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>Owners: 4,395 ± 1,972

Why didn't you buy Blue Reflection?

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Because tt's censored in the west, faggot.

Why is she sitting like that?

What? First time hearing that

I pirated an played it for a while. The girls were cute, but the combat was incredibly boring and lackluster (especially the animations).
what did they censor?

>what did they censor?

is the gameplay serviceable? i feel like i should buy it just for this webm


>Model viewer
Nothing of importance is lost.
As long as you can mod it as in OP's pic, no issues here.

Maybe her butt hurts

I pirated it, thinking of dropping it. Gameplay is awful, characters are cliche and boring, story has gone no where, forced fetch/kill quests in the same small 4-5 environments to progress. I think the music is the only thing I like about it.

Bought it. Played the first 2 chapter. Story is typical japanese highschool magical girl. "I'd better dead because dancing is all I can do and my leg is injured etc etc." "But you have to try MC chan, you can do anything."
Combat is boring, the animation doesn't have much impact.
No graphic settings. Can't skip cutscenes.
I guess the girls are cute. Might continue it again after other games.

From what?

>As long as you can mod it as in OP's pic, no issues here.

This is your typical nuGust """""""""""""""""fan"""""""""""""""""""

no thong panties, only boring ones.

I only own ps3 gust games.
Never played them though because of my huge backlog.

Because it's really fucking expensive.

I want to fuck that eye

>censorship is okay as long as you can get around it

Schoolmate 3 by Gust when ?

Before steam I had to put up with most censored games because of germans.

Gameplay looks boring.
I don't like yuri.

It's a shame because it looks quite nice even though they can't into pc ports for shit.

At least those are not fucking censored unlike this one.

And here I was ever so slightly interested

Please. Say what you will about illusion but they animate better than this shit.

Not censored but Atelier Ayesha was dub only.

waiting for a sale

From what I've heard it's typical yuri-bait without anything happening and it just being vague undertones.
I hate that shit more than just straight up yuri.

Bought it on the PS4

>$59.99 with an additional $79.99 season pass
Quite fucking literally, this is the year I stopped caring about Japanese games.


yurishit curator on steam said it's only very few characters and nothing explicit
there is no romance in this game apparently


>with an additional $79.99 season pass that contains only costumes
Like, really.

Too small tiddies.

Really. If Japanese companies keep trying this shit, they can just keep their games in Japan.

natsume yuujinchou

How long is the game?

can i pirate this game already?

Because its $60 for a game that I just found out from this thread.

The girls is cute, but the gameplay doesn't look all that interesting.
Years of experience learning that i shouldn't trust my dick has already come into fruition.

Because it's exactly what is that kind of game fanbase want.
Also i imagine that Gust is dying for some additional dosh right now.

ok seriously what's the context here


Only normalfags paying for the latest CoD/Madden pay for full price day 1. And Personafags/Danganronpafags apparently, which says a lot about those fanbases. Everybody else knows to wait because if nobody buys it you can get it for 30 or less in a sale a few months down the line. Or you know, just pirate it and save yourself the headache. If it's weeb it's probably a shit port anyway.


i miss when underage panty quest was just an exaggeration/joke

>60 dollars on a weeb game
the game is as generic as a JRPG can be, the only selling point would be the girls, but I'm not spending 60 dollars to fap

Gust can't die soon enough, they already botched Atelier beyond repair by making it just another mediocre jrpg, it would be a mercy kill at this point.

This is the best one

I just pirated the Darksiders release and both Avast and windows defender freaked out and I can't execute the installer exe.

Is this release borked or should I circumvent the antivirus?

>Bought it
>Enjoyed it
>100% achievements

Not worth $60 though.

Only thing I like about this game is that they took the basic sameface lowpoly models JRPGs use nowadays(Tales, neptunia and so on) and put decent shaders on top.

Hopefully it will influence others to do the same, hair looks really good for example and it changes a bit the visuals

Where do I get this pose and camera angle mod? Are there any other tweaks I can add to the game like HBAO or downscaling?

wich atelier should i absolutely play ?
on pc if possible

you sound like a stupid mouthbreather user
what release are you even talking about ?
you're using avast ???
are you pretending to be retarded ? stop posting for a while

I didnt like how the animations in combat were really meh. I miss the over exegerrated attack animations of games like Neptunia, or in Gust's case, Mana Khemia. The attacks and special effects in the game really felt powerful and made the turn based combat enjoyable. The combat in this game in comparison is like looking at a perfume commercial. It's just too girly for my tastes.

