NeoGaf/ResetEra thread
NeoGaf/ResetEra thread
So what's up with Reset? Is it the same Nazi mods fulfilling advertising agendas, or is there actual freedom?
How the fuck do i disable this ugly ass halloween skin.
Sup Forums is turning more and more into reddit every day. fuck this "le epic meme halloween skin sp00py xDDD"
delete system 32
Most of the active users went there. I'm pretty sure besada (one of the worst gaf mods) went there too. It's going to become Neogaf 2.0.
they literally fast track applications for "people of color". it's probably going to get even worse. i hope it just fizzles out and the neogaf saga comes to an end.
that was fake news btw
How exactly do they verify that? Do you send mods a pic of your hand and a timestamp before they let you register?
Pretty anal retentive for a site about bidyo gaems imo.
It really isn't enough that GAF is an empty shell of its former self for some of you is it? Gotta hate the other place now for whatever reason.
That's how regimes work. All the bottom feeders move up in the ladder, and proclaim themselves better than the former leader.
wtf why would people hate the most cancerous hive of sjw faggots on the internet that have an overtly detrimental effect on our video games
There's """""freedom"""" alright
can't have any opinions or you'll get banned for "trolling"
Except the new place is basically the same mods, but with more censoring and more SJW faggotry.
It's NeoGAF v2.0 that ramps up their shit factor even harder. This time instead of needing a paid email to sign up for an account you have to beg endlessly on NeoGAF until they give you an invite, at which point you are liable to be banned if anybody in the same invite chain steps out of line. Apparently most of the old mods are already mods there.
How would you know about all this without going on neogaf...
It'll fizzle out just like voat or that-which-we-cannot-mention-by-number because the number of alt sites made for neogaf are too many now. Even if this resetera site becomes the biggest it's still not going to be able to hold the majority and eventually it'll collapse with everybody going back to neogaf sooner or later.
Because we've had a shitload of threads about this both on here and on other boards where people have been able to post all this info with evidence for a good couple of weeks now. Is this your first?
I know this is Sup Forums but
I want NeoGaf to fuck off
>Gotta hate the other place now for whatever reason
Yeah, wtf, why would anyone hate SJW central.
Enough with this neogaf shit. Fuck off to reddit or some other SJW shithole, you virgins.
>nearly 25k members in just 5 days and rising
Say what you will but no one can deny this is an unexpected outcome for era
Have you fucking seen the Discord chat?
Get the fuck out of here, Resetera is even more cancer.
Why care? The internet is full of other places that aren't "sjw" centrals that cater to your opinions
You mean that fake discord image someone here made?
You mean the fact that none of the old neogaf mods are mods on era and just are regular members?
The kiwi farms thread is pretty informative.
That's some pathetic damage control.
You literally can't discuss anything with them
One wrongthink and you get banned for """trolling"""
Where is it located on Arch Linux?
Which is the one with tranny Kate Dale and the other 'leaker as mods? I bet that's a blast being there
Neogaf is unironically a good place for Vidya news now.
>Go to REsetEra
>look up OffTopic
>Hundreds of people celebrating manafort
>Not even one thread about whites protesting in South Africa because they are killed like animals
I wish i was autistic enough to register on that shit site and make threads to look how the bubble boys would react on something that doesnt fit in their fucking leftist bubble
Also Not Vidya
That's because white people are getting murdered. It's not technically classed as racism
Can someone explain me what is going on?
Haven't visited Sup Forums since E3 and now I see a sticky about Neogaf
This guy is from Neogaf. Like this isn't the standard Sup Forums boogeyman shit, this is straight up a gaffer. Aside from the fact that he's defending it, it's more along the line that this post is just what someone from Neogaf would post. That picture is in the style of black twitter stuff that you often see used on Neogaf as well(from what I've seen recently), where they write a post and then stop mid sentence and put an image with what they wanted to say as a subtitle. Now you see images like this on Sup Forums a fair bit also, but the key difference is that we don't use them as part of a sentence because images in this format get put on the side. You can't stop mid post, insert an image, and then continue under it like on Neogaf. So on Sup Forums we either just post the image with no text, include the image to grab attention but also say what we mean in the post, or say "pic related" in order to let people know that this is the part of the post that the image is relevant to. This guy didn't do that, instead he tried to post like he would on Neogaf or twitter without taking the format into account. That's how you can tell he's not from around here.
