What are your thoughts on the upcoming Xenoblade Chronicles 2?

What are your thoughts on the upcoming Xenoblade Chronicles 2?

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I'm super excited!
Just 1 month to go

I have it pre ordered
Never played the other ones, dont know what they are about
Hopefully its okay

I hope it's better than Xenosaga 2

Anime shit.

I haven't seen or read anything about it but I'm still getting a Switch for it

Soulless anime shit.


Will there be a character who suffers as much as Melia?


I would much prefer an X sequel. Hopefully that's coming next.

XB2 just looks so boring and lifeless after X.

The only game I've been looking forward for my Switch besides maybe project octopath. I bought the thing on Zelda hype and haven't touched it since then. Please be good, PLEASE.

What did we get in today's Japan Time?

Looks okay music is god tier unlike XBCX
Story wise not much can compare with XBC
I hope not my waifu was hurt badly :(

The Character designs in the first Xenoblade were great. What the hell happened?

X music was shit tho
Who knows the monado is badass tho

Pandering to retarded swishh audience.

I hope you know that that image is an edit

if they ported the first one, I might be interested but if not, I and many others won't buy or care about the game. we'll just wait for the next big title

Play in PC the game looks fantastic in 1080p with 16 anti aliasing

>X music was shit tho

it got a pc port?

>X music was shit tho
It wasn't.
End yourself



No but you can have some subpar emulation! Enjoy the true third world experience.

damn, that's lame. don't know if I'd be willing to put up with shit emulation just to play this series. doesn't even look that good and with so many other great games on the horizon, I'll probably just wait

What other JRPGs are on the Horizon?

It will probably be better than it looks, but it looks like shit. The worst character design I have ever seen. Thankfully, Monolith is done with this franchise which doesn't sell and started working on something more appealing internationally before completely going the route of Tales of/Star Ocean.

Excited, so about to stop showing up for these threads unfortunately. I recommend you all do the same too

She should have got with Shulk.

>not going full in for the wild ride

I didn't mean JRPGs in particular but I'm sure you could find something you like. just googled it and there's ni no kuni 2 in January and strange journey redux and radiant historia

the last two are remakes

oh cool. didn't know. not much of a jrpg fan as most of them are turn based and never seem to pull it off well

They're all good.

fuck off with your shitty rap battle theme and go listen to mechanical rythm
>Subpar emulation
Lmao wut? The emulation is amazing
What are your specs? My laptop runs the game highest settings pretty much at like 60fps if I uncap it

Am I insane or does original Chronicles look better than X

Art direction it does it had no reason to be so good

You're insane

You kind of are, plus that's an HD texture pack on the first Xenoblade.

Not the user you replied to but literally only one song does that and it's not even remotely as obnoxious as you make it seem. XCX music overall is pretty great, as is XC music.

NLA theme was shit the flying theme was shit seriously "over the rainbow" why not use the area theme but add some more instruments to it. The rap battle theme is garbage wir flegen is good though
It doesn't compare the XBC

This design doesn't seem nearly as bad now that I know what the suit is for.

Pretty excited. Environments look good, character models are on par with Xenosaga 3 and the ost is looking great. Now it just needs a story that doesn't go full retarded midgame like the first one

Wut was wrong with XBC story?

I disagree with everything you said except the flying theme. Definitely would've been better without lyrics.

The continent themes were great and some boss themes too but the normal battle theme is awful and the flight music is annoying as fuck after a while

Barely anything at all aside from Shulks character and the whole Zanza thing destroying most of my enjoyment of it

You must really like moaning, lyrics were a mistake Also what's wrong with wir flegen?
This when it's good it's great but it's not as consitsntly good is XBC
>The whole Zanza thing
So the story?

I don't hate the ost in x in particular but it left a looooooot to be desired

gtx 1060
ryzen 5

Dual audio when

So does this take place in the same world as the first one or is it like FF were it is a new world?

