
I warned you but you just called me a Nazi.

Also reminder that Shadman beat this shitty game in 3 hours



>insult consumer base
>Sell barely at all

Never understood leftism

Video games aren't sexy girls that make fun of your small penis or sit on your face and BRAP on you - if they were, they'd sell.

What's his PSN?

>playing the game on easy
I might think this game is a meme but I can't take that seriously

>insult consumer base
Gamers are Nazis?

Drumpf and white people are
fuck them

All white people are Nazis.

I'm pretty sure that was the narrative like 3 years ago.

How does one waste 40GB? Just delete it.

Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a nazi. This is Trump's America after all. If you are a white male you need to check your privilege

Also pls buy my game which tells you to hate yourself

Wolfenstein tells you to hate Nazis, user.

The main character says "time to kill some white-ass Nazis"
This is in spite of ww2 being fought almost entirely by white people and slavs
Your dipshit Marxist game only sold 75k, compared to 1.7 million of the first

Honestly, I cannot understand leftists. You don't sell more copies by attacking your consumer base

>attacking your consumer base
Gamers are Nazis?

The main character of the game is a White guy and he kills Nazis.

>white people and slavs

Had to stop yourself from writing Aryans and Untermenschen, Heinrich?

He's a kike.

>left constantly waffles about white supremacist patriarchy
>there is someone who actually thinks they don't mean that whites are Nazis

I can right now go, open any western mainstream newspaper and I will find allusion to Trump and fascism.

>have fun being remembered as relics
>America is being flooded with conservative christian wetbacks
>Europe is being flooded with brown version of Alt-right
>China already started to make a move into Africa, Australia, Canada and started to weaken european markets
>African population have doubled in ten years
>dimvited libshit thinks others are on their way to extinction

People who play on consoles are predominantly male.
People who play shooters are predominantly white.
People who played the original Wolfenstein are privileged rich/upper-middle class people who had a computer back in the 90's, or tech-savvy enough to be interested to get an emulator or a source port running on their machine.
Tell me, who is the target audience of this new game? Because it sure as hell wasn't white people with disposable income, i.e. the majority of their prior playerbase.

Slavs are not white. Slavs don't castrate little boys so that they can pretend they are girls, nor do they preach about tolerance while they shit on anyone who refuses to gobble brown dick.


>I can right now go, open any western mainstream newspaper and I will find allusion to Trump and fascism.
So you're not talking about the game.

In game, some jew and negress say that they are the resistance because WHYPIPO GAVE UP.
Soon after your antisemite "white ass" dad says he snitched on your jew mother and tries to kill you because you are half-jew.
Right after that a big nazi robot tears down your house.
Subtle as fuck.

>White males are evil and trump is Hitler
>Whites are evil and responsible for everything wrong in the world!!
>Wait why isn't our consumer base of white males not buying our shitty women's studies fantasy?!

These jokes write themselves lol

Wait are you memeing or not? I saw some people beat it in like 6 hours. Is it really that short? A single player full priced game?

>it sure as hell wasn't white people with disposable income
Why, are those Nazis?

Yes, they're white.

So is this what we have to choose from now, if this game doesn't sell well, then the story will be if a game doesn't have lootboxes and only has single player it's not going to sell well. The other choice is to buy shitty communist propaganda and a single player campaign that's like 4 hours at best?

Yeah, Wolfenstein isn't exactly subtle with its message, but the message is still Nazis and white supremacy are bad?

>play it for over 7 hours, skipping all skippable cutscenes
>still didn't finish it
why does Sup Forums lie?

The le single player games are dying out and being replaced with lootboxes meme is straight up Reddit. It's not true at all

3 hours of gameplay if you're good at shooter, 3 hours of cutscenes. Not even joking, look through YouTube for full game runs.

You suck shit, my dude. Give up on life.

You know neogaf is back up right? You can go back anytime you like.

How are you taking screenshots in the game? Steam overlay doesn't work.

msi afterburner

That's fucking awful
Like a decade ago the standard was 8 hours+ of gameplay for single player games.

>game exists in an absolute vacuum

See this level of stupidity. This shit kinda explains why there are Americunts who thinks they live in a fascist regime. God i wish you would actually live in a fascist regime so that the world might be rid of your stupidity.

Time and money is spent on coding cutscenes, dialogue for scenes, etc. They are much more expensive than gameplay, about triple I think. So really it could have been 9 hours of gameplay and one hour of cutscene

Can't believe someone who knew the route in advance and ignored all optional areas managed to complete a game fast

I hate every single one of you

>you can speedrun a game in an hour
What the fuck!?!?!?!?! I love nazis now.

The feeling is mutual.

>buying single player games ever