>parents start talking about video games
Parents start talking about video games
Other urls found in this thread:
>you used to like pokemans, right user?
>tell my parents I quit my job to stream full time
>They ask for stream url so they can "watch and help me out"
>regularly talk about lewd doujins, swear like a sailor, and tease my gamer-girlfriend while streaming.
>dad only plays WoW
>tells me how amazing his rogue is
>its trash
>nod politely
What's your twitch bro
>dad is a christfag
>wants to play some vidya
>get him Doom 2016
>calls me all pissed off asking why I got him a satanic game
You kill the demons you fucking dunce.
my mum was complaining about the lads not turning up for work because Destiny 2. but they also told her m+kb is superior for FPS, so i dont know, they must be half-pleb, half-patrician.
but he got a legendary artifact blades of legend!
No, John, you are the demons
>"yes mom but I'm an adult now"
>little bro started streaming Minecraft
>mom joined him one night wearing her nightgown
>stream went from 10 people to 300
>mom liked the attention
>now she streams each night
>my fucking classmates watch and my mom drags me and my little bro into the stream too
Kill me
post pics
I still play SSX on the PS2 with my dad, good fun
>dad wants nothing to do with vidya, hes more the productiv kind of person
>he loves football tho
>he asks me what im doing one day
>tell him im going to a friend and watch the Sup Forums football cup
>tfw he wants me to go into detail and i can see how he goes from exited too confused dissepointment
post stream
free money dude
>regularly talk about lewd doujins, swear like a sailor, and tease my gamer-girlfriend while streaming.
thats a fucked up thing for your parents to do
>quit my job to stream full time
is this a thing that people actually do?
thats fucked up
>being atheist in 2017
Dumb normalfag.
I wish my parents still played vidya.
They aren't interested in anything I like.
If it's my dad, he doesn't give a shit if the topic is not 80's-90's action movies, or fishing programs.
If it's my mom, she doesn't care unless it was posted about on Facebook, or if it's some rom-com.
My little brother also never talks to me at all. He just fucks off during the day and comes home sometime in the morning.
>muh counterculture
>being older than 16
>still living with your parents
Almost as bad as wearing a fedora.
That's hot, but your mother's a whore. Daddy is probably not able to get it up for her anymore.
Nice bait
In this day and age, leaving the house is only possible if you are son of rich parents or you have a job that earns you 5 or 6 figures already.
Or constantly using an anime reaction image
The majority of people under 35 in America and even more in Europe don't practice any religion.
Got em.
It was either that or commit suicide because I hated my life waking up at 6am every morning for work. I'll give streaming a shot and see where it leads.
>mom has spent more on candy crush in a year than i have in video games.
What the fuck do you even spend money on in that game?
Jesus Christ just reading a page of that makes me want this faggot dead, 7 years ago this place was clean of trash like this.
well good luck to you but i worry about the longevity of such an endeavor
>gamer girlfriend
Just letting you know she is riding Chads cock on the side and using you for emotional and financial support you cuck.
It's legitimately impossible to move out unless you have a lot of money saved up, have rich parents that pay the bills for you, or you have a decent job - good fucking luck on the last one, especially if you live in a small town. Finding a job, any job, is insanely hard. If you don't have any connections, it's even worse.
extra turns, which are basically like lives in arcade machines but jewed up to 11.
My sister is moving out alone this year, she makes like 1-2$/h over the minimum wage.
They are temporal boosts to keep playing or power ups that last a sinlge time.
>finding a job, any job is insanely hard
>this is said on an imageboard where the average poster can't be fucked to go to a temp agency every morning at opening.
Factory work, grave digger, and construction always have work. You just don't wanna do it.
>especially if you live in a small town
Um, move? I was born and raised in bumfuck West Virginia. I realized that my town had nothing but meth and depression, so I moved my ass to Orlando.
I have spent half a year trying to find a job, but absolutely no one will take me.
