Do you feel bad when you pirate games?
Do you feel bad when you pirate games?
No. Why should I? it's a limitless commodity.
i did when witcher 2's installer was thanking me for buying and supporting them
what the hell was his problem?
Depends if the game was good or not.
No, I can perfectly justify anything for my subconsciousness and it is never my fault.
But sometimes I buy stuff I pirated and finished, and sometimes for the full price.
I'm not hurting anyone by doing it.
If I like it I'll buy it and if I don't then they didn't deserve my money.
why would I feel bad
It's ok to pirate EA, Ubisoft, Activision and WB games.
If the game was good I would feel a little bad
I still won't buy it
How come when I pirate a shit load of games, I barely played them but when I buy shit i play it
happened when I pirated a shitload of ps3 games played none, same with ds/3ds
No. If pirating wasn't a thing I just wouldn't be playing the games. 9 out of the 10 games I try I just drop within the first 10 minutes and it's not like I'm costing them money via download. Otherwise I'd make a script that downloads as many Bethesda games as possible.
you feel more obligated to finish what you buy, regardless of whether it was high quality
If I wanted to play the game and it ends up the developers are fucking retards no. If a game is great and it ends up on sale later I might buy it anyway. I've pirated games and then bought them a lot, though.
>mfw feeling utterly justified pirating Shadow of War when seeing what a fucking mess the end game is.
Lootboxes games get pirated. No exceptions.
No because when I pirate games I'm pirating abandonware titles such as Big Rigs, 3D Ultra Thrillride, Zuma, Need for Speed Most Wanted (The original version that wasn't bumfucked by EA's microtransaction model because you couldn't do microtransactions easily in 2005), Halo CE, etc
I tend do this this too, I mostly pirate games just to try them. If I like it, I'll usually play through it till the end or buy it later on a sale.
Of course no. I've been a pirate for decades.
What are the flags on Chaotic and Neutral Evil?
chaotic evil one is estonia, other one i have no clue.
ireland i think and venezuela
Chaotic is Estonia, neutral is Macedonia/FYROM
Nope. I feel compelled to buy the game when devs create torrents for their own game for various reasons though.
Based Darkwood Devs.
I don't pirate because I have a job and can afford to support the games I like. I have less free time so I pick what games I play more carefully.
I would give anything to be a neet again
Never in my life and never will
>i want to steal this thing but i don't want to actually be a thief
>quick i must find a way to justify my actions as righteous
>i'm still taking this though but i'm not a baddie, you see....
No, but I recognize that piracy has a whole has drastic consequences for the industry - whether real or imagined, PUBLISHERS are making business decisions assuming that piracy is a huge problem. It's also part of how they justify loot boxes.
Nope and anybody who tries to justify piracy is a faggot. own up to it and admit you're a goddamn greedy thief I sure as fuvk have.
I'll pirate from EA and not even play the game just for the hell of it
i don't get the "chaotic evil" comment. what makes it so edgy?
Lol no
Why should I?
I even pirate games I already bought
Theft: The act of stealing
Stealing: take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.
Piracy: the unauthorized use or reproduction of another's work.
Reproduction: the action or process of copying something.
Copy: make a similar or identical version of; reproduce.
Piracy isn't theft. Piracy makes a copy, and leaves the original intact. Theft takes the original, pisses on your carpet, and shits in your mailbox.
Besides, how else am i going to play titles that aren't supported or sold anymore, including abandonware titles such as Dungeon Siege 2.
no, pirating games makes me happy, because I get to play the game you retard
Not even a bit. In fact I am euphoric tips hat
>Lawfully aligned
You pushed this shit TOO far.
>It's also part of how they justify loot boxes.
Only because "We want to take advantage of children, casual consumers and people with gambling addictions who will spend hundreds of dollars if not several times more on our game" sounds incredibly evil. Piracy doing harm to the industry is largely imaginary.
I just pirate japanese games
No, I feel good. I just got a new game, dood.
Dunno, but my guess is that it's a comment on something that doesn't work. So it's like trickery.
nope. saves me money.
>i'm still taking this
People justify piracy to feel self-righteous over their viewpoints, but in the end, nobody actually feels guilt over it.
If it were possible to download things like cars into their garages, everyone would be doing, nobody would feel guilt over it.
What's going on with
Did something happen to the site?
only if the game was actually good
Yeah. I feel bad I don't pirate as much as I used to. Can't stop wasting money on steam.
>I would give anything to be a neet again
Yes? Would you give your job? Sounds like a no-brainer.
Has anyone ever been caught for piracy of video games through torrents etc?
oh shit im the true neutral
The only people who get rekt by the law are the ones cracking and uploading it
>Piracy doing harm to the industry is largely imaginary.
Not sure you understand. Whether it's imaginary or not doesn't matter. Publishers believe it's real, so they're doing things that harm the industry to try and protect themselves.
>stealing something from someone but they still have it after you're done stealing it
Justify? Perhaps. It's more of a distraction tactics so that consumers start arguing with each other or put the blame on pirates and forget the evil shit the publishers do. You can see how well it works on the brainlets here on Sup Forums and other video game communities where people will literally side with publishers and corporation. Their only actual concern is how to make more money, they don't give a single actual fuck about piracy since pirates wouldn't buy it anyway.
You're deluded if you actually think piracy is the driving factor behind lootboxes and DLC. It has always been about how to reel in more whales and make more profit. They don't care about the games. They don't care about you. The easy buck and how to fool people into giving it to them through clever marketing schemes and psychological tricks is all they care about.
Has anyone else had a problem sourcing BinkSetSoundSystem2 for The New Colossus?
The majority of is pretty young, maybe even underage so they're extremely vulnerable to marketing tactics and siding with corporatism
They also think that this is the "pinnacle of marketing", just underlining their stupidity
True words. I try and direct people to a little mental exercise: if you were the CEO of a big publisher, at what point would you say "okay, that's enough profit, let's wrap up and move on"? When the game makes back the initial investment? Most likely not. When you reach 2x profits? Would there even be a limit? Again, most likely not.
No, why should i?
I don't even pirate games anymore because there is nothing worth pirating anymore.
Yes, hello?
Nope. Poorfag here, Couldn't buy the shit in years if I saved for it.
This is the correct answer
>literally got a letter from my ISP for downloading a WotLK client
What the actual fuck is this shit
I've paid hundreds of dollars to blizzard over the years
You forgot Square Enix and Bethesda.
Yeah, with how oversaturated media is nowadays you'd think the younger generation wouldn't fall for it hook line and sinker though, but they do.
I don't know, maybe this type of consumerism is just a sign of the times but goddamn.
Because those blizzard downloaders use the torrent transfer protocol. Your ISP thinks torrents equal piracy. Also, I guess nowadays you'd simply call it a botnet, lel.
This. It's good enough to get a buy if it went on sale, but not with all the dogshit attached to it.
True Neutral true master race.
It's fucking dumb as shit that I gotta use a fucking vpn just to torrent anything.