>Be me
>War Hero William Johnson Blazkowicz
>Destroyer of Hitler, guy who killed dethshead and has saved the world on multiple occasions, nazi death count in the literal millions
>Go to america to help the resistance there
>3 members of the resistance are Generic Black Strong Independent Woman, a literal fucking communist, and some fat bitch who outright says she's gonna mentally molest me every time she sees me.
>Ignore this for the most part since I need to focus on freeing america and killing Nazis
>I'm the best at what I do and I hate me some nazis so it's a win/win for these fucking retarded "Freedom Fighters"
>mfw to the very end they don't even give me the smallest modicum of respect befitting a war hero of my status.
>mfw they act like they did anything except use me as a doormat and fucking act like a bunch of idiots and constantly insult and belittle me
>mfw I had no choice but to put up with it so I could go kill more nazis.
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
>be me
>Sup Forums shitposter
>my dumb meme president's getting charged with treason tomorrow so i'm mad about it
>check my reddit
>everyone hates us
>check my facebook
>everyone hates us
>go to Sup Forums, surely they'll love us there
>post my well-crafted memes about how violence to nazis is offensive if there's any communists or black people who I'm not also killing.
>Sup Forums hates us too
>decide to post on my favorite stormfront boards asking how to kill myself
>when being more buttblasted is not an option
Nothing to do with politics, I'm actually legitimately pissed off with how BJ Blazkowicz gets treated in this game. Guy's a fucking war hero and yet he has to put up with this bullcrap.
You even missed the subject field. Fucking Reddit retard.
Well shit I did didn't I? fucking dammit. Well all I can do is improve for next time. I do legitimately want to discuss this, I thought it was fucking abhorrent how BJ was treated.
I get what you mean. Dude's been fighting the Nazis for years, killed Hitler once before, fucked up the Nazi's infrastructure in multiple locations all over the world, fought their fucking occult division and all sorts of other shit yet these other fucks talk like their activism does even 1/100th of what BJ has done and is currently doing in the fight against the Reich. The Kreisau members and the smaller casts you find around the Eva are alright, it's just Grace and Horton who come off as absolute cunts who showboat nonstop despite not really doing anything at all.
And then you fucked up quoting.
You used the commie-hate meme. No non-autist is as obsessed as Sup Forums is with communists these days. If you wanna be stealthy about being a Sup Forums shitposter try not injecting your shitty politics into everything. Maybe then people won't despise you for being complete shit.
Not a Sup Forums shitposter, just a newfag who's still learning how to use this website and how stuff works. Pretty great move assuming shit though asshole.
>Be me
>Good character
>Not the best but hey I don't suck
>Wonder what game I'll get put in
>Swede devs put me as the main character of a marxist propaganda video game
>What the fuck people I never asked for this
>Enemies built a utopia that's clean, efficient and the population seems happy
>Get slapped in a terrorist organization that only planned up to destroying everything and not about what to do after if we win
>They're all a mish mash of commies, BLM idiots, traitors and literal cuckolds
>Said terrorist organization is fucking dirty, disorganized and there's some crackhead looking black chick with a stereotypical huge as fuck afro that makes no fucking sense having in combat situations or espionage that gives speeches to "motivate" the members. While I can look past this the fucking idiot is breastfeeding her baby while smoking what the fuck
>Realize I'm on the wrong side of history but the devs are going to push this to assist with the destruction of the real American society
>Their apologists repeat brainwashed phrases like "lol it's just a game yolo"
>Wonder if kirby ever ever had to put up with this bullshit.
>just a newfag who's still learning how to use this website
Just an innocent newfag who uses the same commie-obsessed and black-obsessed memes as t_d. What a mystery.
fake news lmao
I only played The New World Order. Had to quit because reasons, but I did get almost to the end.
And I agree, it felt like BJ isn't treated properly by the resistance fighters in it. Or more accurately, BJ himself isn't this OSS (?) super agent that did all the cool shit he did in the previous games (2009 included). I get it that it's a slightly different timeline, but still.
Why are people here obsessed with Sup Forums?
Sweden YES.
I bet that nigress scum lines weren't even irony. It's how fucked in the head by jews modern swedes are. A literal cucks.
Why is Sup Forums so buttblasted about Wolfenstein?
It's almost like you guys are worried about the fact that you guys aren't the silent majority.
I literally made a single mention about communists in my post and that apparently makes me obsessed? I mentioned it purely because I found it really damn weird that there was even a communist working with a resistance against nazis to begin with. I also only said that the black character was a generic strong independent black woman.
You're reaching because I'm assuming you're tired of Sup Forums shitposting crap here or something so anything slightly associated with a similar subject becomes the same for you or something.
It's the gaming equivalent of the race card anytime someone brings up valid complaints about a game.
If he said "black ass fascist pigs" you'd be shitting your diaper
idk but apparently me talking about how the black character is pretty damn generic and making a single mention about "Fucking Communists" means I'm some kind of Sup Forums sleeper agent sent here to take down the board with shitty political memes.
