Gamerfuel Thread my niggas. What helps you play?
For me it's this and my easy, cheesy, baked potato.
Gamerfuel Thread my niggas. What helps you play?
For me it's this and my easy, cheesy, baked potato.
Drug users are degenerates and bring down an entire community once there are enough of them.
No matter the race
No matter the economy
For me it's crack
Keeps me going on those long marathons
White wine
depends entirely on the drug and how heavy the use is.
alcohol hasn't brought down the world yet.
For me it's water. Can't get enough of the stuff.
>mfw discovering the super human wonders of meth in Cata:DDA
For me it's the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.
For me it's Pizza Hut and Doritos. The perfect fuel for my gaming marathons.
Chili dogs
Painkillers and energy drinks.
Whenever I plan to spend more than 3+ hours on the computer, I always have a bottle of Mountain Dew: Game Fuel, a bottle of Water, and a giant bar of Hershey's Symphony next to me.
I never drink the whole Mountain Dew though! Nor do I ever eat the whole chocolate bar! I'm not like that, okay?
For me it's a 1:1 mix of espresso and whiskey.
For me, it's the pretzel sandwich, the best American food.
Fuck dude I haven't had chili dogs in seemingly forever. Gotta get back in the trashy foods game.
Great for gaming though at some point you end up listening to Death Grips and punching walls.
Mocha frappuchino, dank, and maybe some painkillers and benzos if I can find em.
To be fair alcohol is one of the most damaging things in society next to illegal drugs.
Drugs fuel the majority of "serious" crimes, alcohol fuels the majority of "mundane" crimes.
Why do so many people seem to use painkillers while gaming?
The thumbnail looks like 2 corny turds tucked into hotdogs buns.
for me it's corn dogs
Back to with you, don't bring that evil here.
Thats not fucking chilli Jesus Christ.
but it's gamerfuel!
Unironically black coffee and water.
I don't like to eat while playing games and I've stopped drinking soda completely cause it's a borderline addiction to me.
Because it feels good. We're all slowly killing ourselves but there's nothing much to live for nowadays anyway.
I swear to God Buckfast is just Moloko Milk+.
Sharpens you up for a bit of the old ultra violence.
Gotta numb that carpal tunnel
That's fucking hilarious.
I'm fueled by those who believe in me, and the fun that I have with those I love.
That webm of him cutting chicken gives me nightmares, or cutting fish, or any webm of him doing anything really
There must be something in it besides the booze and caffeine that causes such an effect because just having alcohol and energy drinks doesn't provoke the same bizarre reaction that it does. People just get violent and do the dumbest shit on it. I recall waking up with an unexplainable gash in my hand one time after drinking a bottle and a few pints.
You should visit Ireland.
Feels good man, kinda like being drunk without all the shittyness of being drunk, and more of a downer. People addicted to em are some of the worst drug addicts tho.
Moderation kiddos.
>not workign through the pain to the point where all the nerve endings in your arms and hands are complete dead
Fucking casuals man.
or this?
Like, I've seen most of the fucking Jack webms, but I still don't understand how someone can be this bad.
His fingers are almost in the right position for cutting, but he's putting way too much pressure on the meat. He's fucking squashing it. The cutting board is moving so the cuts aren't gonna be good. And the fucking knife, why the fuck would you use a knife like that to cut some chicken? It's just so fucking bad.
Even someone who doesn't know shit about cooking could watch that and understand that looks fucking disgusting.
And obviously one of the worst things, fucking wearing jewellery while cooking, what the fuck.
>tell myself i won't drink tonight
>don't buy any booze so i can't
>midnight passes
>get an unbelievable craving for alcohol
>no alcohol in the house and it's too late to buy any
>start thinking about drinking witch hazel or some shit
I'm fine with drug users as long as they don't have or take care of kids.
Does he know it's raw, is that what he's commenting on?
The only way I could find this redeemable is by him showing you what not to fucking do.
at least he doesn't put his phone in the raw meat tray
Manboobs thread
He calls it juicy whilst acknowledging it's under-cooked, advises that if that happens to you you should just microwave it for a minute or so.
God fucking dammit. How many times has he had salmonella? At least once, there's no way he couldn't have yet.
Everything about Jack makes sense once you know his son admitted they don't even eat what Jack cooks unless it's for video presentations to show them eating it. And he's shilling his secret sauces.
Are you fine with them fueling some of the worst most destructive ruthless people on the planet and helping ruin the life of billions of people?
I despise this man. Right down to the core. I wish nothing but pain and misery upon him.
>fueling some of the worst most destructive ruthless people on the planet and helping ruin the life of billions of people?
You do this every time you buy a product or service from a corporation
Caffeine is a drug.
Wow guy! The same jack webms again! This is so hilarious. I'm so angry at how bad he cooks, haha. What a dumbass, am I right?
This but unironically.
Why are you heating your coffee on the spoon? Use a mug, retard
stupid fat americans should get off my board
fuck off
oh my gaaaaaawd
True but unless I'm mistaken, the owners of my local grocery store don't go around executing families and directly encourage people to commit robberies, trafficking and assault.
spoons are more efficient mugs
>unless I'm mistaken
You are. Your friendly local grocer is into some seriously fucked up shit shit, like child porn rings and ritual sacrifice.
ah yes, burgers
He's had a stroke, so I'm pretty sure he's had it.
I'm addicted to coke
Right they just indirectly ruin millions of lives and ravage the planet and are protected by media and law enforcement. But hey they probably think marijuana is bad!
This is off topic but I've ended up regularly fucking a midget, life is good and strange.
Male or female
yeah its weird. its almost as if hes doing things wrong on purpose
iced coffee, gfuel, coca-cola, the list could go on...
Female. I knew her at school and added her on normiebook when smashed on buckfast. Turned out well.
the oil is not even hot wtf
Was she cute?
bevause hot oil is dangerous!
why are there no more new ja/ck/ webms anymore
Earl Grey. In moderation.
With pita bread,
And hummus.
I kinda feel sorry for him
salmonella got him
Yea, though she's got a bit chubby since I knew her then.
Implying Ja/ck/ isn't immune to salmonella by now
What's the point of the claws? He could have just used a knife.
I was too intelligent to take drugs even as a kid when people around me started smoking pod. I can't even imagine how retarded you have to be to actually start using heroine etc.
>What is the banana economy?
this should have been pulled pork
>I can't even imagine how depressed you have to be to actually start using heroine etc.
ur welcom
Looks like you’ve never been to a store owned by Muslims
No, depressed but intelligent people know that this will not actually help.
>I can't even imagine how retarded you have to be
More like mentally and emotionally damaged, people don't just start that shit for shits and giggles.
Not even once.
i've seen the webms before, but what's this monster's channel? i need subscribe to see how he poisons himself in new ways.
He's trying to pull the pork. The pork is nowhere near the point it can be pulled, it needs to be smoked for ages. Most times I smoke a Pork Butt it takes like 12 hours.
Cooking with Jack.
Ah. Makes sense.
Sure, but depressed people are often self destructive.