Best Metroid game?

Best Metroid game?

>pc in the lounge
Do American's really do this?

I want to impregnate and marry STPeach

>Marrying a whore

why do cosplay sluts love zero suit samus so much?
if they just want an excuse to wear a bodysuit, asagi from the hit video game franchise Taimanin Asagi is a much better outfit to choose.

Delet this Lisa is not a whore

Why not? close to food

Thanks for a laugh

bedroom is for fucking user

I can't believe she's dating a fucking gook. White genocide is real

Really makes you think about the way you are spending your 20s

Britfag here. My wife and I both have desktops in the lounge.

Why is she so perfect?

Because nobody has answered the question: Super Metroid. Some argue the Metroid Prime, Metroid Zero Mission, and AM2R all compete for the spot though

ass too large

I want to impregnate Samus

sleep quality improved a lot after moving my pc
and i dont waste as much time jerking off

>putting your pc under the desk right next to your chair/legs

I want to remodel her shithole

user too irish

Looks like she's got a serious case of lumbar lordosis

I'm trying to get /fit/ user, I really am.
Not really, I can't keep it up

>the way you are spending your 20s

haha good one dude

i am 33

I want a serious case of STPeach

>this literal 7 making more than actual strippers at a strip club

no such thing



Bedrooms are for sleeping and sex. Doing other shit in there fucks with your sleep.
I bet you dick around on your phone before you go to sleep don't you faggot.

7 more years and I'm at least done

30s ain't gonna be different

What? Every girl I know spends a ton of time staying up and watching netflix on their laptop. For the longest time I had my PC in my room and it was fine, you just turn it off and go to sleep when you're done doing shit on it. I moved house recently and now have it in an office room, but I had no issues before. If anything, the bedroom feels like a waste of space now, I only go in there to sleep.

She doesn't even need photoshop though

bedrooms are for comfy, computers are for comfy.
bedrooms are for computers.

t. virgin 15 year old

shes a seven

Thanks for reminding me I've wasted my youth.

t. 29yo

Her face is a bit goofy, but her body is on point, there's no denying this.


Who is this qt

those body suits are cheap as hell
easy cosplay, easy donations from retards

how many tons of makeup is that?

I want to fuse my peenus weenus with her butthole

that's a long tongue

>If anything, the bedroom feels like a waste of space now, I only go in there to sleep.
That's what it's for, Kids keep their consoles in their rooms because its meant to be "their" space in the house. It's good to keep your bedroom solely for the purpose of sleep and procreation, You're body finds it more difficult to shut down and rest if you're in your bedroom for extended periods of time outside of sleep.

@serinide twitter

More shop than makeup.
Offhand, foundation, mascara and eye liner, maybe lip gloss. Her eyebrows are properly plucked, got them done professionally I wager.
Colored contacts, wig is very meh. It's the shop that is really washing out her contures and skin depth.




Metroid: Zero Mission > Super Metroid > Metroid Prime > Metroid Prime 2 > AM2R > Metroid Fusion > Metroid Prime 3 > Metroid 2 > Metroid >>>>>>>>>Other M
I can't put Super Metroid at the top on account of my hatred for Maridia. It's the worst area in all the 2D games. It's a pain to navigate, the upgrades are in such obscure locations that even with the x-ray visor you can't see them, the sand pits can bite my ass and the music grates after a while


Reb is a gift.


no one posted the pictures of her yet but there is a reason almost all her pictures are from her side and not straight on. She has shit genetics and he legs are like 2 spaghettis but she does have the butt. The only real thing that anyone should care about in OPs pic is that god tier desk which lets you have both your keyboard and monitor straight near your face by having a second level right on top.

Why do people immediately assume that pictures like this are American? Are there no white women left in Europe?

Forget these

I'm 30, at least we are at that age where dangerously young girls want us. It caught me off gaurd at first. Like I was being Chris Hansened. I wish "18" year olds were as into me in when I was in my twenties, but I guess I can't complain.

You think this the pinnacle of man's purpose?


who is this lady?


Only Muslims and Africans are allowed in Europe now. White people are banned. Get with the times, grandpa.

I would let her have sex with me

> at that age where dangerously young girls want us
is this real?
where do you even find those "18" yo girls if you're 30?

what did she mean by this?

False flag same fag ignore this b8

I'm a young girl and 30 yr. old guys make me wet. I love hairy chests and daddy dicks

I want to pump that butt

Better than in the kitchen.

Through work, we hire high school and college kids for cheap labor with the promise of full time work later.

Im 25 is that close enough


tits or gtfo

Ha. I spent my 20's jobless, no "friends" as they all abandoned me, stuck living at home with mother, losing my home and being forced to move into a shitty manufactured house, all because a doctor fucked up when performing a minor surgery on my back that left me in constant agonizing pain but unable to get any form of disability due to being a white male and my long-term disability insurance dumped my slowly expanding ass due to the doctors lying to them about what they did. And thanks to the laws passed by the ex-surgeon governor of my state I couldn't access (even under court order) the records that proved my medical issue beyond "Unknown".
I only operate on a daily basis now due to taking morphine every 4 hours. I should be kissing my liver and kidneys goodbye in about 5 years.

man thats fucking brutal. I'm sorry to hear that user.
Thanks obama?
Take this image as something to cheer you up.

>ll because a doctor fucked up when performing a minor surgery on my back that left me in constant agonizing pain
Why did I immediately thought of grey's anatomy when I read this?

gray's anatomy gets me so fucking horny

huh, why?
I mean I can't believe I'm watching it. a guilty pleasure. I think I'll stop at season 10.

Talk about the fucking OP.

my gf and i used to fuck while she watched it all the time

That fucking sucks. That is one thing I give the socialist euro nations. The healthcare and how apeshit people go when healthcare kills or make someone sicker. But on the other hand, one might die from waiting in queue these days if you're to weak but not weak enough to get emergency operations.

Sorry to hear your story mate.

They probably suck as hard as anons doctor did.

Oh shit, well that makes sense. I can imagine that

jk actually she just liked the show and hearing about it reminds me of how much i liked her (ex gf obvs)


>people suddenly like ltg after he blew up cowobese momokun after hating him for years
my sides, never change Sup Forums

>repeating something he said = Sup Forums must suddenly like him

you know you have to be 18 to post here right

>one might die from waiting in queue
only if you are white, mudskins take priority

There's no need. Everyone knows that Prime 2 is the best Metroid game. It's an objective fact.

Don't tell them how to live.

What do I need to do to get this ass? One million squats?

Haha have fun dying whitey

I'm sorry user. I would let you have my body if you wanted it.


2-3 times a week in the gym, work on the lower body mostly. come back in 6 months.

that works too, easy way out however.

>implying strippers are above a 7

This sounds as expensive and hard as the cock I'm trying to attract in the first place. I'm really good at cheating and lying, can't I use those skills to expand my ass somehow?


Unless your words can increase the mass of your rear, then no.

men may be more autistic and one minded and shit, but goddamn women are inject-bacteria-into-your-face-and-ass-for-the-inflammation-effects 100% batshit fucking bonkers

You underestimate how envious women can be.

>only jap probe
>"missed planet"