Its impossible to find a game of lawbreakers now as a match needs at least 10 players

>Its impossible to find a game of lawbreakers now as a match needs at least 10 players.

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Fuck, it finally happened. Can we finally bury this game now?

Is this fucker too proud to make the game Free to play?

For fucks sake just make it free to play and give people who bought t "Founders edition" with tons of extra stuff unlocked

Even less players than Attorney Online. Sad!


Note, the game will drop those 9 unfortunate souls in a lopsided 5v4 match, or keep them in practice forever.

Can we make it to 8 concurrent today?

>AAA game powered by industry standard technology headed by an industry veteran with an ambition to make a billion dollar franchise falls flat on its face
>9 players
>Meme game powered by an ancient engine that is held together with spit and string made by Swedes
>Pic related


>A game trying to ride the cash boat for some quick cash with plenty of competitors out there
>A game that filled a certain niche with zero competitor
Gee, i wonder which one can be more successful?

Fuck thats depressing

Even with all this free publicity lawbreakers is getting you'd think at least some people would buy it ironically and boost its player base.

Maybe if Cliffy discounted it to under 5 dollars people would. It's all his game is worth anyways

So what actually happened?

7k player at its peak isn't bad.

Is it just a bad game?

Its a multiplayer only game with bland design in a highly saturated market, a death sentence for any game

>7k player at its peak isn't bad.

>Matchmaking takes so long that a streamer fell asleep because of it

Most of us would not even try it if it were free.i know I wouldn't play that cucked UN kangz simulator.

the game got zero promotion.
originally when the game came out, it was suppose to be similar to Quake or Unreal, then a patch increased health pools, lowered fire rates, and slowed the characters down and made it comparable to overwatch with edgier characters. They tried to market the game to the "twitch" crowd but it failed because it got buried under better games

It's the same reason why games like Homefront died yet some games like XCOM Enemy Unknown did really well. Trying to market yourself as X game but Y is a terrible idea since people who own X game would just continue playing X game instead of your clone. Meanwhile something like XCOM Enemy Unknown targeted a completely different audience who wanted a strategy game instead of X game with strategy elements and made money.

>The team here is doing everything they can to prevent any further frustrations and implement patches regularly to make LawBreakers fun for our current and future playerbase.
>make LawBreakers fun for our current and future playerbase
>current and future playerbase
>future playerbase

they had 7k players peak.
It's not BAD if they din't throw all the money into marketing and fail.
they made a few hundred thousands, which is good enough for a game being released on today, in a saturated market.
Which again, of course if they din't throw this huge of a budget in.
What were they thinking?
Expecting to fight 2 giant in the genre head ons?
fucking retard deserve every penny they lost.

A free week bundled with some Big Event surrounding new contents just might be able to revive this game

Those 9 people must feel special though. An entire team of devs is maintaining a game that only 9 of them play.


It didn't work for Battleborn when it was bundled in a Humble Bundle, people just didn't want to play the game

going F2P for Battleborn sure worked great

Didn’t they have a free weekend event a couple weeks back with the game half off?
That certainly wasn’t enough.

Usually peak concurrent players are like 5 to 20% of total buyers. So they sold at least 35k copies on pc. Once you add console sales they probably cleared at least 3 million dollars.


Turns out marketing your game by pandering to SJWs is not exactly a very bright idea.
Who would've thought?

they thought pandering to people who dont play video games was good idea.


lol bad rats

>they had 7k players peak.

in the beta

Release peak was 2000 or so iirc

>casually shaming your potential customers

Christ, what a retard.

It's a crowded market.

The idea of a niche multiplayer game is a bit of a joke, you are competing with every other title in that genre and since Overwatch came out and was dominating it all to fuck, they didn't have half a fucking chance.

If it came out now, it would have done way better, since Overwatch's honeymoon period is well past over and it's all complaints now.

>Turns out marketing your game by pandering to SJWs is not exactly a very bright idea.
Why do you think this is the reason for its failure? Plenty of other games have pandered in a similar manner and taken off.

I don't buy the game to see specifically how far the game can fall
pretty damn far


>all star update
looks like someone told cliffy b the world is gonna roll him, he never was the sharpest tool in the shed.

Reminder some user didn't recognize the Lawbreakers cap when he got it from a lootcrate, and accidentally had his cat shit on it

because this one edge case that validates user's worldview obviously matters more than the hundreds of cases that prove his opinion doesn't matter for shit.


