The new Wolfenstein isn't politic-

The new Wolfenstein isn't politic-

Other urls found in this thread:

And what about Bloodborne?

Is this loss?

I don't get it

I don't think anyone ever said it wasn't.

The real argument is if it's pandering to neo-liberals and SJWs.

It is
it's a forum made by the biggest retarded SJWs who left neoGAF

Dude punch Nazi's(anyone who disagrees with you) lmao.

>new forum has like one week and its already more relevant to the industry than Sup Forums

Can't stop laffin

epic bait retard

what the fuck is political about this?

Prove me wrong

The twitter is run by literal SJWs who visit a forum for only the biggest SJWs.

Imagine if a game dev retweeted Antifa posts

That's what they're doing, basically

nothing in that tweet is political though? what
next thing you're gonna say linking to reddit is political

>Implies American KKK would support a Nazi occupation of the USA

Yeah no

only the most mentally ill SJWs went to resetera, the tweet shows the twitter is run by those retards

>You will never live in a timeline where Roswell is the only major city in America
Feels bad

Imagine Nintendo posting about a thread on the_donald.

>the actual KKK are marching alongside people unironically waving nazi flags in 2017
>dumb frogposter says white supremacists aren't real
i wonder which one to believe

>Game lets you steal
>Sup Forums: ...
>Game lets you murder
>Sup Forums: ...
>Game lets you torture people
>Sup Forums: ...
>Game lets you rape people
>Sup Forums: ...
>Game lets you wage war
>Sup Forums: ...
>Game lets you kill nazis
>Sup Forums: What the fuck? That's over the line.

bait harder you pathetic retard

Real Nazis wouldn't get along with the KKK.

>>Game lets you rape people
>>Sup Forums: ...

Name one mainstream game that allows for this

>I don't think anyone ever said it wasn't.
Whar cave have you been in?

What does mainstream have to do with it? Also, picture related.

>One of these things is not like the other
You must be retarded if you haven't observed the shift of the political landscape in the last decade, and the politicization of fucking EVERYTHING. I'm sick of having to see some retarded one-dimensional take on the current political climate in VIDEO GAMES that are supposed to be fun. I just wanted to shoot nazis, and not get CNNs take on them while I do it.

if Sup Forums knows it it's mainstream

Any game that has nazis is political, anyone who unironically disagrees is trying to argue against facts.

Oh so you don't have a mainstream example like Wolfenstein that features rape

thanks for playing, fag.

Well, there you go. Sengoku Rance is a mainstream title.

It's a link to resetera, a site that literally popped up yesterday, with the goal of being a far-left forum

Go back to sleep, Patrick

Not an argument.

>actual kkk
>in 2017
you was in special class, dont you?

Assassin's WE WUZ KANGS Creed?

>nazis using ancient necromancy and super jew science to take over the world
>allying with the KKK

Call me when Sengoku Rance gets 9's from Gamespot and is being sold in Wal-Mart

sad because lots of people worked on this game and they let some SJW handle the marketing like this

I don't think I've seen anyone here complain about killing the nazis, just Hitler being an idiot and literally anything the black girl says.

>comparing a subreddit about a politician to a forum about gaming
nu-Sup Forums is literally this retarded

> resetera

>>to a forum about gaming

> I'm sick of having to see some retarded one-dimensional take on the current political climate in VIDEO GAMES that are supposed to be fun.

>alternate history nazi germany
>current political climate

Fiction isn't made in a vacuum

You understand that the actual KKK, the ones that were still around during WWII, fucking hated the Nazis right? Also, Hitler hated the KKK as well because Hitler hated any type of secretive society and thought that they were degenerate.

>forum has an off-topic board
>this means it's not about gaming

>Sup Forums has reverted to the true form of Anita Sarkeesian
it's like my favorite JRPGs

It's not the nazi killing that's the issue

it's the way the devs have not so subtly painted the nazis as stand-ins for the alt-right or Trump supporters.

Their advertising reads like an Antifa recruitment poster as well (KILL EVERY NAZI, THERE IS ONLY ONE SIDE) and since Antifa and the rest of the radical left has made it pretty clear anyone to the right of them is a 'Nazi', you can see where there might be problems with pushing this kind of messaging, in a political climate that is extremely volatile and threatening to rip the country into tiny little pieces.

Hang on, let me go to Sup Forums's off topic board then

Found the triggered nazi.
Make a game about killing antifa then, retard. Nobody's stopping you.

I dont get this, 30 cent american nazis are mad because some media is problematic for them just like the sjw would get mad when a game is too problematic for them?

Sup Forums is not a gaming website if that's what you're implying - but if you go to any sort of website for a specific game you'll find an off-topic board.

You know, I think it would be interesting if you got ally with KKK in this game, it would create bunch of interesting scenes with that Black Power movement girl.
And it would create even more controversy, and more controversy = more attention = more sales
But no, we instead got "whiteys are evil racists"


You can do better than this.
Try again.

> Source: One picture of one guy with a nazi flag that has been posted 103,853,164 (roughly twenty-seven times per poster) because it's the only one in existance

>Communists pitching themselves against nazis to seem like the good guys
Both are cancer


No, go ahead. Is anyone stopping stormfront from making their own game about killing all the antifa, and the communists, and the black people? Go ahead. We let Hatred publish. Nobody's stopping you.

