Politic in videogames

>politic shouldn't get in video gam
oh wait...

and don't tell it doesn't count because it's actually"anti Ayn Rand. Bein anti-Ayn Rand is also being politic

Philosophies... these were philosophies.

Politic is applied Philosophy.

there's a difference between this and propaganda.

it's really easy to find retards, because they think it's edgy and in by pretending that they both have one read atlas shrugged/the fountainhead and two disagree with the idea of personal responsibility that rand preaches in them.

honestly, she's not even fucking radical.

What you were saying in the OP ayo hol up, what is basically what I was getting at.

Simply expressing an opinion you disagree with isn't propaganda.

Ryan transitioned his politics when he lost control of the city.


a false narrative is not an opinion.

That's nice but that is not what I was implying. OP should word his thread better.

Objectivists BTFO

Only political stances I agree with should be allowed in games.

wow now I remember all the ayn rand shitposting. the more things change the more they stay the same

words of wisdom, general Shepard

A false narrative is a fictional story, it doesn't mean it can't carry an opinion as long as it is clearly identified as such.

Ayn Rand is not the president of the USA, she did not win an election, Ayn Rand supporters were not being called literal nazis before this game came out, nobody said "ANYBODY THAT HATES BIOSHOCK IS AN OBJECTIVIST!" In fact both people who like and dislike Ayn Rand can enjoy Bioshock.

glad you agree.

Maybe you should word your post better, because you are absolutely making not clear at all what you are meaning to say.

>commies being portrayed as the good guys shouldn't be in video games
Fixed that for you kiddo.

Whatever dude. Let's just discuss some Bioshock.

Consider the following:
>All art is political.
>All video games are art.
>All video games are political.

Well there are several characters that present points in favor and against objectivism wich basically failed because of Fontaine being an asshole, it's more of an anti-utopian message.
Also theres the sequel where you kill collectivists but those guys are probably worse because they made a giant psychic fetus.

Bioshock doesn't feel very political you're just a guy with a wrench carving a path through an underwater shithole full of crazies.

I'm fine with nazis getting killed in games. I'm fine with games being very political. I'm fine with movies, books, comics, music, etc, where all that happens.

What I do not like, is shit so blatantly on the nose it might as well be a nasal soapbox. Chick tracts are fucking annoying no matter who they're appealing to, even if you agree with them.

>edgy yet subtle and softly used philosophical politics
>hamfisted fuck my white ass with your black negro cock fuck all nazis reeeeeeeeeeeee politics also here's a black woman with an afro

>Ayn Rand is not the president of the USA, she did not win an election
And? (also, keep in mine that many elected people actually promoted Ayn Rand's ideas at the time it came out.
>Ayn Rand supporters were not being called literal nazis before this game came out
And? (also, it's not like people who actually identified as objectivits complained in the first place).
>fact both people who like and dislike Ayn Rand can enjoy Bioshock.
And yet Nazi aren't mature enough to enjoy TNC. Nazi have less sense of humor than objectivists. that's telling a lot.

>it's more of an anti-utopian message
It's more of a backdrop of exotic ideas/philosophy to fit with an exotic setting.


And what?
Saying and doesn't say anything, what are you saying?

Kek, wtf?

what do people have against ayn rand's beliefs?

That was Levine's intent but the team did a great job piecing everything togheter. They didn't deserve what happened to them...

Would Ayn Rand have been a Futurist?

It's fiction you fucking goober, it can be anything it wants to be. Are you really that retarded?

>What I do not like, is shit so blatantly on the nose it might as well be a nasal soapbox.
Thething is, those are NAzi promoting Nazi ideology you fight in the game.

I am saying that wit the utmost respect, but Nazi suspporters have only themselves to blame when they identify with Nazi characters.

Even the complaing about the add campaign is stupid "Remove Nazi". Why get offended by that if you do not identify as a Nazi?

> my white ass with your black negro cock fuck all nazis reeeeeeeeeeeee politics also here's a black woman with an afro
All those scene naratively make snese and are brought properly. Also, literally hating a game because there is a woman with an afro is stupid.

The hypocrisy, stupiditiy and self centered bits I wager.

