This is a videogame ad from the 90s
This is a videogame ad from the 90s
So is this.
And ?
The 90s ruled
I miss when a company could be risqué with marketing and not immediately explode with legal fees and PR damage control
Why do people call that a rape scene and not just kinky shit?
>Why do people call that a rape scene
Who does?
Is amazing how most of the sjw and feminist men are potential rapist. 90s women were also stronger and happier
Yeah, if only companies could have a risque marketing campaign today, Sup Forums would lov...
Shit you're right, I have a lotttt of ad blockers but heard about this. Aren't they just being opportunistic as fuck with the news? Seems pretty sleazy. What's the vibe of the ads?
>What's the vibe of the ads?
Literally "Who WOULDN'T want to punch a Nazi in the face??"
This is a videogame ad from the 00s.
Society is way more conservative now. Lip service is paid to so called sexual liberation. Images of women (or men) in swimsuits triggers people now far more than in the 60s.
Young people go around in frumpy hoodies and slacks to hide their awkwardness and smartphone socialization and lack of employment or personal growtth. They're scared of their own adulthood and a world modern adults have made scary.
Why tolerate appeals to sexual drive if you'll never get the chance to buy a home or raise a family? Besides you're too busy in school.
>if you'll never get the chance to buy a home or raise a family?
You lose your motivation when immigrants live better than you and can afford children thanks yo welfare paid by people like me that don't have that much free time nor money. A muslim woman with no job here can gain more money than a couple working
She’s wearing lingerie it’s not a rape scene
damn 90's gamers were chads
>N64 didn't make it in time for Christmas
>Nintendo has to run ads telling people not to buy Playstations
I don't get it
>Society is way more conservative now.
It's less conservative than ever. If society was conservative then there wouldn't even be a discussion about what gender someone identifies as.
lol i saw this shit on billboards when i was like 12
everyone deserves a good dicking it's a fundamental human right.
Living in a world of bio-terrorism and zombies is preferably to getting married and having children.
The second best thing. Right after sleeping
>Who WOULDN'T want to punch a Nazi in the face?
Translation: "You're racist if you don't buy this game!"
Conservatism is economic not social, user.
I will play this lesbian game without fapping, since I know it's not actually porn.
Are you retarded? No it's not just economic. Just like liberalism isn't just economic.
It's a bit diluted. In the UK one of the major political party is called "the Conservatives". In reality they're just Republicans under a different name.
How is this risque, its just pandering to SJW crowd. Fuck off.
>hair all over the place
The ads are geared toward angst-ridden, wannabe marxist teenagers who want to get sprayed with a fire hose.
The game is alright, barring a few eye rolling scenes.
The republican party is a conservative party though. It's literally their most defining characteristic.
>killing nazis is risque
Literally where?
I totally forgot Virgin Cola existed.
I would say Republican's defining trait is wanting a smaller government. Obviously a smaller government is going to result in less spending but that's not the reason why Rebublicans want that.
You goyim are literally being forced to fund your own genocide. Its pretty sickening, really.
But if you dont do anything about it and just go along with all the way to the end, you deserve nothing less. Jews arent even remotely hiding anymore.
depends on where
they're pro military/police/drug enforcement spending. None of those thing are in net less expensive. All the money is getting spent anyhow it's just a matter of where the spending is occurring. It's not like either party is known for having budget surpluses
But every cola in the Gamer Fuel threads is virgin cola
>I want more interesting ads
>literally everyone just posts ads with the same dumb 80s/90s sexist punchline
how fresh
Was this ad done by the Gorillaz artist? Seems similar to his style
Conservatism is pro capitalism and private ownership.
>arabs killing each other
Bad thing how?
Tickle tickle
God, that's not funny at all.
"no wonder top games recommend it" (citation needed)
Still was a great console though.
Are you fucking retarded? Spamming shill threads 24/7 is not "risqué."
that does not really mean anything in practice besides who's cutting what and where and who's getting the tax breaks/a slice of them delicious subsidy dollars. If we were going by the gdp or the economy liberals would probably be the more "pro-capitalist" party.
