I'll start with an easy one.
Itt: animes that deserve a good game
Made in Abyss
>animes that deserve a good game
Why would a shit anime deserve a good game?
>streaming anime
Are the Konosuba mangas any good?
black lagoon would be fucking perfect
None, anime is shit and weeb vidya is just as if not more shit.
>weeb vidya is shit
>Zelda, Mario, p5, Nioh
>Baby tier Adventure game rule of three bosses with overly telegraphed attacks
>Baby tier Platformer game rule of three bosses with overly telegraphed attacks
>Weebshit dating sim with no gameplay, only a time sink
>Dark Souls ripoff with a faggy samurai skin
>Those huge heads
>Those spaghetti bodies
It seriously looks like those heads are too heavy for them and they're going to fall down at any moment, specially the Japanese one
Hajime no ippo
Doesn't change the fact they're GotYs. Stay mad :3
Oh boy, it's almost like game journalism is just as pathetic as the list of shit games you posted, and the mass market is full of retards.
Colour me surprised. Nice argumentum ad populum though.
it would literally be the dark souls of the plateformer genre
>Enough attention to detail to put a 50 Blessings symbol on the ground, but got too ADHD to actually put on an animal mask
Chise>Ange>Princess>Beato>That SLUT
You shitpost I shitpost.
>You argued against me and I can't refute it so I call it shitposting
Literally why is there not some low budget RPG out there yet that uses LH's mechanics? I'm not asking for a full-blown MMO yet, but just some basic nonsense. The game details quite a lot of its features and is totally functional in concept.
I don't think the game would have to be about Spike himself but a Cowboy Bebop game would be sick
>using buzzwords and stale memes
>not shitposting
Whatever you say bub
This look stupidly fun
I might check it out
It is stupidly fun.
The only way you could make a tolerable game is if Rockstar or Monolith made it, and there's no way we'd get the strong elements of one while simultaneously retaining the strengths of the other.
>Most of a planet's major city to explore and wander about in
>The majority of buildings in the world are accessible, even if they don't yield too many things to do other than carry a few nobodies to stare into space like regular NPCs do
>Plot follows another Bounty Hunter who regularly stalks around the city to find marks
>In the process, he winds up tangling with another group similar to the Red Dragon syndicate (not literally them, but a major syndicate with extremely dangerous individuals throughout)
>After a while, you wind up able to explore nearby cities from similar planets in the system, chasing an entirely different class of bounties
>Your ship can also wind up duking out with other ships in transit, sometimes purging or chasing targets as they leave a planet
>Major cinematics are saved only for actual plot relevant moments
>After the main story is resolved, there are countless bounties who crawl out of the cracks now that the primary crime syndicate has been dealt with, and completion of them all gives some kind of rare reward
>Some form of limited multiplayer as well for things like raids on gang facilities or low-altitude aircraft support
S2 fucking WHEN? Sure it was a CGDCT but I fucking loved the characters and I want more of them.
Acceptable tastes.
I dig it