Bioshock had a lot of perspectives that could be argued in favor or against depending on the person’s own political ideologies in combination with the game’s universe and the motivations of its characters, and plenty of gray area of discussions. Wolfenstein was literally “commies are good, whites are evil, black lives matter and if you disagree with any of this then you’re on the wrong side of history and is exactly what BJ and his multicultural gang are fighting against. Also fuck you if you voted trump he’s literally hitler”.
Bioshock was politics done right. Wolfenstein was just hamfisted left wing power fantasy since they’re too much pussies to actually do something in the real world unless they’re with a bunch of other like-minded leftist retards in an environment where they can hide their identities and physically assault people they disagree with with no repercussions.

It's anti Socialist, so it upsets the Left.
It's anti Religion, so it upsets the Right.
It was written by a woman, so it upsets misogynists.
It was written by a woman, so it upsets feminists.

I like objectivism but I found her version a little too utopic. Also way too many tall athletic handsome industrialists, that broke my immersion.


Propaganda, by its definition, is non-objective information, typically with the purpose of evoking an emotional instead of an intellectual response from the recipient.

I am saying you aren't making anuy point, there, none of what you listed are valid reason to complain or make a distinction.

>Ayn Rand is not the president of the USA, she did not win an election
Did a nazi win the US election?

>I am saying you aren't making anuy point
What about the points I made?

Nazism is a lazy bad guy that hasn't been relevant since the early 90s, and that's me being extremely generous. Might as well dust off the Soviets.

>Wolfenstein was just hamfisted left wing power fantasy

Did you actually play it though?

A Nazi* did actually.
*Nazi as defined by the Mainstream Media

For one, many would disagree that greed is good.

I'm not him but all you did was say "nu uh" to everything he said and called it a day.

Well hold up there, I slightly disagree. Take the Boston Massacre for instance. It was true that some people were killed but it was inflated. Propaganda is in how you spin an event to illicit an emotional response.

I'm sorry but what? Where in this did I say nu uh?

Not him but
>Reeee everyone on welfare is a fucking subhuman shit and should be ashamed of it, you there, you are a fucking leech!
>*nom nom nom* these welfare munnies for my medical bills sure taste sweet, I sure need them what with my millions and all
Also held the belief that immigration should always be an open door because she benefited from migrating, therefore it should be policy, apparently that logic didn't extend to welfare of course, everyone benefiting from it was a horrible human being, except her I guess.

>Except that acting thoughtlessly and victimizing others, Rand claims, is not in your self-interest.

Sorry, meant for the other guy. I got confused.

TNC is as on the nose as it gets with regard to blatant political pandering. New Order didn't act like the europeans were racist appeasers. In fact, it had a bit of fun by looking at how euro culture would have been different under oppressive nazi rule. New colossus is just "white ass" america "gave up".

And that's why it is getting blasted.

Thats topical politics though. Bioshock doesn't attempt to make real world comparisons. Funny that the devs said that Wolf 2 was just a coincidence, which considering gow early games start in production fair enough, then their marketing team turned around with #PunchaNazi

The ad campaign did more than that. It spammed itself in Antifa-made hashtags with slogans clearly and obviously ripped from Trump's campaign. It's not a question of identifying with Nazis, it's a question of watching the game makers pander directly to violent morons who see everyone they oppose as Nazis.

>Wolfenstein was just hamfisted left wing power fantasy
The bad guys were Nazi. Unlike objectivism, there isn't much to defend.

>Also fuck you if you voted trump he’s literally hitler”.
Trump supporter should stop identifying with Nazi characters in the first place. Nothing in the game say that.

The "controversy" with this game is that trump supporter have decided to identify with the villain because they prefer to do that rather than being on the side the left cheer for.

Nothing in the way the NAzi are portrayd is indicative of them being Trump. they are Nazi and everything they do and act as is due to them being Nazi, not Trump.

one of the major characters (a protagonist) in the fountainhead is on welfare

There is a difference between a work exploring politics as part of its narrative, and a worked being mandated or altered for political sensibilities.

She seems very anti inmigration in Atlas Shruged though.

No and no. And even if that is the case why do you identify as one?

>77 year old sick woman in a welfare state utilises welfare
I see. How hypocritical.
Let me guess, you found this "hypocrisy" on Saturday night live or the equivalent right?

Should of take this as the first sign that Levine was a hack.

You make no valid point. is what I am saying. Like I said, none of what you mention make any difference.

