Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

in the woods


In my mouth

XX or XY

You gotta be one even if you are missing a chromosome or functioning family unit.

ah I see we are having another LawBreakers thread

in my mouth


this desu
but only if she has a vagina

On Sup Forums of course, everyone's cesspool

You are aware that in most countries, the 'male/female' bathroom is not a law or legal thing?

Like the labels and their use are customary. Men and women separate out of common courtesy and a 'that's just how things are done' mentality but there is literally nothing in any law that says you HAVE to do that, at least not in most Western countries. While sites/buildings are within their rights to kick you out for not obeying, as they can deny service for any reason, and while some clueless idiot can call the cops on you because you can call the cops for anything, there is literally nothing legally people can do to you if you walk into the woman's bathroom as a man and take a piss, or visa versa.

why should I care?

Maybe pajeets had it right all along

In the gas chamber, if you survive long enough.
Or your pants, whichever.

Try playing more videogames instead of shitposting.


In the toilet preferably

>tfw paying a girl $100 every week to piss in my face and let me eat her ass

This is the only solution, just put XX or XY on bathroom doors, theres no fucking way they can say they arn't either of them unless they are a literall fucking monstrosity.



On the street like in my proud homeland

>let me eat her ass
That's disgusting and you should be ashamed for your kink


If your neither of those you should be shot or detained for being a alien.

I wish nyanners didn't forsake us.

They just need to rename all mens/womens bathrooms to dicks/cunts, then these retards won't know what to do

Trannies are all boring, self hating people that have nothing else in their lives to live for besides purposefully putting themselves in harm's way to get some sweet victim sympathy.

As children we are all taught over and over by our stories and fables not to place all value on appearances and yet Trannies embrace appearance to such an extent as it's the only thing they have. They are vain and shallow and self obsessed.




Didn't she try to come back, and then realize she'd alienated literally everyone and was now truly foreveralone?

>same thread on Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums

>10 (ten) players

I wish I was a girl.
And not a sex symbol either, just an average girl.

Well it says here that you're A HERETIC

>Browse Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums
That is worse


>browse Sup Forums
go back to your homeland redditor

That's not the point. These kinds of people don't want convenience and they don't want tolerance. They want to make statements by existing and force acceptance. If the solution to their "problem," doesn't include rewriting rules for everyone else then they don't want it.

So you have neither a penis nor vegina?

Not gay if it's a straight woman.

Average girls don't post nudes of themselves on anonymous imageboards user, which is undoubtedly what you would do you filthy whore

>he hasn't had his ass licked by a cute girl (male) ...ugh i really hope you're joking

Where's the toilet? More like, it's on the ground that you're standing on!

at home or at the toilet for handicapped people, it's never occupied anyways

Outside you animal

Oh god I fucking wish, make you anons feel good for a while would be great.

instead of letting this shit thread derail into a Sup Forums playground, can someone post some traps or something. i haven't fapped all day and I'm too lazy to look around

This is usually the case for off-topic threads like these. The order usually goes Sup Forums -> Sup Forums -> Sup Forums.

Even in the cancerous triumvirate, Sup Forums is still the final stop shithole to dump everything.

>flesh golems running amok
There are more important things to deal with than figuring out where they piss.

Implying Sup Forums has better threads

Wait, what happened with Nyanners? Last I heard she was trying to be a legit voice actor but that’s it


Get your leftist shit out of here, this is a Sup Forums approved board

>requesting gay shit instead of naked females

You're not going to get either, so why fucking ask for second-rate shit?

in the gas chamber with the rest of you freaks

Go back to where you came from.

I'd fuck xer's boigirlpussy

>tfw even my mother who's an old feminist think that they're fools craving attention and in need of a mental care.

If I remember correctly she went through a phase when she was trying to be 'legit' where she took down all her lewd or lolibait songs/uploads in an effort to better fit in with the normies, which graduated to her actually trying to fit in with SJWs. Turns out said groups don't really want to associate overly with someone who makes songs about pedophilia and is basically a legal mascot for internet lolis (after lilypichu got BLACKED and nobody wanted to touch that with a 50 ft pole), and at the same time, she had polarized her entire audience by making it clear she was ashamed of said audience and didn't want to associate with them.

So she was left in a state of being rejected by both the normies and the channers.

>Cut your dick off.
>Still have your dick
Mens but use the shitter.

its not that fucking hard.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums you morons should be treated the same as /mlp/


Lawbreakers has you covered. But there is 10 people waiting in line for it.

>Mental disease and social privileged has gone too far

This will damage future generations of youth into thinking that there are more than 2 genders of the human species.

gas chambers

This shit's being injected into games though. If these people are going to keep their mental deficiencies in private containment zones there's no reason to keep disdain for them in one.

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
There really is a reddit invasion. No one else could endure such concentrated levels of autism.

You pee in front of the shotgun barrel.

>more retween than he ever had players for law infringementers

old feminist actually had a agenda that can be considerd normal

stay in Sup Forums, loser

is a choker an immediate sign of a degenerate whore

user's gotta franchise.

OK Im going back to Sup Forums right now.

fcuk lgbt spamers amai right ?

Old school feminists also have a shit load in common with Sup Forumstards too.

there's a small amount of women who are born XY with total androgenic resistance so they stay pseudo women, most don't even find out about it till they're in their late teens or whatever. This will rustle their jimmies.

Mueller is gonna arrest someone on Monday. Who's it gonna be?

Even Sup Forums

Goddamn whether you like them or not, these Warhorse devs are the goddamn lords of wrecking people with retarded agendas.

they also wreck performances

In a bush, like the animal you are.


I'm not on Sup Forums right now, sorry I didn't read this.


I hope so they make my dick hard

Jesus Christ moderators

In another dimension where humans have more than two genders. Good luck with your dimenshion-shifting research.

Yeah and fucks like you give it attention. You are the problem.

Poor cats have the share their toilet now

This retarded "bury my head in the sand," approach has been working wonders for you hasn't it?

Let me know how ignoring it is going to change all the movers and shakers doing it anyway, or the people who make up """games journalism""" from acting like the efforts are the second coming. Ignoring SJWs doesn't do anything to stop them.

Yeah. Social Media clearly destroyed feminism and most of its good ideas. It's all about coloring your armpits now and censoring boobies in vidya, fuck women being raped in India.

>muh mods
It's the users fault. I bet only 2 people besides myself has reported this thread, also everyone is taking part and bump it.
On Sup Forums for example, this thread would get nothing but saged dubs and be deleetd after 5 minutes

Are you sure? Check Sup Forums

in the local mental health facilities

Of course you braindead moron, attention is all they have to work with.

Why do you think most of the SJWs do the shit they do? Because they're thinking all night about dude with no dicks having to use the mens toilet?

Social media helped, but feminism was sick and dying a very long time before that. You can find typical SJW nonsense as far back as the '70s to early '90s. When the Steinems and Dworkins won the battle for the movement's heart and soul over the Paglias it was already over. Tumblr and social media popular with SJWs aren't the ones causing it, the ideas were already there. They just make them worse and create feedback loops.

>On Sup Forums for example, this thread would get nothing but saged dubs and be deleetd after 5 minutes
Oh, user


Makes me wonder if all this tranny and multigender business is just a passing fad and not permanent blight to society

I did. dub spam started after 10 posts, every other post was telling you to getback to Sup Forums