Why did they ever localize it as "Resident Evil"?

Why did they ever localize it as "Resident Evil"?
Seems like such a bizarre name change, what was wrong with "Biohazard" anyway

It's a much better name.

Americans wouldn't understand what "Biohazard" means.

>Resident Evil
>only the first game takes place in an actual residence

So can any of you go one thread without being completely obsessed?

I mean who would have expected the game to actually make it?

I mean it had fucking Tank Controls.

There was a band in America called 'Biohazard' already so they couldn't use the name because of copyright infringement or some shit.

Biohazard was already trademarked in the US at the time.

Do your research

The game out in 96. Those controls were perfectly acceptable to everyone back then, you underaged faggot.

probably copyright reasons.

also Resident Evil is a better name.

>hating tank controls
Underage B&

They're still perfectly acceptable now. I don't understand why kids think tank controls are some sort of archaic, outdated thing.

Because 9/10 people can't understand that sometimes games are designed around and to work with their controls and because they don't immediately understand it they cry and scream and blame the game.

>"attached to and working regularly for a particular institution"
>The evil resident is Umbrella.

From what I remember, "Biohazard" would've been harder to copyright in the US.
Biohazard isn't a translation, the game is just called Biohazard in Japan, in English lettering, so it's easy to copyright there.

Whereas here, there's probably a fuckton of games called "Bio" something from around the 90s and even now we've got Bioshock.
Imagine normies trying to remember the difference between Biohazard and Bioshock.

Also "Resident Evil" is a pun so dumb Americans will like it.

think bigger. re4 has the same controls, just thirdperson overtheshoulder

>game is called Biohazard
>nobody wears hazmat suits

Really joggin my noggin.

one of my friends came up to me and complained about how you can't "kite" in resident evil 4, meaning you can't attack and move at the same time because of the controls. i wanted to kill myself in front of him.

triggered lmao

>I mean who would have expected the game to actually make it?

A lot of people actually.

Then why are there two different movies, 10 different songs, and a stage play called "Heaven can Wait"?

Imagine if it was Biohazard. That awesome B-movie moment in 5 would have been an aha! moment for a lot of people where he's on the deck of the ship relaying what Wesker's plans were.

Yeah, for the first half of the first game, maybe.

They put mansions onto fucking ships repeatedly in this series.

Capcom seems dead set on keeping the "Residence" an element of the series even when it makes no design sense to.

Where did Jill learn to play the piano?

what's wrong with resident evil? they're evil residents. by the way it's referring to the people at umbrella, not the monsters/zombies.

So that they could release seven 20 years later with both roman numerals and the number 7 in the title.

T should've been a seven.

What does Biohazard even mean?
Dangerous water or something?

Translated from the original Japanese it roughly means "Lizard Hole"


Romanization of the japanese Baio Hazaado which like said means roughly "Lizard Hole" more specifically it's a reference to a japanese fetish, don't ask about the details

BIohazard reveals the twist that there's more than zombies in the mansion.

Wasnt there a copyright problem because there was a band named biohazard?

>In late 1994, Capcom Entertainment in the US was starting to ramp up marketing plans for the game that would eventually become known as Resident Evil in the US. Capcom Japan had let us know that the name of the game was going to be ‘Biohazard' in Japan, but I pointed out to the person who ran marketing at the time that it would be next to impossible for Capcom to register the name in the US.

>As an example, I pointed out that a crappy DOS-based game had just come out in the US called ‘Biohazard' (not to mention the New York hardcore band of the same name) and that we'd never be able to secure the mark. As a result, the head of marketing held a company-wide contest to come up with a new name for the game.

>The winner of that competition was, of course, Resident Evil, being a pun on the fact the first game was set in a mansion. For the record, Kramer voted against it, saying the name was "super-cheesy".

I thought it was named after the Plaque in Sweet Home that said the mansion in that game was the "Residence of EVIL"

Can you go to any thread without being completely obese?

they held a contest and whoever came up with the best name went official. "Resident Evil" won.

anime, actually.

Probably wanted to rebrand it to sound more like a regular spooky haunted house horror game when biohazard makes more sense with the bioweapons and conspiracy theme.

obviously someone in the company was sucking up to Mr. Fujiwara who was overseeing the Resident Evil project (which was originally supposed to be a Sweet Home remake)