>60 eurodollars
Is it good?

I would have if it was localized on the Vita desu. Since it wasn't I just pirated it instead

>on pc if possible
The best Atelier games are on Vita

Just pirate it

It's 30 bucks tops.

Also pirate the DLC. Shelling 70 dollaroos on swimsuits beyond stupid

I grew out of magical girl bullshit with do re mi when I was around 8 years old. You should do the same.

>60 eurodollars for magical girl shit with suck ass gameplay and a bit of ecchi.

Yeah no thanks I'd rather just play AA2 or HS if I wanna jerk off and some actual game for the gameplay.


30 hours.

It's decent, but no way it's worth 60 €/$. 30 tops.

Too expensive. I'll buy it when it's cheap

because it's yurishit

It's fine. See

Reminder that the pirated version has all the DLC costumes in the SEASON pass.Everything they plan on releasing as dlc is already in the game

Whoops. Meant to link

>space bedore question mark

hope you like rpcs3


30 hours for 100%

you sure are
best moment of my life was when tomoyo got ntr'd

It's not, it's just typical Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, there's no romance

right, but that's the crowd it looks like it's meant to appeal to. it's yuri fanservice even if it's not outright yuri. like prisma ilya.

You mean just like every moe slice of life show since Azumanga Daioh?

Otaku just wanna watch little girls go about their daily lives and chat about nonsense.

i would like to give this girl lots of cummies

there's a pretty significant difference between azumanga and prisma ilya. if you're saying it's closer to the former then i believe you, but all the screens and webms i've seen look more like the latter.

It's purposefully ambiguous to appeal to both yurifags and waifufags, like every other Cute Girls Doing Cute Things anime and games
>like prisma ilya
All the girls in Prisma Illya still want to fuck Shirou

>Why didn't you buy Blue Reflection?
Because I don't trust Gust anymore

>All the girls in Prisma Illya still want to fuck Shirou
and yet 99% of the fanservice in the show is obviously oriented a certain way

Because I'm not paying $60 for a fairly mediocre game. I'll wait until it's ~15 before I consider it

shitty optimisation, even the the evil within 2 runs better

Gust needs to fucking die already.
But preserve their sound team and send them to a better developer.

That's because people are posting mods with freeview camera.

In the game, you have to wrestle with the camera to get a good view.

>All the girls in Prisma Illya still want to fuck Shirou

That's just for consistency but let's not pretend we dont know who the show panders to.

Same shit with yaoi centric franchises like Sengoku Basara. Some characters clearly have wives, but the man on man action is a lot more intense, if you catch my drift.

Looking back. I dont think Gust has ever made a quality game in its entire existence.

They have like 1 or 2 memorable and redeeming features but the core gameplay always left something to be desired. They really should stop with the 1 year dev cycle.

The "yuri" in Prisma Illya is just visual fan service, there's no romance behind it. Yuri fans are the biggest purityfags who get in a fit if a girl so much as talks to male character. The fanservice is 100% aimed at waifufags who just want to see les action before going to the het. Yurifags would rather watch something like K-On than Prisma Illya.

The games have always been shoestring budget but until recently they've all had their charming points and the gameplay is functional enough to carry the games, but it seems like every entry just has one major flaw really dragging it down.
I do agree with the 1 year dev cycle though; Atelier games could be so much better if they had more dev time. It's not even KT pushing out releases or anything either.

Gust has simply been unable to keep up with the tech. Back in the PS1 days makes video games was much easier and far simpler. Now you have to deal with powerful systems with complex APIs owned by people that expect good graphics, big worlds, detailed textures and characters, etc. Making a simple yuribait these days for a quick buck is no longer an easy task

The move to 3D really fucked them over, that's for sure. Ar Tonelico 3 is one such case.

Blue Reflection looks really nice, but for some reason I feel like I'm playing a demo.

Question for people who don't like it because it's "yuri" (Not really but I know what you mean), would you prefer if she had a boyfriend? Seems kinda gay to me since you're playing as the girl.

Miyu doesn't, she's pretty much Illyasexual.


Question, how does the game run? I heard it was pretty shit duting launch but now its okay.
Does the pirated version have the latest patch?

Everyone is Illyasexual.

>pirate game
>client breaks and gives me "this program did not run correctly" error almost immediately after I launch it at any given time
>some patch or different upload or something a few days later
>same thing
Oh well.

But what is "neither"? There's no yuri in this game, she just has female friends so people say it's yuri. The most yuri thing that happens is a girl looks at her panties.