Maybe if racist idiots were able to get their shit together long enough to be able to make a game I'd give a damn. Go ahead and make a game that's racist if you're so sure it'll trigger me.
Go away, nigger.
>Why is Sup Forums so buttblasted about Wolfenstein?
Here is a small excerpt from a book pretty much explaining it. Just change a few of the nouns to better fit the subject at hand. Really just look at cod and how nerds are mad about the lack of swastikas in that. Shit is just a game to them. It is just a game to them. They know what they doing they essentially just really baitin/shitposting more so than anything else.
Never believe that anti‐
Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their
replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open
to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is
their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly,
since he believes in words. The anti‐Semites have the right
to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving
ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their
interlocutors. They delight in
acting in bad faith, since they
seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate
and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will
abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that
the time for argument is past. It is not that they are afraid
of being convinced. They fear only to appear ridiculous or
to prejudice by their embarrassment their hope of winning
over some third person to their side.
Remember when Sup Forums played video games and politics were never discussed
Aww fuck
I'm not much of a fan of Grace myself but her crew was living in a nuclear wasteland the entire time stuff was going on so she's understandably 'doesn't give a shit about anything' regarding the situation besides what lets her kill some nazis.
But I mean no one shitposting this game gives a fuck about context.
Oh what's that?
It's the sound of the right wing nazis being uncreative and unable to make videogames.
And being butthurt about it.
>murders an entire platoon of elite nazi ss stormtroopers in a wheelchair
>oh no I'm such a burden
>disintegrates dozens of desperate kriegsmarines with a laser rifle
>how sad my friend died, can't believe a life ends just like that
BJ is the ultimate mary sue.
i agree, OP, they're a bunch of ingrates
and in what reality would a bunch of nigra cunts care about a revolution or anything not having to do with their new weave.
Even so you'd figure that they'd at least show some level of respect to a guy who's done more to stop nazis that she and her crew have ever done or will ever do.
post more fit sluts though
They're not people, though. They are nazis.
Obviously that goes without saying. But BJ's personality is in complete dissonance with what we do as a player.
they fucked up his character in this game. he's such a whiny, beta fuck
Grace is supposed to be unlikable, did you not realize the whole Sigrun scene/smoking breastfeeding was about that? The only moment you're supposed to feel sympathy towards her is after Spesh death.
BJ is taking help from anyone to save the world, that's the point.
I think how she just takes over Caroline's room and how the whole cast just looks disgusted by it was a pretty strong tell of what you're saying visually.
They put up with it because they have to and have better things to do than squabble over petty shit when they have to get things done.
several things annoyed me in that game but the worst are that you can't cut dick shapes out of metal plates with the lazerkraftwerk anymore, instead the metalplate you shoot at just disintegrates, and WHAT THE FUCK TREAT THAT SUBMARINE BETTER YOU DIRTY REBEL FUCKS
when the fuck do you get the shotgun? i've just arrived in Roswell and i've got a bunch of empty weapons slots
You get the shotgun in Roswell.
honestly, don't remember. I only watched a playthrough of it while grinding engineering materials in elite dangerous
fuck buying an overly political glorified DLC
I'm Sup Forums. I really liked The New Order. Nazis were visually badass and I can totally get into the role of a vengeful American super-soldier and his manly whisper. I haven't played the new one. If what I've seen is accurate they got too serious about their silly villains and tried to be allegorical. Nazis and racism are baaaaad, we have to treat Blaszko like shit because he's white like the Nazis. Jimi Hendrix kinda said something like that in TNO, but then he shared his lsd and didn't bring it up again.
BJ looks somehow douchier and less heroic. The game is apparently half cut scenes. Hitler could've been less generically retarded and evil, but I don't expect normal people to care about that. Gunplay is probably still breddy gud, I'll buy it when it gets cheaper. Especially if I've been misled about some of this stuff.
>Wonder if kirby ever ever had to put up with this bullshit.
Given how video games are evolving it should be:
>Wonder when kirby will have to put up with this bullshit.
at least you edited the page number out of your pathetic little creepypasta this time, white warrior.
>be me
Go back to plebbit
While i agree Sup Forumsposters are cancer, the thread itself has nothing to do with politics
>non political complaint about wolfensteins 2's story
BJ is born to suffer and kill nazis
Anya is the only remotely happy thing to have happened in his life
Wrong. The Japanese give zero fucks about feminists, SJWS or numale cucks screaming for whatever gender of the day needs representation in video games. In fact the japanese specifically tell them to go get fucked.
I have an unknown desire to see more of this.
lets hope they keep the weebs away
When Grace said she was moving into Caroline's room, I was hoping so hard that BJ would tell her to fuck off and find another 1 of the 100s of rooms on the ship, but nope, he just stands idly by, letting Grace push his warbuddy Wyatt around and call him Whiteboi over and over. Shit's frustrating, and really soured me on the game as a whole.