7.63 million IN 6 MONTHS

>7.63 million IN 6 MONTHS
>holiday season incoming


nintendo bonus


7 months actually
but yeah
This is actually higher than I, an optimist, was expecting.
Could do another 5 million over Christmas, if they keep stock up (which they have recently)


mom's gonna freak

>meanwhile ps4 gets over 17M for 4 years in a row and still growing, now on track to reach 20M.

I'll buy it in a few years when it's hacked. Worked great with other Nintendo consoles

I'm just glad handheld gaming isn't dead in he water.
Hope Sony and MS make Switch ripoffs.

It's almost like there's space in the market for a console and a hybrid portable

>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – 4.70 million pcs
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – 4.42 million pcs
>Splatoon 2 – 3.61 million pcs
>1-2-Switch – 1.37 million pcs
>ARMS – 1.35 million pcs

That's pretty good. 7.63 million in 7 months is good stuff.

PS4 is still doing about 10 million every six months, so it's not really going to catch that, but it'll DESTROY the xbone..


>implying le Shitch isn't a vita ripoff

>both sell well
>good for the gaming industry
>Sup Forums has to turn it into console war again

>implying sales are relevant
>implyinh CoD , FIFA and BF1 are great games because of their sales

Predictions on Xbone X sales? They market that thing like a new world wonder

report and ignore obvious console war shitposters

What is the context of the picture you fucking retard

No one said anything about that, you retard. Only you implied that.

I don't see where he implied that.

It's threads like these that make me glad I don't care about Nintendo anymore. This shit is just pathetic.

Wait, can you show these images again, but this time played on both consoles outside?


1.5 million this holiday season.

I really don't think it will do that great. It's expensive and it's trying to get people to buy it for shit they are still actively using their ps4 for.

They were having a hard enough time pushing it they had to call up 343 to finally fix MCC and give it some bonuses to help sell it.


Shit games selling well aren't good news. Good games, like Zelda, Splatoon, or Mario selling well is great news - shows we'll get more of them.

>b-b-b-but muh sony
>b-b-b-but muh fake numbers

And yet you came here to ask for a ban.

I'm just a random fuck on the internet, but I'm not seeing hype for it anywhere I frequent on the web or in real life. Microsoft lost their fucking minds.

has the PS4 Pro even been doing that well?

Did you even read what you replied to?

Not really, which worked out since they didn't overproduce it badly.

People don't like the incremental boost thing, it seems.

I'm not sure, but I'm certain the Xbone X is going to be a flop, they're trying to sell it with 4K Minecraft for fuck's sake

Probably quite a few american sales because they love big numbers they don't understand. I don't even know what most people do with their Xbone, if they actually play with it or if it's mostly a media TV box, not trying to shit on it, but i really hear noone really talk about it as a gaming machine
And now it will have the same 0 exclusives and multiplats that are the best on console but still not great compard to PC and it costs fucking 499.
MS were laughed at a few years ago for that price but now it's okay even though the hardware is as outdated as it was back then

They almost couldn't pick a game where that resolution bump looked more worthless.

I don't think so, but then again it only costs 350-400 and they just a small event saying it plays games slightly better or prettier. MS spent half their E3 on the XboneX

I think it will sell out at Christmas but like the PS4pro to the slim it doesn't really have a system selling game or a big hook for why anyone should buy it over an X1-s.

Is PUBG a console seller for Xbone? Honest question cause i feel like everyone who already plays it on PC wouldn't switch and i don't know how many Xbone users would even want to play it now

Worse, it doesn't even have a big hook over why people should buy it over or to replace a ps4.

>Good games, like Zelda, Splatoon, or Mario

Don't you want ALL your games in 4k and 30fps, user?

Sony fanboys can't even fathom what it is like having a console pump out 2 games scoring 96+ on metacritic, within the first few months of that console's release.

You can see some of them on this board going full denial but soon, even the most delusional of them won't be able to deny that the Switch will easily dominate this generation.

What am I seeing exactly?

Truth hurts, doesn't it? What games do you consider good, user?

