Civ 6

Is it worth it yet?

I have 50% off the digital deluxe in case you wanna see for yourself.

Not really. As far as Civ games without expansions go it's excellent but it's still a Civ game without an expansion. I'd say wait for one before trying it out.

The font is fucking tiny. Other than that, its alright. Rather be playing caveman 2 cosmos.

Are you playing on a phone? I hear Civ VI complaints all the time but never once about the fucking font size.

Nah, on a 1080p monitor. Compared to V it's fucking tiny. Luckily it's easy to mod font size values in an ini somewhere.

the last update seems to have been a step in the right direction, but i still can't recommend

The Nuke System is hyper-aids in this game. It literally fucks lategame Players.


Never was, never will be. Can't fix what's fundamentally broken.

Vanilla V was bonderline unplayable too compared to BNW.

me user pick me

Honestly I fucking hate districts.
On top of the overall UI being god fucking awful compared to Civ V, districts just make me hate the game.

The broken AI makes it seriously tame compared to 5 which feels and works alot better.
Everyone and their mother has been spammed with that coupon.

I don't mind districts, but literally most of the "new" shit they implemented like disposable workers and neighbor civs spamming cities in yourface, is so annoying.

Nevermind I got cucked by that goddamn mobile authentication bullshit.

>why won't this strategy game play itself
>wow what the fuck do you really expect me to use my brain for once?

Everything is borderline unplayable compared to BNW. Especially if you throw Vox Populi on top of it. Until CIV VI gets a real expansion and not a bunch of single civ DLCs with scenarios no one plays, I'll stick to endless legend

No. The AI is still game-ruiningly bad. In many cases in completely different ways to launch Civ 6

I feel a lot of people gloss over just how atrotious the AI is in it. Like, it just gets accepted as "Civ games have bad AI haha", but no. It's not like Civ V where they all backstabbed you because they were playing the same game you were, rather than simulating leaders. It's not just general incompetence or letting you cheese them. The AI is completely and utterly non-functional. They do random, nonsensical shit constantly, to a ridiculous degree. The diplomacy not only wildly swings but is often entire based on meeting their agenda which is often shit you literally can't meet. They'll declare war on you constantly and not do a single thing about it. They'll prioritize colonization to a ridiculous extent, to the point where they'll willingly setting areas with literally one tundra tile accessible to them. Colonization actually seems to be their one and only goal; once all the land's been scooped up they will just completely shut the fuck off and do nothing for the rest of the game.

That bears reddit spacing out and repeating on another line: The AI just shuts off halfway through the game and takes no further action. This happens

Civ VI literally does not have a lategame in singleplayer.

Honestly some of the scenarios are kinda neat. You're right about it being shit though, that's not even close to worth it.

Which civ has the best singleplayer?

>when they build Chichen in cities with a single tile of jungle and Huey in single tile lakes
Also dunno if it's intended or not but city states currently seem better at protecting themselves than actual civs.


4 is decent, I usually do a comp stomp session every few months

Yeah, the dual factors of the city states not shutting off and doing nothing, and city states having nothing to build so they just endlessly make units kinda leads to them being better than Civs at staying alive. The latter was a problem in V as well but less extreme, you didn't have even non-military city states filling up almost every tile of their territory with military.

Muh nigga

I'm mad as FUCK that SMAC didn't go anywhere past the expansion. Pretty much the only 4X game that bothered with good setting building and story until, I don't know. Endless games came around and those took a more heavy-handed narrative approach.

>and those took a more heavy-handed narrative approach.
This kind of annoys me. Endless Space 1 really didn't do that but ES2 decided to run with the whole quests things from EL for no reason.

No, it's trash. Just buy 4.

It's alright, they found their niche. Most people play 4X/GS/whatever to tell their own stories.

>no world congress
Fuck the late game is so boring now