Horse Pussy

Was she a good addition to the game?
Do you ever use her?

Neat character, cool abilities.
Needs a good skin, though.

She's my favourite tank. It's just a shame that tanks, on the whole, are fucking garbage right now.

She's one of my favorites. Not as mobile as D.Va and Winston but she still is a solid pick for a tank.
The bubble is great for racking up kills and always fun to get environmental kills with.

She's my second-most played character. Definitely my favorite tank. Her ultimate is pretty weak and could use some fixing but in general I think people really underestimate her.

She does her job but needs a lot of support.

i like that one picture of her were she has a bundt cake for an anus

It's pretty delicious.

how do you aim/hit good with her?

what if her fortify ability gave her 50 health? I think that's the boost she needs.

I'm just disappointed in her abilities, there are so many Moba abilities Blizzard haven't ripped off yet, they didn't need to have rehashes for every single ability.

If the healer is focussing on her, she can be a hell of a tank
If the team isn't giving her support is just charge it for reaper, genji or tracer

>Playing a static defense oriented tank when Tracer/Genji/CoD is as powerful as they are

>still playing cuckwatch in 2017

shes a slug , she need speed remove the slowness when shes shooting and shes fixed


She's far too situational. In some maps with the right heroes she's decent, otherwise she is absolutely utter trash.

You need to aim where they're gonna be and not where they are, like any projectile. This was recently made easier with a buff to the bullet travel time. Keep in mind that her ammo capacity is gigantic. It's entirely viable to just keep shitting bullets all over the place and not worry about every single shot hitting. Also remember to use Halt (the mini-grav) to keep enemies in place, and remember that you can and should keep firing the main cannon the entire time while aiming and detonating the Halt.

I wanna bite that synthetic flesh.

Got to GM playing only her with 40% winrate, otherwise, she is a very boring character lore-wise and kit-wise.
Not enough art of my futa-robot-centaur girl for her to be popular.

>You will never fuck Orisa's fat throbbing robot horse cock by shoving your dick up her urethra


Braindead, you just stand still behind a that you replace before it gets destroyed, and do minimal chip damage.
Most boring shit you could think off, but the blizzdrone babies will eat this shit up

I want to impregnate her

I use her alot, she is short on her movility, but at for close combat I feel i can throw shield, and then use the green ball to keep my enemy behind the wall, then I will dance in my shield to take the least damage if possible.

granted her ult feel kind of lame specially if your team cant live to use its power.

Her ultimate was made even more redundant with the retarded buffs to Mercy.

Blizzard really needs to stop sucking her off, she was fine considering how brain dead she was, but no she clearly needed that Valkyrie ult and a resurrect on a 30-second cooldown at all times.