Not defending lawbreakers but payday 2 gave away a lot of free copies

Matchmaking was a mistake.

Yeah guys, remember when Battleborn became the next big hit and BTFO both TF2 and Overwatch?

Yeah it's not like Overwatch had SJW stuff in it like Mei being fat, banning players for any kind of negativity directed at another player in a safe space esque manner (e.g. playing voice lines over and over again) or anything...

>Monkey paw

>mfw a game I can genuinely enjoy faces a similar fate

They catered to the wrong audience. No female niggers or fat colorful hair Dyke plays these games.

>"Muh /pol boogeyman"
What's happening within the video game industry that's causing developers and publishers to do this.

that's what you get for trying to cash in on the objective based hero shooter craze

I guess his wish granted, albeit with hefty price.

I guess that hat really is deadzo

>like Mei being fat
Did they retcon her recently?

>8gbr FREE or die

They showed her being pudgy and then there was the thing with the glitch.

Increasing political polarization has resulted in both the left and right becoming more radicalized; due to vidya being a mainly creative industry which has always drawn more leftists than right-wingers to its rank, politics seep through the cracks more easily.

Of note here is that, when I say that vidya is mainly creative, one must take note that the numbskulls that run the art and story departments come from arts-related academia (in other words, liberal cesspools). Couple this with the fact that antagonizing the right has been a hip thing to do since Bush Jr. took office, and you can start to understand why things are as they stand right now.


GR8 B8 M8


>ironically buying a game
That's fucking stupid

At least it's a 4v4 now


Yeah, fuck off, Cliffy.

bad title that, on its own, doesn't describe what makes the game unique (do you think gravity-defying gameplay when you hear "Lawbreakers"?)

ugly realistic character design

generic gameplay

SJW pandering

Bad timing (a competitor that did everything better dominating the market)

abandoning your supporters (CliffyB basically said F YOU to Xbox fans)

shitting on PC as a platform (CliffyB basically shat on PC master race)

main designer known for games that most people think are shit / didn't care about (Gears of War)

Basically there was no way Lawbreakers was going to be a success.

>That dip to 0

I long for a 1v1 day for fully immersive #skilledAF experience.


"They are supposed to know that the law here means law of gravity" - Cliffy

Honestly I did not even put that together after I heard about the anti-gravity shit in the game.

I just assumed the characters were all criminals forced to fight to the death or something.

>all criminals forced to fight to the death
>with blacks

Gigantic predates the OW announcement and the hero shooter craze in general, which just makes it sadder that it had to launch AFTER hero shooters became big.

PUBG has a 6GB ram requirement too, so idk how much of a problem that really is.

Maintenance sadly

Wasn't gigantic a windows store exclusive until recently or something?

new lowest low

i hate idiots who memd this game

fucking garbage that needs to be forgotten and erased

> tfw too unintelligent for this game

That was precisely why it was memed

Who is even playing it at this point? I wonder if the devs have 8 computers dedicated to boost the player number.

cliffy invested all of the money they got from sales to buy copies of the game and run them


Props to nexon for continuing to bankroll this dumpster fire. They are very generous

iSnt payday 2 a free game now?

What goes through their mind....

>"yep, totally randomass looking designs are the way to go"

The whole tech style looking boring and uninspired as well.

What happened to the people that was gonna buy this game for the bathrooms?

That's what really confuses me. We know by now that SJWs do not buy games, and even slightly liberal gamers won't buy a game because of a gender neutral bathroom texture. What was their goal with this? And if they had no goal, why put it in the game and advertise it?

Fucking weird.

Passion I guess.

>literally saying "if you don't buy my shitty game then the whole genre will fail and it will be your fault

Beyond pathetic

the ultimate form of virtue signalling?

Until they ran out of money because they had to export everything to work on the Windows store, yeah. That's pretty much why it released so late.

>all the class names
>0 entries found
The game deserved to die, but not for the retarded reasons you morons crow about.

Much like Evolve.

>Lawbreakers logo is a dead face


These are such "videogame characters". Like if you saw a fake videogame in a lifetime movie or something you'd see these guys accompanied vy generic pew pew laser sounds.

You've just been put in charge of bringing in players to Lawbreakers, if you fail to bring in a substantial amount you will be tortured and put in gulag.

What do you do?

Make it f2p, it's really the only thing they've got left.

Add tits.

Buy chinese bots to idle and boost playercount

Turn every nigga into a white hot blonde bitch

Replace all characters with sexualized lolis

Free to play

This would actually work btw