>>ARMS – 1.35 million pcs
Man, I remember all the threads claiming this would be a 4mil plus seller and be the next splatoon.

>>People don't like the incremental boost thing, it seems.
Thank god. I hope that whole concept burns to the ground.



It sounds like the worst nightmare for console consumers.

Either everybody gets on the same release schedule for their incremental systems, effectively just making shorter console generations, or everything gets absurdly complicated and devs have to start working around 3 versions of everybody's systems.

I bought one super cheap years ago. I wanted to play Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Breakbefore the character and color changes, and Scalebound. I've powered the thing up less than ten times since I bought it. They made it totally worthless as all of it's exclusive titles are also PC games, and I already had/have a PC. I'd like to see them eat a can of shit. There is almost zero reason to own one.

3DS's launch year shipment numbers. 3DS launched in February 2011 and shipped 6.68 million by the end of September 2011. Switch launched in March 2017 and shipped 7.63 by the end of September 2017. On top of that, the 3DS needed a massive price cut from $250 to $170 to get the sales that it did, while the Switch continues to sell more quickly at its original price of $300.

See the difference here is that ARMS is pretty much a single player game, while Splatoon is a multiplayer game.
Still, 1.3 million for a low budget game like that is a success. Sure it didn't become a super hit, but it will get a sequel one day

those games are for babies m8

3ds was released February of 2011. Those are it's sales the first couple of months. Looks like the switch outsold the 3ds in the same number of months


Especially since it can't play all the games I have this generation since lol nobody owns an xbone.

I was just thinking the other day how fun the switch is, you just want to play it whenever you see it.
I really do hope it's successful for Nintendo.

averaging a little over a million a month is pretty good. I'm glad, maybe nintendo will prove to be the competition sony needs, even if not a direct competitor, they might suck away userbase and force changes in business decisions they make going forward.

>See the difference here is that ARMS is pretty much a single player game
The core focus of the game was its multiplayer, which is why single player content was so sparse.

It's just not that great, so it didn't blow up like splatoon did, because splatoon WAS great.

Hard to say without worldwide numbers, but as far as Japan goes (the region which offers the most precise numbers), it has sold around 406,000 units, or about 8% of (base/slim) PS4's lifetime sales there. For reference, as of the same week, base/slim PS4s have sold 5,054,000 units.

Fighters are a niche genre. I'm sure they're happy about those sales.

Capcom you fucking idiots

Based BIG DOG putting the nintenbro smarks in their place.

Sure, but I'm talking about the idiots who kept insisting it would be a colossal hit and wouldn't have it when people told them things like how fighters are more niche than shooters.

>muh sales

Is that image supposed to be a shitpost against the Switch, the Switch version of Fifa uses physically based lighting and higher res textures

it is a hit and those aren't final numbers

It actually sold 0.44 million

Because is is more powerful and will have better graphics ..it's the best multiplatform console easily I don't think sonys 1st party games are strong enough to keep people interested in ps4 I mean what are sonys good first party games ? Do they even have any? Honestly sonys first party games are for children and tweens where Nintendo's first party games are bought by 30+ years olds that grew up playing classics ..sony is slowly dying and it's great

Yee, gonna buy it with the holiday discounts.

>It is a hit.
>Sub 2m.
It might have been profitable, but it's definitely not a hit.

It's like you aren't reading what I'm saying.

Not even making an attempt.

I will try one more time for you.

I am talking about the people who insisted it would literally perform exactly like splatoon.

I didn't say it's not a hit, I am talking about these people expecting it to be a much bigger hit than it was, note that I said "colossal hit."

It's half as well as splatoon 2 is, for direct reference to real performance vs those people's expectations.

You are literally defending nothing from nothing for no reason.

A lot of people probably switched from MS to Sony after all the shit MS pulled early on. Even though they changed it overtime and added other good things, i doubt everyone will suddenly switch bakc. Most people will stay on the side where their friends play

But it doesn't have exclusives coming and none of those people's friends are there.

Exclusives are necessary to pull hardcore people and online gaming is essential to pull normies, and it suffers in both categories.