How the fuck do people not just end up dead in the streets.
Being ambitious enough still to carry your ass to the welfare office.
>Jobs that make you want to kill yourself if you don't actually accidentally kill yourself are ok
lmao @ your life kiddo
You wanna eat or continue to bitch about how you can't eat.
How many applications do you submit per week?
How many hours every week do you spend looking for a job? If you're not spending 40hours a week looking, you're not spending enough time looking for jobs.
If you treat job hunting like a full time job, you'll find something, the jobs are out there, believe it or not.
Some do. They're the unemployable ones with no family support and likely a severe drug addiction.
This and this. Factories and construction crews are always hiring. He is also right about me not wanting to do it. Being homeless ain't so bad once you figure it out. It's honestly easier than working a back breaking 12 hour, 6 days a week.
I applied primarily at construction and demolition companies. I even applied to shovelling manure. Shovelling litteral shit, and they still couldn't take me.
>attractive girls you are friends with start talking about videogames
>like tons of games
>want to buy a switch for mario odyssey
It's easier, but you will die of hepatitis.
this, couldn't he just stream on the side?
Moving out of your parent's house the minute you become of legal age is a strictly american meme
>tfw when your dad stopped playing wow
he says he would get back into it if he has the time but Christ i miss questing with him but he stopped in cata
he for some reason insists the level cap in vanilla was 50
if you don't live with your parents until you make like ~100k a year then you're financially fucking retarded. renting an apt worth a damn will run you at least like 1350 in any large city, if not 2k...
We are all going to die someday user. For now, I'm a vagrant with a badass laptop and I spend 14 hours a day bumming Wi-Fi at my local library. I don't even have to use a VPN when I pirate shit.
i work at a place that will give you 12/hour to wash dishes with several other people, with a giant conveyor belt dish washing machine doing all the work for you, and theyll feed you and give you benefits after 90 days, and a sign on bonus of 100$ and you will literally get hired if you walk in and tell them you want a job, that is how fucking lazy society is. the job is always available, and most people leave after 1 day. the only time a woman was going to start she didnt even show up to the first day
I'm beyond double that age, and have the whole house to myself for the winter to play vidya, u mad?
>attractive co-worker
>plays primarily warframe and terraria
>somehow hasn't heard of Dark Souls when I bring it up
>convince her to try it
>she's played and beaten all 3 games and loved them
>never really talk much with each other after
We have Haitians, Cubans, Mexicans, Moroccans, South Americans, and Easterners at my job fresh off the boat working enough to have an apartment and car. If they can do it with the language and culture differences, you don't have much of an excuse.
wow sounds like you're pretty retarded for not following up
>"Do they speak chinese in this game?"
>"It's japanese, mom"
>"I see."
>try to continue the topic by telling her some trivia or interesting facts she may like
>clearly not interested
>keeps asking this every few months
She probably thinks I'm getting lonely sitting all the day in front of a pc/console so she strikes this conversation.
Everybody dies, you can't stop it
you can't run away from it
>"video games won't pay your bills user"
>"alcohol doesn't either but that doesn't stop dad"
>internet disconnected the next day
>video games are the reason your life is a failure
I didn't play video games for almost 2 years when she said that
She just got kind of distant. She started working a second job and also taking up study and it felt like she wasn't really completely there at work. We were never that close though.
I'm gay anyway.
been there, done that, also use tails linux to do deep web shit like that because honestly at a place that is public wifi, you cant be sure if mine even connected to wifi by the time i spoof mac address. not to mention no records in my harddrive of connecting to deep web at all
>i'm gay anyways
then why would you even bring this story up....
that's like saying "ya i got my friend into this game, he really liked it but we never spoke much after" like where's the catch? wtf is the point of typing it out lol
>waking up at 6am for work
>a struggle
back to your doujins and hugbox stream senpai.
>dad is a christfag
>go through his computer one day
>find his hentai folder
And our lives were still failure.
