Nintendo Switch or Playstation 4

which should I buy and why?

If you're a normie:
Do you have friends? what do they have? buy that
If they all own xbox, get a switch

If you're a no friends loser like the rest of us:
Get a switch, Sup Forums is nintendo central and the switch is pumping out games right now while sony and microsoft are fucking up
You want to be on the right side of the threads because buyers remorse from Sup Forums opinions is real, it's far better to buy the console others like because buyers remorse can get you to stop playing videogames

Look, actually FUCKING LOOK, at the games released and will be released for both consoles and come up with your own conclusion.

Get the new atari console

want to have lots of fun? Switch
want to watch 70$ movies? PS4

PS4 is cheaper (especially if you wait until holidays sales) and has more games. But if you have a decent PC get a Switch since more of those PS4 games are also on PC.

Only two games I'd consider a PS4 for are Crash Trilogy and the eventual Spider-Man game. Otherwise, everything I wanted is coming to PC and Red Dead 2 is not justifiable for a console purchase.

Switch has been good to me, but it does collect dust in beween game releases. There is enough games that make me feel good about buying it, though.

I have both
My PS4 is mostly just a JRPG machine
My Switch was for run throughs of Zelda and now Odyssey and occasionally Mario Kart when friends come round

>which should I buy and why?
Wii U.
Tons of actual unique exclusive games.

Bayo 2, Dong, Mario Maker, and Pikmin are the only ones still worth playing that aren't available some where else. Besides Odyssey is better than all of these games. Switch is worth it for that alone + it also Mario Kart, BotW and it's own Splatoon that gets Splatfests.

Both because they both have good games and you're not poor (right??)

The Wii U is honestly the most underrated Nintendo console, the only reason people don't consider it great is because it didn't sell well.

>Bayo 2, Dong, Mario Maker, and Pikmin are the only ones still worth playing that aren't available some where else
And Wonderful 101
And Fatal Frame V
And Devil's Third
And Xeno X
And Color Splash.

I own both of them, if you want a lot of games to play now, the PS4 is the better purchase. Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild are great but those are the only two games on the platform.

I have a PS4/XboxOne/Gaming PC

I honestly have no idea if a Switch is worth it but I mildly want one for Mario Odyssey.

There are a couple WiiU games I missed out on, should I get that instead?

What's that game directly in the middle?
Fatal frame?

Yakuza 1 & 2.
Fatal Frame is on the left in the second row.


you get the best of both worlds desu

hang it out take it slow

then you rock out the show

ps4 is already dying

get the switch, homeboi

Is it playable on Wii U without knowing jap?

It's not? There are tons of japanese text.

Neither, build a kickass PC instead

No, those games are on yakuza level so they don't count

I will get switch for new smash/pokemon

>those games are on yakuza level so they don't count

You're not allowed to count B+ games into a consoles arsenal.

PS4 has bloodborne and switch has mario and zelda, no other games count.

PS4 during black friday, Switch later when it has a bigger library.