Oh look Sup Forums, a parcel arrived for me!

Oh look Sup Forums, a parcel arrived for me!

What could be inside?

some weeb shit you're gonna hotglue



Op is a fgoot


Wyvern dildo

Some faggot doujin.

>that website

it's a mouse pad

>Sup Forums keeps thinking my post is spam when I spell it out

I can hardly wait to see what shitty meme OP has printed onto something he will never use

>Hong Kong

Lmao I bet whatever it is, it's a bootleg. Get the fuck outta here with that low quality shit.

chinese copy of battleborn

>nigger waiting over 15 minutes to post the next pic because he's fapping to the idea of free (You)s
>doesn't notice his thread's dead as shit

uhmmmmm.......dead children?

>do not bend
is it a figurine of everyone's favorite waifu, Haruhi Suzumiya?


Oh shit nigger, what are you doing?

hey I bought a pad from that sweatshop too

is it an iPhone X

a custom mouse pad, knowing where you bought it. with either a meme image or porn on it.

could be something besides a mouse pad I guess but mouse pad is the classic.

Is Haruhi still hip with the kids these days?


Then explain to me, good sir or madam, why this isnt a Haruhi thread already?!

Ding ding ding, we have a winner!

I'm not quite sure desu. All I know is that Yukata Haruhi is great.

what a shit thread, post your fucking hands you damn nigger

lead poisoning

I respect your taste

your taste is beyond shit

This is beyond terrible

Is artsy cow worth visiting for any of their other actual products they sell? I'm not interested in tiny meme shit quality mousepads.

Haruhi taking over, thats the only way to save this thread


>what's that user?
>uh-oh eheheh it's a joke from an online b-board, do you know w-wojack?
>user you're weird



This is some serious faggotry. You should feel ashamed.

Did someone say Haruhi?



No problem!
>muh sekrit internet club

you should have bought something great, like this figurine, faggot

I love ponytail Haruhi so much.

i was pointing the fact that OP will look braindead retarded if anyone asks him about that. reading comprehension is tough for you i see

Good taste bromigo

>hey user whats that mouse pad? asking for a friend haha
>oh just from some dumb website about video games haha

Invest your money in a better keyboard, not terrible meme mousepads, that only 14 year olds with imaginary depression would find funny. Also, have Haruhi

i want haruhi to look a muh dick like this

Considering that the mouse pad was free, can you point me to where I can get a free mechanical keyboard to use in work?

>asking for a friend haha

Work on your photoshop, my bro


what is photoshopped in that pic?

Do something for other people or companies to get currency, use the currency to get a product, in your case, a nice mechanical keyboard. Its a new concept, but it works. "works"....hey, that how we call it! Work!

>he thinks that a cheap $5 keyboard isn't good enough to use while at work

sorry i dont have autism for keyboards user, your parents must be so proud of how well you're handling your condition


If a cheap 5 bucks keyboard really is enough for your work, your probably dont work with anything where you need a keyboard. You a barista or something?

Look at the shadows and the outline of the arm

Sasaki is best girl though

Thats a shadow from the camera flash.

There is a severe lack of new Haruhi doujinshi. They should whip out third season or second movie already so people get their asses to drawing what has to be drawn.

Also so that we can see best girl get animated

>wearing shoes inside the house
Fucking subhumans.

VapeNation dude

> bought extra controllers for the worst console, in vomit green no less
>garbage bin keyboard full of neckbeard droppings
>disgusting outdated clear plastic high school computer lab lookin' ass mouse
>awful cringe inducing memepad, showing everyone they are incapable of hiding their power level

fucking embarrassing desu my man

you're using that mouse pad at WORK?
Jesus christ dude. no.

I fully stand behind you, OP, if only because you're setting off all these underaged nu-Sup Forums we-are-leejun redditors.

Maybe you'd get more like on /r/Sup Forums

this guy gets it