Whats the best game to play on weed?

Whats the best game to play on weed?

Ive been having fun getting stoned and playing Nioh lately

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just because you put the word "games" in your post doesn't make this thread about video games.

Sonic Adventure

the game called buy a gun and shoot yourself in the head you degenerate faggot

Which ever one you like. Sage, fayget.

>talking about video games on the video games board is not allowed

Russian roulette single player you junkie subhuman garbage.

I've only played watch_dogs on weed and amazingly enough it's even more boring when you're high


this desu


Alien Isolation feels extra creepy when stoned

You and I both know that in 50 posts you'll just be talking about bud. Fuck off


>Its a "v gets triggered as fuck because they have no friends/connections and cant get any cannabis" episode


Why does weed make Sup Forums so mad still? The dude weed culture has died down A LOT since weed became more mainstream and acceptable by the public. You guys are stuck in 2010

Fuck off retard.


fuck off with your degeneracy

>he needs drugs to get friends

>Alien Isolation
fuck me that would be too intense. I can't deal with that game sober.


new vegas with "after war nevada" mod and some other mods you like.

no but you definitely need friends to get weed, which you don't have

He actually said the opposite.

You need friends to get drugs.

There ought to be a difference between people who like weed, but aren't willing to break the law to get it, and the degenerates who are.

Why is smoking weed degenerate, user? It's not even close to liking women with penises like you do...

I smoke weed every day and this thread is shit. Sup Forums is for video games, not what you do while you play video games.


>breaking the law

That has nothing to do with weed "culture".

I'm sure you never break any laws user

I'm convinced it's all part trolling, part Sup Forums mentality of "no friends no bud", and then a few faggots who are just underage and haven't tried it yet.

Oh yeah, and OP- Tribes: Ascend. Throw that along with some Ratatat on and you'll be good to go buddy.

whoa... so this is the power.. of marijuana

i'm not like addicted to like weed or anything like that man but like i need my marijuana dude


Fucking potheads should be rounded up and shot publicly.

Back in the day I used to play skyrim with a 110+ fov, I spent many hours being chased by bears, trolls and dragons.

>Lol I have more friends than u
That's like saying
>Lol ur a virgin

No Man's Sky

I am unironically disgusted by all drugs and alcohol and the degenerates who use them
you should all be shot dead in the streets

Currently in a place where I can't smoke. Fuck I miss it. Take a double hit for me, amigo, and maybe try one of these!

>Hotline Miami
>Any of the First Person horror games (RE7, Alien Isolation, Outlast)
>Wind Waker
>Doom 3 with a ton of mods (or Condemned Criminal Origins)

Why are weed smokers so annoying?


get the perfect stride demo

Anyone else here vape weed?

weed tokers are what killed america.
it's unhealthy.

because like dude like im not addicted to like weed or anything man like it's completely nonaddictive but i like need my marijuana man

Actually that's alcohol

Actually that's fast food.

It's really weird to think I was in these very threads like 10 years ago being incredibly anti-weed and now I'm on the other side of it.

Kinda proving my point there buddy.

Sup Joe Rogan

Let me guess, you actually tried it.

blast from the past

(please don't ban me newfag mods)

see filename
makes you feel like a real pilot

>I grew up

and from that day on user was tainted

>Sup Forums gets triggered as fuck by mere mentioning of weed while having occasional euphoric drinking threads is fine
pretty much confirms

The new Mario has been fun stoned but ive played too much and finished its main story lol

I'm not trying to imply anti-weed people are inherently immature or underage. I just find my own situation funny


no you are wrong *eats burger* *sips beer*
grass is unhealthy, it will damage your body and make you addicted *takes opiates*
we need to teach our kids to live a healthy lifestyle *sits 12 hours a day* and show them that there is a better way *downs softdrink* *lights post softdrink cigarette*

Actually that's Americans.

I miss how fucking butt blasted quentin would get, lol what a fag.
Anyways tho, weed makes me mow the lawn, whether I want to or not.

I don't smoke weed because I have a fucking job that could do a random drug test and fire me at any time for it. I live in a state where it's legal, too.

>not doing LSD
Instead of expanding all your senses and thinking critically you would rather lay about and eat for no reason? Degenerates...

WOOAAALL homygawd

>dude, weed changes the experience so much lol
Weed is for teenagers, OP. Get some LSD, you pussy.

Where is Quentin nowadays

Nice going wagecuck, enjoy your slavery.

I beg you, PLEASE stay playing singleplayer games, don't join multiplayer when high, I beg you dude.

t. Newfag druggie

rocket league

Drug dealers will naturally flow towards where you live whenever you are using illegal drugs and thus you have a shitty community just like the rest

>But they are in the ghetto with the niggers and spics

Keep thinking that. You all have something you buy it from and thus they know you are a customer and will tell others.

I spent 1 year dry because I couldn't find a single dealer, stop spreading bullshit.

weedis the most newfag drug there is

I like to get high and clean my apartment.

>newfag drug

Are you expecting to graduate from LSD to crystal meth or what? Stop being an idiot.

Weed typically makes me worse at tough reflex-based games, but it does help me to settle into a groove and enjoy what I'm playing

I guess Musou games are ideal

They aren't even the same type of drug, wtf are you talking about?

Of course you don't know.

You are literally comparing apples and oranges with acid and meth. Weed can produce psychedelic visuals at high amounts; it naturally leads into more potent psychedelics.

>taking harder drugs makes me more adult

>Burned out on weed but don't want to do anything harder


>naturally leads

Like I said, newfag druggie, I've been smoking for over a decade and I've never been lead to other drugs.

good, don't.
just don't smoke for a couple of weeks.
it will be enjoyable again after that.
sure as fuck wont do you no harm to take a break.

>look at me, I know weed is bad cause I never used it and my life is great!

They do that for insurance reasons. Most insurance companies are national and weed is still federally illegal. Also, it keeps stoners out of the workforce, which is great in my opinion. I like weed but I'll gladly give it up if it means I never have to see some faggot who listens to Bob Marley at work.

uummf, source me chief

>smonk some weed
>can't wait to play some great vidya now!
>browse Sup Forums and jack off for 6 hours instead


are u rly citing rwhitegoose, the speedrunner who hates speedrunning, as your source nibba?

do you need to jump off a cliff yourself to realize it's a stupid fucking idea?
actually maybe you do if your brain is rotten from drug abuse

Quentin was the greatest troll in Sup Forums history


I'm not citing anything, he just puts it into words better than I ever could
when someone degenerate enough to speedrun is calling you druggies bottom of the fucking barrel trash maybe you should take a look inward
considering you type like a 15 year old I'm not surprised

>a speedrunner has an opinion

Who cares?

I like to play for honor or my gatcha mobile games

god dammit ross

>an addict has an opinion
who cares?