Sony Paris Game Show
Fuck IGN niggers
Good job
Talladega Nights 2 for PS4 leaked in NeoGAF
ffvii and death stranding please
Playstation all stars 2 definitely, the leaks.
Bloodborne 2
Shenmue HD
What else
They're coming home lads
first for IGN has shit taste
>a gaming conference that I can actually watch in the UK without staying up until the dead of night
2D weebshit with no gameplay.
Nintenbros will neither shanke nor bake
Oh yes, after the last inFamous game, let's let them make ANOTHER
I'm really curious what they will come up with, something about robots, wasn't it?
Will we finally get another gameplay trailer?
How many bongs until start?
Based IGN girl still making this obese weeb seeth into the next thread
Infamous is FUN, fuck you
>Dragon's Dogma 2
>Final Fantasy VII demo, playable RIGHT NOW!
>Bloodborne 2
>Dragon Quest XI release date.
10 bings. none bongs
12 bings
dmc5 inc
Reminder that there will be at least 1 hour of indie games before they show new trailers or release dates for known AAA games
I hope the 7 BRAND NEW games are 6 ps4 games and 1 vr.
>Pre-Show starts at 4:06 PM CET
What did they mean by this?
meant to say shake, but nintendo won't shanke either
You fags are using streamlink, right?
Too bad nothing's going to happen.
Fuck off with your kidshit.
Not that user but Second Son is the worst game in the series
inFamous 1/2
Not Second Son.
>>Final Fantasy VII demo, playable RIGHT NOW!
no way dude the game is going to be so fucking short releasing a demo would be 1/4 of the whole game
first of all fuckface, second son was solid, secondly it's a new fucking IP
This, infamous is good and fun
>pre show starts at 4:06 pm
What a weird time
who /idort/ here?
ps4, xbox, pc and switch soon. feels good not being a fanboy.
Back to neofag movieshitter
Oh joy! A big ol conference with precisely zero good games being shown! I do hope I'm very wrong
There better be a fucking From Software's work.
actual announcements start at 8PM
Avenge me, user
I just fucking love and hate Kojima so much
With Dragon's Dogma 2 I'd be set for life, for some reason I've been listening to this a lot lately.
It's something at least.
I had school during this year's E3 and the only conference I could watch live was EA.
Who /easyallies/ here?
>dragons dogma online
go play it
every time some retard bitches about dragons dogma 2 I have to wonder if they're just stupid and don't know about DDO or they're just deluded and want to cry about something.
I'll watch the reaction later I hope Huber is happy
Best stream
get that switch son, Mario Odyssey is fucking amazing
It's weird now that monster hunter is coming to PS4 I don't know what to hope for
No, fuck off. The story was, and I'm going to be nice when I say this, fucking garbage.
The gameplay was fucking dumb and took the enjoyable shit OUT of inFamous and put in busywork.
It's strange when I honestly tell people to only buy a PS3 for inFamous and Deamon's Souls.
is this official thread?
PS4/Switch/Hacked 3DS/PC, Xbone is redundant until it gets worthwhile exclusives.
Half this thread seeing as it's full of Sony shills.
>revealing Japanese game at Paris
It's going to be only western games or localizations. Otherwise they would show it at recent TGS.
Who else here is /noexpectations/?
I wanna see another Skyrim release!
The new PSBR will be revealed today, there was a very substancial leak about it some time ago
Too lazy to set up proxies, sorry.
There are like, at least 5 games I'd say are worth it on the Xbone.
xbone is a 4k blu ray player. patricians have it as well
>Infamous 1 & 2 remastered
Would you buy it?
>He'd rather play some shitty MMO than an actual sequel
inb4 it's all cinematic moviegames
When's the new PS+ lineup?
She's cumming home lads
no, these games always sucked. and the launch title infamous sucked too and nobody bought it
I hope some fun games are announced ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
No. Horrible games.
i fucking hate women pretending to be fans of games
>Implying Japs even care anymore
Seriously they don't give a fuck, they want to see mad dosh, they're desperate enough to show some surprised since they have NOTHING lined up for the winter anyway.
Name 'em.
Ah yes, this video? youtu.be
I hope they show ReRemaster: Remastered... Maybe even Remaster: Definitive Edition!
How long is it?
An MMO with just as many quests in just as high of quality, where you never have to interact with another person, where you can almost entirely ignore the online aspects? Yeah, i'll play the sequel that exists instead of crying and shitting my diaper like some sort of fucking baby.
Hopefully gorilla games working on something new aswell because horizon zero dawn was really good game
4 inches :(
>he plays MMOs
>dude STORY in a fucking superhero game that's supposed to play fun and look good
fuck off fucktard
>Lights go dim
>Heavy metal music starts playing
>Truck plows through the stage and catches on fire
>Everyone starts cheering and shouting Twisted Metal is back!
Turns out its just one of Paris's truckers of peace and the music was for another game they were about to announce
I'm not interested in an MMO. I want a proper sequel to the game.
>tfw Sony announces a Dark souls director's cut with all the cut content
A man can dream...
not tilted or blurry enough
I'm playing dragons dogma 2 instead of whining that it doesn't exist when it does, yeah.
PS4/PC/Switch-soon reporting in
Feels good not being a bitching cuck.
aw fuck
So we're babies because we don't settle with a cashgrab move instead of an actual sequel? Sounds like you are some reddit tier conformist.