It's like FF

Yeah the emulation will be amazing for you then with the dolphin emulator.
Have fun user I recommend connecting a wii fight pad to your PC

Like FF

Is this the first Xenoblade thread were people are actually discussing the series? Let's do this

Favorite Area in XC and XCX
Favorite song
Favorite characters
Favorite boss/mob/unique enemy

Expectations for XC2

fair enough, I'll give it a chance. gonna google the files now

I don't like the visual design. Looks like a game I'd play while hungover on the floor because it's either that or infomercials.

Believer's paradise in XC and Waterfalls in Noctilum
Mechanical Rhythm and Ares Boss
Dumban and Mia
Avalanche Abaasy and Pharsis the everqueen
Good party member customization

Do you think I'm good just going into XC2 without playing any Xeno games before?

XCX: Syvalum
Song: I shit post about Black Tar, but I actually like the Skell version of it, that is fast and starts at "WE'RE STUCK ON A DIFFERENT PLANET"
Fav character: Elma person
Favorite enemy: I don't remember, anything big is always fun to fight.

I don't remember much of XC1, but I really liked that snowy area, that was pretty much one giant slope.

Expectations for XC2, pure fun.

Yeah you will be fine it's a sequel in name alone






> favorite area
Fallen Arm and Sylvalum
>favorite song
Main theme
>favorite characters
Melia and Celica (why are you not relevant in the story whyyyy)
>favorite boss
I really liked the final boss of XC, I was very under leveled so it was really satisfying when I beat him

>expectations for Xenoblade 2
A main titan is probably going die (im placing bets on either Gormott or Mor Ardain)

Yes. This series is pratically the Final fantasy of nintendo. You'll find references here and there.but that is just it


not him but it was tho

>Fallen Arm and Sylvalum
>Melia and Celica
Are you me?

Good taste my man

This but replace fallen arm with Valak Mountains

Favorite Area in XC and XCX
Valak Mountain and Noctilum

Favorite song
"You will know our names" probably, there are a lot of good tracks in both games that I don't know by name.

Favorite characters
Fiora and Murderess.

Favorite boss/mob/unique enemy
Metal Face and the Vita.

Expectations for XC2
More great areas and music.

>videos showing Hikari/Mithra got taken down
Welp, someone messed up.

I was shocked to find out it's coming so soon. I thought it would be out late next year.

>The Character designs in the first Xenoblade were great.

Xenoblade 2 has stunning character design here and there while Xenoblade 1's was thoroughly garbage and the 3D models were even worse, especially how all the noses were connected to the upper lips.

This literally looks like Amano but in cool instead of gay.

People just hate Rex, thats what the "horrible character design" comes from.

As soon as you realise his outfit is just a diving outfit, he's fine.

>Xenoblade 1's was thoroughly garbage
Bullshit. Really tired of people thinking they need to insult the previous games to prop up this one. I'm excited for it too, but come on.

Well it isn't anything new for NoE when you consider their X launch trailer showing Elma's true form.

Their chins just keep getting more and more pointy.

>not a JRPG fan because the only ones I've played are Pokemon and FF

Something was clearly wrong that they actually let that one go

it's gonna be 720p docked isn't it?


Oh no question about that, also 30 fps

Its a rpg so it doesnt really matter as much.

what do you mean? the first one is one of my favourite games of all time, I don't see how they can fuck this up

Paris Games Week stream when?

I think it was November 1 till 5

Ah dammit. At least I'll still be off work for the first day then.

Are YOU me?

It's the first Xeno- game I have absolutely no interest in playing and I'm not really sure how I feel about that.

I guess "cautiously optimistic" is the phrase. I was ridiculously hyped when Xenoblade 1 was announced to get localised, even more excited for X...but there's something about Xenoblade 2 that just isn't ticking the right boxes for me.

I'll be keeping an eye on impressions from a few youtubers I generally have similar tastes to, and maybe checking out bits and pieces of finished game footage. Don't know what I'm looking for, but something about the game thus far isn't doing it for me.

Nia has been basically confirmed to be Melia 2.0.


I hope it has an amazing story like XBC and an amazing open world like X.


It's the art style user


Same combat as the last two so skipping it.

You know you can mash B and pretend you're manually attacking, right user?