It will do well for Christmas sales but next year the sales will begin to slow down until they finally start releasing their big exclusives. After that, the sales will pick back up. In 2018 I can see the Xbox One X selling a good amount but 2019 will be the year it really shines.

If those numbers are true and it's already nearing a third of xbone sales which when I last saw was around 30 million, all I can glean from this is that Japan is once again on top of the console industry full stop and its true the xbone has been the worst Xbox release in the brands history. Congrats to Nintendo for the turn around and going back to second place.


Right before the next generation of consoles.
People forget that these consoles already came out in 2013. PS3/360 gen lasted way too long

That's not even middling, it's going to maybe outpace the PS3 in it's first year, highly doubful it will achieve much more success going forwards, undoubtedly sales will stagnate after it's first year, possibly even beginning with this holiday season.

Sales data shows that unless you are Nintendo people are buying your consoles primarily for multiplats. Microsoft fucked up so hard that if they had just went with a system with the same specs and price and hadn't tried that always online bullshit the the systems would be close with Microsoft pushing out Sony just barely until late last year with Sony pushing ahead.

2021 will be the year the Xbox Two comes out. the Xbox One X gave the Xbox One 4 extra years.

There is no sales data for Xbox One, if I guessed I'd say 20 something million units sold based on the low sales of titles on the system a long with it's dwindling support from Microsoft.

Doesn't matter it has the graphics and the power and it plays pretty much all the same games except what like 5 Sony exclusives that suck

Xcucks will come out for it day one but it'll flop post-launch. If it can't do better than the 1.6 million the Xbone did last holiday then LOL

>boot call of duty
>go to the online server, expecting a mature game with serious tone
>it's literally alvin, simon and theodore squeaking kiddy offenses at each other while playing like absolute dogshit while the server does the best to redirect the bullets to the targets

Thing is, Nintendo doesn't really have many exclusives that sell as well as what they've released this year. Conceivably there's Pokemon, Smash, and perhaps Animal Crossing before they would have to do new IPs or sequels/new innovations of Mario/Zelda/Splatoon to get the same numbers.

While they are well-liked, mainline Fire Emblem, No More Heroes, Metroid, these just don't sell the gangbusters like Mario or Zelda.

Without multiplatforms to pick up the slack in between it could drop, but still remains to be seen--presumably the gap in graphical fidelity will only get worse now that Nintendo is sandwiched halfway between Sony and Microsoft's gens, and on top of that have consolidated into a portable system only.



>m-muh graffix
why would you pay nearly double for fucking 4k? Fuck, even the Xbone S is a better purchase

>Switchfags THIS desperate to drown out the Wii U failure
They would shill a literal turd if Nintendo marketed it. Nintendo fans on here are beyond delusional and make excuses they wouldn't for anyone else. This is the same board which sent them a thank you card which Nintendo didn't even acknowledge was from Sup Forums (because why would you?).

>t. delusional Xnigger

Microsoft's only mistake was playing their hand too early. Sony backtracked on their design and plans that previously mirrored the Xbox's and built their entire e3 conference on comparing the systems.

Most console people want the best graphics and since they play the same games except like 5 shitty Sony games people are gonna go back to team x

Why would I pay $500 plus rebuy my games just to play them on a system I can't play with my friends on? I'd have to buy another online subscription, too. That sucks.

I'm sure Sony fans are real upset about that commanding market lead and wheelhouse of exclusives alongside their multiplatform games.

Hell, Xbox loses out even in their home turf, let alone places like Japan or Europe. What does Sony have to be upset about?

I just hope Nintendo can keep it up, I will still buy the Switch for 2D Metroid games regardless if Metroid doesn't sell Mario/Zelda numbers.

You mean like how Sonybros try to drown out the PS3's failure?

GTA5 when?

So predictable

>Sony backtracked on their design and plans that previously mirrored the Xbox's and built their entire e3 conference on comparing the systems.
lol are you the guy who keeps claiming this here based on literally no actual source and gets blown the fuck out every time he does it?

>wheelhouse of exclusives
What games?
PS4 has nogaems