Seriously how do i turn this useless shit OFF?
It's dark and the letters are almost invisible...shit is fucking retarded
Great job Sup Forums i cant see shit with this mode
we wuz spooky n sheet
you go to the board style at the bottom
I have a question related to this thread, there seems to be a skeleton trapped inside my monitor and it's dancing, how do I get rid of it?
>being this new
Hello, Reddit. How's your first year on the website?
Do you like it better than r/The_Donald?
>using the default skin for Sup Forums in 2017
>retard being angry at things
wake me up when something new happen
Works fine for me ;)
>newfag doesn't know about styles
>still using that big reply box at the top
Do you have Glaucoma?
No, thats an urban myth. Skeletons don't exist in real life, they were basically created by Dungeons&Dragons.
I wish people would do their research instead of using fantasy as history.
he wont leave you alone unless you kys and join in dancing with him
Get rid of it? That's your friend now, user. Here's there with you forever now.
>he doesn't use 4chanX
>not using the Relative Post Dates option
Bottom right corner reddit faggot.
>skeleton's leg dances into a swastika
Looks like ass, the Halloween theme is the best Sup Forums theme, even without the skeletons and glowing text it is superior to Tomorrow in every way.
still believing in skeletons? LMAO
are you 12 or something
falling for bait this hard
>berating anybody and then adding more fuel
kill yourself
Has anyone seen my 5?
get an mac op, they just werk
How do I keep this style forever?
shut the fuck up you no fun allowed faggot
fuck you, OP. what are you? spooked?
Shut your fucking mouth
Leave and never come back
Doesn't everyone browse Sup Forums on their shiny iPhone™ with it's patented Retina™ screen. :^)
not everyone can afford the newest eyephony :(
Your Sup Forums memes are outdated my man
Shut the fuck up sauce(dead)pan, go back to your scat threads you autistic newfag.
If you actually can't see this, you either need to adjust your monitor or go get tested for colorblindness.
your mom is outdated
8/10 bait, you could have put a few more funny tabs in.
im lazy lol
>no spooky scary skeletons playing