro. The ONE friend I still talk to from our group always crews out the others because they try so hard and then he easily beats them due to having better fundamentals.

>used to be able to breeze through hell as a kid
>Now I'm lucky just to be able to make it to ballos

Aside from that I never got that wake up call until I went played against some guys in smash bros and got my shit wrecked in ways I didn't expect.

I know this feeling. It sucks. I'm trying to stick to a single competitive game to hopefully get to a decent level eventually, but I'm still terrible. I realised that anything team-based is easy to think you're better than you are, and arcade games are more memorisation than fundamental skill. I'm going for street fighter since there are zero excuses for being bad, nobody to cover for me.

I'm perfectly satisfied with being king of the casual matchmaking kiddie pool. If I can get into the top three spots in most matches then I feel like I've done a good job, but more important is whether or not playing the game is actually enjoyable - there's been more than a few times where I've come top of the whole match on both teams, won, and it just felt like a miserable grind for some reason.

I stay away from 'competitive' game modes because it always ends up with people getting extremely mad over the smallest things and blaming everything but themselves for screwing up, which just fuels the endless cycle of people yelling at each other over a video game.

>8 years ago
>Extreme tryhard focus on nothing but winning and was very out going
>Played all the dudebro shit
>Nothing more than your typical waifu loving fag that'll play most stuff with cute, mature, and sword waifus.
>Now I'm very shy to speak to people because I suffer from the getting too old effects
>29 years old

I'm such a fucking failure. This is the one thing I worked so hard for. Family still calls me a nerd even today the moment they see me whip out a Laptop or some sort of device, but I'm not even that person anymore. Who did this to me, what is the cause? I want to go back! Holy shit, I want another chance!

>literally mad because bad

Oh i am laffin

It's no skill whatsoever but I love being a prick scout in BF1 and just endlessly Martini people or half-mapping other scouts with the carbine variant of the 95 or SMLE.

>cat poster
Git gud you beta fag.
You then realise you were retarded all along since you can't even spell correctly.

As I've gotten older my reaction time and aim have tanked.

Everyone in this thread is at least good at gaming. Some are probably excellent at it. That is because the average skill is going down rapidly with more and more normal people getting into gaming.

Being competitive on a really high level isnt the same thing. Its just being extremely good at one game, because you know the theory behind the gameplay, you know the meta and you know the mechanics. That requires a huge time investment and effort, its not just about playing the game, its about actively trying to improve at it. And fuck that, if I wanted to exert effort, I would do something actually useful.

I'm not bad but I rarely play online sober, and I play online a fair bit. That guy spiking up and down in performance, probably being loud in chat, playing steadily poorer as the night goes on? It's me. I try to avoid ranked or anything really that'll negatively affect anyone teamed up with me when I'm shitfaced but accidents do happen



who is artist anyway?

>top 10 percentile
>9% of people are smarter than you
>some of them are so much smarter than you that they understand things you don't even know you don't know
Above average isn't that great.

>getting too old effects
What the fuck are those? Most people get less shy as they get older.

>Above average in almost every multiplayer game I play
>Top 10 on leaderboards for multiple games

Nah I'm fine

>tfw actually pretty good at games still.
Used to hoard platinum trophies when I was a teen, now I regularly win at Battlegrounds, place masters in Overwatch when I bother doing placements, finish games pretty regularly on stream and make a solid 1-2k a month in donations from streaming which I do 2-3 times a week for a few hours basically for fun (main gig is digital marketing and advertising)

Honestly things aren't so bad.

>play competitive vidya
>think I'll be hotshit
>I'm not
>spend a lot of time practicing, learning, playing
>eventually reach top 98.5th percentile of the playerbase

I think it's more the case that you need to actually invest time into a competitive game to genuinely git gud and it's not something you're simply born into.

I think your genetics have some influence, but actual time investment and determination are the biggest factors.

It's easy to see why good players cheat

worse is that they usually get away with it or suffer slaps on the wrist for punishment, which just makes it more appealing to follow suit

I still absolutely destroy 99% of players in tf2. I'll take it even though I'm almost twice the age of the average player

In pubs, of course, I'd get crushed by any midtier 6v6 player