Wolfenstein 2 went sour because their ad campaign brought Bethesda in line with every single "punch a nazi" antifa tier cunt, the game couldn't carry itself on it's own and had to ride a wave of controversy in order to sell itself.

Now you see tumblr cunts posting wolfenstein 2 threads and people otherwise deflecting anything wrong the game did by just saying "only nazi's are mad." The membership of white supremacists and nazi groups is decreasing but we're supposed to think that they're all over the place.

If you see a Wolfenstein 2 thread, just start ignoring it at this point. Seriously, if you're too Sup Forums to understand you're being turned into a marketing tool then there's really no saving you.

According to antifa yes, and that's the exact group the marketers for this game went for.

>No and no
Not an argument
>And even if that is the case why do you identify as one
You think the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA posts on Sup Forums?

So much for your beliefs I guess, especially when you're worth millions and can easily afford it yourself.
How is it not? Considering her total asshattery towards other people using it.

Completely wrong and utterly silly.

To be fair that might be Bethesda's fault. In the other hand, Sweeden.

Yes, I also enjoyed how Bioshock thoroughly demonstrated why objectivism is terrible.

The game was fun though that's the problem. If the characters didn't open their mouths it'd be a 9/10

He doesn't, stop ignoring what the ad campaign did. This tactic is dishonest and you know it.

>You make no valid point
How so?

>who see everyone they oppose as Nazis.
Uh, no, the people they oppose literally identify themselves as white supremacists.

Can't blame Antifa fr that.

>According to antifa yes
So not mainstream media, and why do you identify as a nazi?
Stating blatant bullshit to be blatant bullshit is an argument.


Are you asking me to prove negative?

>n-n-n-no they just oppose nazi's!
>and pander to antifa who calls everyone nazi's who disagree with them

>This excites the Randists

>entire philosophy is "Pursue your own happiness as your highest moral aim."
>waaah why didn't she reject the money the retarded government gave her?! H-hypocrisy.
Ok sweety

>trying this hard to promote and justify cuckoldry in modern games

good luck next time

Politics are fine, the problem is their implementation.

A case like Bioshock where they put them in and left the player to interpret the meaning is fine, the problem comes in when devs ad the "Or you're a_______" part to whatever politics they're trying to use in their games, whenever you try and color a side of the political spectrum as good while decrying the other as evil you've pretty much fucking up how politics should be used cause you will polarize half of your audience.

The original Deus Ex is another perfect example, that game had a lot of politics involved in the plot, but no one complained. Why? Cause they let the player come up with their own conclusions instead of painting it as black and white.

No, I want an explanation for why my points are invalid.

Ortega y Gasset destroyed anti-fascism before they even existed and he didn't like fascism either.
You should read La Rebelion de las Masas.


Well you for sure weren't on the school debate team, that's certain.

>Ayn Rand is not the president of the USA, she did not win an election,
But many elected republicans and fox news presentator identified as following he ideology
>Ayn Rand supporters were not being called literal nazis before this game came out,
Mayvbe because literal self-proclaimed white-suppremacist didn't declare to support Ayn Rand ideas. incisnetally, Bioshock tackle down objectivism, not nazism, so it's not a valid parallel.
precisely because
>In fact both people who like and dislike Ayn Rand can enjoy Bioshock.
whereas NAzi have been petty and triggered by the game before it cames out.

>Politic is applied Philosophy.

people like to complain about how she was not an economist so her system can't work (unlike other systems that work perfectly without any major problems). Yeah... I know.

Already did, you just mentioned the "and" and ignored the rest.

>But many elected republicans and fox news presentator identified as following he ideology

It is.

Whoever's fault it was is irrelevant when it comes to showing arguments like are blatantly ignoring that very important part to paint everyone opposing them as some closeted Nazi SJW.

If a game directly markets itself to a group with a long history of being violent with everyone they encounter using that group's slogans and lingo then that's reason enough to give pause and question the better judgment here.

>ignored the rest
Did your post get deleted I can't find it

Do you realize you are deflecting criticism to Goldenstein 2 by calling people who don't agree with you nazi?

>, the problem comes in when devs ad the "Or you're a_______"
the thing is. this is a wolfenstein game the enemeies are literal Nazi. "If you are triggered by Nazi getting killed, then you are a nazi sympathiser" is kind of straighforward.

It's the Nazi sympathiser who decided to make this game "controversial".