PC Gaming isn't all it's cracked up to be


Is he right Sup Forums?

Can't believe a quarter of steam users use Intel intregrated GPUs.

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fuck off
>Can't believe a quarter of steam users use Intel intregrated GPUs.
you are a literal retard

I do.
But I'm not a steam user.
Also fuck your video, not watching it.

>PC gaming is shit because there are a lot of laptop gamers out there playing indie games


>Can't believe a quarter of steam users use Intel intregrated GPUs.
Wow you mean there are third worlders and normies on steam? I would have never guessed. Not even clicking on your shit video.

PC gaming blows. I spent more on my soundcard then most people spend on their gpu/cpu combo. Glad I did too:
>24 similtanous audio inputs with crystal clear preamps and a ton of outputs.
I game on console, my PC is for real shit.

It's not my video dude, just this guy is pretty much spot on in his analysis.

Holy shit do you also have a Voodoo?
Anyway laptop gamer here I have a 960m 2gigs good card

I ain't watching all that.

>Can't believe a quarter of steam users use Intel intregrated GPUs

A lot of people with no money get stean to play the F2P games that don't demand much power, like TF2, DotA, etc etc.

t. Used to play on laptop around 2010, till i got money.

>Third worlders matter
They only play CSGO anyway. How do they influence "pc gaming" in any way?

you're supposed to pay for ads to shill your youtube channel op

>Can't believe a quarter of steam users use Intel intregrated GPUs.
You do know that many people have a PC and a craptop, and thus may have Steam installed on both? Not to mention many people use Steam as their "social media" outlet AND instant-messaging program.

I alone got 2 PCs and 3 laptops, and I've installed Steam on all of them + almost all my relatives computers as well, just to be able to keep in touch with my pals on the go, and may be do some light gaming.

This is yet another corrupted way of analyzing statistics as the old "over 50% of all gamers are female!" fiasco; yeah sure, it holds up if you count every granny who plays two minutes of Solitare, Mine sweeper or a random FB game a day, but it really goes off the point.

>Wow you mean there are third worlders and normies on steam?
I wish people would finally look up what the term "3rd world country" means. Many 3WCs have way better financial and technological situation than USA.

Nop op, but 3rd worlders are influential in that they push F2P bussiness models. They pirate everything due to lack of money, so devs do "free" games to get money from them in smal doses

Why you lying OP. Video has basically no views and you have an annoying ass nasally voice. In the 10 seconds I could stand to listen to you, you didn't say anything of value. No one that wasn't the kid in the video or his mom trying to get his youtube career to take off would bother sharing that abortion of a video. If you legitimately didn't make it you need to get some better fucking taste.

>turns camera towards himself
Thats the biggest mistake right there.

Looks better than you permavirgin.


user, how did you wander off from Reddit like that?



>Can't believe a quarter of steam users use Intel intregrated GPUs.

50% of steam windows users don't even speak english

~30-40% of steam users have 768p screens
~25% have integrated CPU's

The answer is fucking obvious: Half of steam users are 3rd world poorfags playing on laptops

see Most people simply have installed Steam everything they own + their momma's Dell laptop from 2009.

I have a 24-channel Roland Studio-Capture interface.