Now that it's been 7 years and the cards are all on the table...

now that it's been 7 years and the cards are all on the table, say something nice about the 3DS before it goes into peaceful retirement

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I liked Pokemon gen 6 alot. I know that’s an unpopular opinion, but Y and AS were the pokemon games I spent the most time on. Sun was ok, but I didn’t feel as compelled to stick to it after beating it.

It's a great handheld, despite being Nintendo.

Until the Switch is hacked its still the better handheld

>7 years

Fuck I'm old

I can sum up the 3DS in one line. One of the best libraries period but trapped on such a garbage system

very nearly 8

3DS launched on March 2011, it's not even 7 years old yet

t. n64baby mad his fav games are handheld tier

DS Lite> 3DS >DSi

>7 years since that awkward twink fuck boi Britbong showed up to the release date and was interviewed


Kid Icarus Uprising is one of the best games I've ever played

Still has another year or two before it really gets phased out in the market. Might get more good games before then.

Which flashcart should I get?
Also post your favorite game to play/emulate on the 3DS

It's been 6 and a half years.
Not 7
certainly not 8

I will miss the second screen
I wonder what hatboy is up to nowadays.

You can play Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold/SoulSilver, B/W, B2/W2, X/Y, Alpha Sapphire/Omega Rubin, Sun/Mook and Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon on one single system

the best SMT machine since the PS2

r4i gold


what is that

Shin Megami Tensei

Probably my favorite handheld system, it was with me through my teenager times, and I only had Zelda and Harvest Moon, loved those games

Just install a custom firmware, everything you need to know is on



loading DS games off the SD card still isn't a feasible option.

I'll miss touchscreen aiming.

It dethroned the PSP as the best portable emulation device.

One of the best video game devices I've had.
I'm glad it's getting a nice, tidy sum of games before it goes out, I like it when consoles aren't instantly dropped. Gives time for the successor to build up a worthwhile library while still giving people that are on the fence about said library something to do.

This senpai, you only need it for ds games, everything else can go on system storage. Go for the cheap cart, save the money, buy bigger sd cards (a 16gb card will hold almost an entire region of ds games)

You can't use R4/R4i cards on the 3DS

You can if it's hacked

rip Pictochat

You can. At least with CFW. I have Luma on mine and r4i gold for DS games works perfectly fine.

It got me through a few boring nights when the power went out, it entertained me on my 6 hour road trip to the snow, it was my go-to entertainment device in high-school because fuck socializing with a bunch of retards, and it gave me something to do with my brother (because we weren't allowed to play PC games together because my father was literally hitler)

Oh I didn't knew that that's actually quite neat