What are some games you don't like, but understand why other people like them?
What are some games you don't like, but understand why other people like them?
Every RTS.
FIFA games
Most games. It's not hard to be open minded while still holding your own opinions.
Though to answer your question in a non smarmy way, beat'em ups. I can understand the fun but they tend to be kind of limited and repetitive for what they are in my opinion, and typically the faux-3d plane approach feels awkward to me.
all the VNs
Life is Strange and every telltale game really.
So why do people like MOBAs?
Easy time sink
Dark Souls
I literally can't get into fighting games
The concept of shitload of heroes with different abilities and roles in the team is pretty cool I guess.
Most isometric RPGs
Persona 4.
Rengar is fuckable
Just about every Zelda game, MOBAS.
I don't like it, but I can understand that some people have major autism.
they don't actually "like" them
they play them because they're obliged to
every new season they have something to prove, gotta climb those ranks to have a bigger e-penis, you can brag about being a high rank player on a 'popular' game, it's a tedious grind towards no real goal, in the end you've just wasted thousands of hours while being incredibly frustrated at inept team members, bad game balance and bullshit mechanics. It's nothing but rage inducing time sink.
I know this because I was one of them. Started at a young age, actually enjoyed them for the first few hundred games, then gradually sunk lower into despair of how shitty concept it actually is.
It's like MMO PVP without having to sink thousands of hours into a character beforehand.
Mostly games with a time limit or aimed for PvP, like Invisible Inc, PUBG, DayZ.
Most games, honestly. I think Ocarina of Time is a pile of puke, but I understand why people love it.
Even shit like Sonic Adventure 2. It's trash, but you can easily understand the mindset of the types of people who enjoy those games.
ARPGs. Some of the mechanics shared by each are so awful and unnecessary that even if I accepted that they were beholden to tradition it still wouldn't be an excuse and I'd wonder why they had created a tradition from such a shitty game.
As it is I don't understand the level design, grim theme, recoloring of enemies, 1234click gameplay, 99% of everything being determined by percentage chances, loot mechanics, tetris inventory [IN A FUCKING GENRE THAT HAS LOOT AS A MAIN FUCKING MECHANIC,] crafting, socket systems, levelling trees/sphere grids/whatever PoE's gender expression is, why the story is awful in literally every ARPG, the obsession with Lovecraftian vagina monsters as end bosses, none of it. It needs overhauling to the point of creating an entirely new genre.
ARPGs are like the culmination of every single bad lootbox-style bullshit decisions that we rage against, except made twenty years ago and taken to illogical extremes without even having financial incentive to do so. Someone just made it like that and didn't sell keys or cosmetic DLC or anything. It's a fucking bamboozling mystery I'll tell u wot m8s.
Time limited games stress me out. Stardew Valley is time limits upon time limits upon energy limits upon food expiry mechanics upon time limits. Makes me tear my hair out.
Skinner box + particle effects and clearing rooms of monsters is really at it is for most people. There are the few autists that like theory crafting and coming up with builds but honestly most people who play arpgs just look up guides and grind for their epic drops
Car simulator games like Gran Turismo.
I played some of them and I can see the appeal but I am not a big car enthusiast.
I prefer more "arcade"-y car games or rally games where you spend more time driving than configuring your cars.
Also God Of War. I don't like Kratos but I won't deny that these games are fun, with great bosses and awesome musics.
But I'm interested in the fourth upcoming game so I might try and play them.
Thoughts on pikmin, dead rising, persona, or really any game with a time limit? Do you think there's ever been a game that has implemented a time limit well or does the very idea of a timer stress you out?
MMOs. I understand many like it for the social aspect and that i never ends, but as an adult who works, I am limited on time and want to enjoy a nice single player game instead. It's like reading a book that NEVER ENDED.
Same here. Same with games where you're on a tight leash, like Sunless Seas or Battle Brothers where it's easy to lose money while succeeding missions.
No, to be honest, I dont understand why people like LiS. Is it because they're autistic? Help me user
Actually yeah, I presented that pretty simplistically.
Pikmin is Nintendo just acing time limits, and is probably the best mix of incentivised challenge and 'take your time' gameplay around. I liked Otogi, which had a pseudo-time limit that you could mitigate and or earn back. I've not played Dead Rising or Persona specifically because of the time limits, I guess it's not what I go to games for.
All reality based sports games
All reality based racing games
Dating Sims
Grand Theft Autos
Arena FPS games
RTS games
Most survival crafting games (like ARK, Minecraft, etc)
it looks like she's wearing a fucking diaper
The elder scrolls
I liked watching my older brother play oblivion and morrowind.. But all my games were online, playing with friends. Single player RPGs looked cool but boring
This was 10 years ago. Now I have no online friends. I hate playing competitive things. The SP RPG looks so comfy
what genre do Souls games fall under if ARPG refers to PoE/Diablo style games?
I mean I'd consider Souls games to just be action games with RPG elements but they seem to be most commonly referred to (and considered) as action rpgs and it seems weird for them to exist in the same genre as path of exile.
her ass is large and disgusting
any game set in the real world, if it doesn't feature fantastical elements, don't bother me.
People misuse ARPG to refer to diablolikes. Souls games are also ARPGs. It's subgenres within subgenres.
It's a pretty shit name for them, it's almost like 'ARPG' refers to Diablo/PoE and 'Action RPG' refers to Souls. Darksiders 2 is an unholy marriage of both and had menus with five second load times in a loot-heavy game.
I thought Hack & Slash was the go-to genre term for diablolikes.
People also tend to call hard games "Souls-like" because they're shite.