>spoopy theme
fuck yes
oh fuck I love BIG GUNS magazine
>immigrants live better than you and can afford children thanks yo welfare
Fake and gay.
>A muslim woman with no job here can gain more money than a couple working
That couple has to be working part time at mcdonalds or something to not be able to make 3k euros a month split between the two of them. And 3k is the absolute roof in sweden, which is not given to singles, but to families.
>dude sex lmao
Not in the dystopian state of the UK its not.
>tfw 3k euro a month is around what top managers or prime minister makes here
will people ever learn to just have fun again?
nope Jews made sure to delete that from the public consciousness.
nothing in media can exist now save that which moves forward their agenda
I miss when advertisers had balls
>prime ministers make 3k
where do you live? 3k is low middle class in sweden. Even no name ministers make far more.
Czech Republic
Our average wage is around 1100€, minimum wage 430€.
can i buy a gf
huh, looks familiar
>sport talk football the second game in megadrive pile
why they use garbage there?
I think it's gonna go like this:
>most people who still want fun no matter what left the right and the left and they are gonna start their own underground parties, which are gonna get popular in 10 years and then fun is popular again and we say fuck you to politics
did he chain his sexy step-mother, who's also a whore, to get the money to buy gameboy or something?
She clearly tied herself up but he's too busy with his gameboy to care.
the jew crying gets old when whites love eating up this shit that much
>tied herself
are you sure you know how reality works?
Be honest with me, user. My great great grandparents moved from Bohemia to America. After which Ol' Adolf made sure Bohemia didn't exist anymore, and a bunch of that area got combined in to the Czech Republic.
How big of a mistake did my ancestors make in coming to America? I don't even know what it's like there other than Bohemia was a nice place when it still existed.
This isn't reality.
not saying whites are self destructive masochist cucks, just recognize (((who))) is the purveyor of poison that is killing society
if you want to clean up your neighborhood you kill the drug dealer not the crack fiends
The US market is fractured now due to one side of the political party loving the Nazis and Russians. So anti-Nazi is sorta risque.
kill yourself
I can't really tell you user, since I have nothing to compare it with. Seems like there is much less political correctness (Jew propaganda) compared to the West. People here are mostly conservative, but not in your face conservative, we just take it as a norm. Nice landscape/nature, cool historical cities. I know foreigners say that Czech people are rude/negative/don't smile a lot in general, which might be true, but again, I never lived anywhere else so I can't really judge that. I'm pretty happy here, even though living standards are somewhat worse than West, it's not that bad. Even though our wages are four times lower than in Germany for instance, most of our prices are about two times lower also.
the problem is that white people are so brainwashed they forced this on themselves now without schlomo having to do much
they are literally doing it for free. reminds of some porn story i read once where schlomo wanted to pay a girl extra for interracial (as its the standard) and she held him a speech about equality and how shes gonna get blacked for the same price as she would with whites
Read filename as zeldammn. This has to be shopped; the odds are unreal
oh well if they are too fucked in the head for self preservation then humanity is finished
not even white but id rather all human beings get genocided down to the last child, than have the planet be a giant brazil ruled by pedophile kikes
Of course it's fake. MM came out in November 2003.
they did well you dumbass. the fact you can afford to waste time crying about de joos instead of worrying about making a living is proof enough
t. hungary
dont worry whites will eventually snap probably over the dumbest shit imagineable and get their shit together
and if they dont you can bet your ass that asians will make sure that the planet wont end with overrun with savages
>cuckposting in ads
I didn't think to do a quick check, not fully awake yet. I appreciate the quick reply, user
>on nintendo
back then all the snowflakes had to sit back and take it because the internet wasn't a big enough platform for them to cry about things yet
This is disgusting
>kids who were porn after 1995 having nostalgia for the 90s because they don't remember the huge swathes of Christian conservatives raging against this sort of thing
you're not a 90s kid if you don't remember them
leftism is 100% establishment, who do you think you're fooling?
>not even white but let me spout Sup Forums shit
caution what you dream of
>the government is the most jewish and conservative it has been in a long time
>neo-cons still feel the need to pretend that doesn't count as establishment because it makes them feel like punk rockers
fucking kek