>team up with Bolsheviks in this game
>they are literally called out on their shit the first time you meet them
>"b-but it's commie propaganda"
>team up with black power woman
>she's a horrible person but you're forced to work with her
>"i-it's BLM propaganda"

fucking hell people

You either are intentionally missing the point, or are completely retarded.

>didn't even read my post
How does it feel to be retarded?

>Go ahead. We let Hatred publish.

Barely - it got removed from Steam at first.

And to scathing reviews.

It doesn't make sense economically to make an anti-antifa game.

the update came through. it was at 78k yesterday

Hes simply arguing his point, I agree that the devs have every right to make a game like this but its this sort of marketing/behavior which has lead to a lot of people not buying their game.

Imagine being this desperate to cover up for your failed Wolfie game

Still abysmal for a AAA game

The implication there was that you'd be able to create interesting scenarios with groups that are a bit more morally grey, right? That's literally what happens with the Bolsheviks.

>Hitler hated any type of secretive society and thought that they were degenerate
Oh, that is why he was in one.

I know, it should break 800k to be decent at least

Then what was the point? That we should just make sure to never include Nazis in anything, just in case it hurts the sensitive feelings of the soft, thin-skinned Trumpanzees? We don't wanna trigger them? Make your point, I'm not the one missing it.

Then that should be fine. It did a thing they don't agree with and therefore won't sell well, right? Where's the problem?

So opposing the dead-end ideology of openly violent thugs who thinks it's okay to beat people in the streets or threaten to kill them because they didn't vote Hillary automagically makes you a goosestepping, jew hating Nazi now?

Imagine having no arguments but still wanting to contribute to the echo chamber

>secretive society
>third reich political party
youre a special kind of stupid aint you.

So what? are alt-righters so retarded and weak minded they will get triggered by a game about killing nazis from an alternate timeline the 60s?

Im sorry if the political climate is volatile, but I dont think anyone not retarded would give a fuck about it if some kids get mad at an evil vidya, just lke some retards got mad at movies like boys n the hood because protraying that kind of story was deemed irresponsible during the gang epidemic in the 80s-90s Los Angeles

Because those two groups still represent the ideas stablished in history as they share the same imagery and values like their rl counterparts

Try to make a game where hitler is the good guy. You say its fiction so there shouldn't be sny problem, right?

Oh look, another Patrick.

Can someone post that ID card meme with Patrick that dealt with this? I forgot to save it.

I think you mispelled "Heil People"

No, marching around waving actual nazi flags, heiling in public, and putting swastikas on your clothes makes you a subhuman punching bag.
I don't care about who did or didn't vote for Trump, there are actual nazis doing actual nazi-ism and it shouldn't be controversial to support violence against them.

entitled too

he was in an occult society you idiot

Lots of Patricks today.

>it shouldn't be controversial to support violence against them.

very dangerous road to go down that 100% ends in you getting bodied in the street

So nazis are so thin-skinned that they're triggered by videogames, but so tough that they'll actually start some kind of conflict that could reach me.


I bet you cried when Moldylocks got punched in the face.

That wasn't the argument retard.


Better yet, make a game where you take the role of a regular nazi. And go through his story of joining the third reich when he was sixteen meeting hitler being mentored by nazis and fighting battles from their viewpoint. After being wounded in a fight you are saved by an american soldier who gets shot by another nazi while rescuing you. After recovering you begin to question your morals and the morals of your party.
This was a fucking book and liberals wont know this and still try to get it banned or censored because it "humanizes" nazis

All evidence points to actual nazis getting laid out in just about every real scenario. My grandfather was in the AF in WWII, I'd gladly fly through a storm of flak to drop scatterbombs on any of these fucking "Alt-Right" dipshits.

>It doesn't make sense economically to make an anti-antifa game.
Why not? Hatred was deemed a success for its polish publishers, despite all the cries from the SJW
And you dont even have to go all the way, just make a game where the SJW win the cultural war and everything goes to shit when the aliens invade and they cant protect humanity because all the weapons got destroyed, like that twilight zone episode, or its simpsons parody

oh youre just a literal underage faggot acting hard, doesnt matter then. youre nothing

>I'd gladly fly through a storm of flak to drop scatterbombs on any of these fucking Trump supporters
Is this what you wanted to write?

B-but resetera has no influence! Devs h-hate them!


But I thought everyone "hates" the "violent thugs". If they're so awful then there ought to be tons of support for an anti-antifa game!

I'm not super politically active, I mostly make a hobby of videogames. Because this is a VIDEOGAME BOARD.

Not OP, but I just started the game 1 hour ago and during the prolouge section I already had

>nigger shaming
>fat shaming
>domestic violence against women
>"like a goddamn queer"

I won't go apeshit about it like some people here, but it certainly made me raise an eyebrow.

30 Antifa couldnt handle one skinhead with a knife

Nah, my brother voted trump. What he isn't is a racist. But hey, great strawman fallacy.

Everyone knows youre a faggot and you know where the rest of this goes

>(thumb outside of the fist)
Somebody please post it.