>Not having a based dad to play Pic related with
>being homeless is easy
fucking try it for a month my dude
>not starting to play games because of a gamer parents
I pity you. I still remember my dad playing tomb raider killing stuff while my mom helped him solve puzzles
>believing move out meme
only americucks do that, there's no reason to move out before marriage, unless you're going to a different city
"Le moving out when you are 18" bullshit is fostered almost entirely by 'Murricans.
Practically no one actually does, or can do it.
>co-workers/family know I play video games a lot
>'so what game you been playing?'
>always try to deflect and just say 'just been playing some fantasy adventure games lately' or 'been playing some fighting games' and keep it vague
>mfw they specifically ask for the name of the game
>tell them
>'never heard of it'
no shit you haven't heard of it you've never heard of it the last 10 times you've asked this question and you probably never will because you don't play video games.
I understand people do it to show that they're trying to be friendly but fuck.
have you considered being more interesting?
>moved my ass to Orlando
Oh God you stupid fuck! Get out of Florida! For the love of your soul get out of Florida now!!
Been living in a tent and doing this since June my man. It's really not hard. Campground has a public shower, between food pantries, feel good conservatives and bleeding heart dumbasses I never go hungry and the hotel literally next to the library has free fucking laundry. It IS fucking easy and it's honestly a decent way to get /fit/.
>be me
>have a dad who only plays combat flight simulators
>every time I buy a game he asks "is there a new flight simulator"
>every time I try to explain they don't make those games anymore
I've seen so many people in my life who work on back-breaking jobs, have very little free time they end up spending sleeping or watching something relaxing.
Most of them bitch about how the job is hard, half of their colleagues are toxic faggots and the boss is a massive dickhead. These people had hobbies and dreams in the past, they were fun to talk to, now I barely have an opportunity to talk to them even once or twice a season.
I understand some of them are in a tight spot, this is a third world shithole I'm talking about after all. But it feels like some people don't just HAVE to work, they THINK that they have to work, because the society tells them so.
>get dads Laptop for a school related Stufe
>find emails that show hes cheating on my mom with multiple women
>fap to all the nude pics
Video games
Dude I wait tables and my gf and I live in a 2 bedroom house and a car. Its not much but its doable depending on where you live.
why do you live in the car when you have a house
It's about dignity for most of them user. Being unemployed isn't something to be proud of. Most of us here can't relate, because we've been conditioned to not give a shit.
why would you live in a house when you have a car? Houses can't move around
Better than posting smug amine retard worst girls.
>not saying something easy as Zelda just to get em off your back or something long and obsured from the east that you can hardly prenounce just to mess with them
>Companies hire briwnies on the cheap so they don't have to hire an actual human and pay full salary
>This is somehow their fault
Wrong. It is hard to find a hob, thank god I had connections and have it pretty decent in real estate at the moment.
But for most, any job os either taken by worthless immigrants or requires absurd amounts of experience/a degree/ connections. The job market in 2017 is nothing short of atrocious
Your sister is also a dumb whore who is most likely sucking off the landlord.
This. Economic laws are different for women because pussy is currency anywhere in the fucking world.
>someone you know uses video game analogies while talking to you
>they themselves are somewhat serious, career minded individuals who most likely don't even care for them one bit
I seem to recall a certain girl talking to me back when I was 16 or 17. I'm still wondering if she was being condescending or just trying to find a way to relate to me somehow.
I'm 22 now. Video Games
>it's everyone else's fault but mine!
Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, buddy.
She's a sheltered 26y/o virgin who never goes out except for work, spend all her free time either watchin tv shows or playing vidya, but yeah you're absolutely right.
What kind of neet faggot are you that you have no clue as just how huge a part nepotism and such plays in the job market.
get ready for the influx of
>26 years old
Get a load of this lad. I get she's your sister and all, but she has taken some pipe at some point. I assure you.
I already have a job, but that doesn't change reality
>the 62,000 workers at my job are all related