Gee user. You seem to have left out the two other warning this guy got in a different thread related to this subject.
Look what he was banned for. What a faggot website
great work i agree completely neofags are desperate
You don't need a long paragraph to figure that out.
We have a smart ass over here
I registered today and chose "male" as gender and i was approved within 10 minutes.
you got really lucky
Your post clearly said.
>One wrongthink and you get banned for"""trolling"""
But that can't be true if he had two chances at "wrongthink" but kept going anyway
I see a lot of callouts these days that seem to have little actual basis beyond " that guy disagreed with me" and I think that they have a negative impact. So when I call someone out I feel obligated to explain my exact reasoning in order to avoid being part of the problem.
lmao nice posting format reshitter
>Neogaf users talk about how to fix their broken community, and how shitty mods like Bish and Besada ruined it
>Same shitty mods decide to come to new forum and everybody starts sucking their dick
This is just going to be Neogaf 2.0 with even worse cliques
Thanks for the complement senpai.
All three are tiny in comparison but will probably succeed in the long run compared to ResetEra. Ironically enough, all three of the free public email registration sites have nothing compared to the "you must dox yourself to join" site.
Nail on the head. Niggaffers stick out like a sore thumb because of shit like this.
>more faggotry about this shit
Retrogaf or fuck off, anything else is unworthy.
no thanks id rather not post on a dead bitcoin mining site where some faggot keeps advertising some shitty wallpaper about it
>being this mad about a gif
Oh, I see everyone is still acting like a smartass on here and the bandwagon mentality is still strong. Seriously, we're talking about this now? And you guys still insult each other to undermine other people opinion like it's personal? ha
get a life, froci
>none of the old neogaf mods are mods on era and just are regular members?
How long would that last on any forum or website? They are going to weasel their way into moderation by being "forum favorites".
RetroGAF asked the users if they wanted to keep the miner and they said no: it doesn't have it anymore.
ok thank you for asking the users
>imgur filename
Fuck off back to your shithole, neofaggot.
>Bish still thinks he was a "badass" because he bans lots of people on a video game forum
Isn't he like 40 now or something?
I have tumblr images too. I love you too, user.
>Why care? The internet is full of other places that aren't "sjw" centrals that cater to your opinions
Not that user but
Sup Forums should only care when, and only when, they are campaigning to change video games
But in general, every "SJW central" I've ever heard of are not platforms for free speech and are only overrun by SJWs exactly because free speech is heavily compromised or non existent. SJW's don't seem to be able to survive on open platforms. So instead they only represent communities where they control the moderation.
Makes it easy to avoid them. But echo chambers deteriorate their grasp on reality and eventually their numbers are going to be high enough to start being a problem for us outside their communities.
You've been caught and no amount of black twitter gifs will uncatch you.
>Hey guys.
I'm not from NeoGAF at all,
but I'd just like to say that I think it's a pretty cool gaming website. Attached is a funny picture from the new Nintendo game.
Unfortunately we don't have the Nintendo developers on our new site yet but
He takes his job very seriously.
I already admitted I used gaf and era and this place. /vg/ Sup Forums and Sup Forums are more my thing though compared to v/v
>browses Sup Forums
No surprise there
>Im not from NeoGAF at all,
yea cause that image is from reddit
You should probably leave all the boards, Sup Forums would be better without you.
what if that was part of the joke and i have no life at all so i spend time doing stuff like this
Sup Forums did nothing wrong.
I no wanna and you can't make me.
you should try out Sup Forums that one is an overmoderated shithole too
the best way to post on ResetEra is by telling everyone you're black trans. That's what I've been doing.
Sup Forums and /vg/, I can see. They're basically colonies of exactly the kind of people who used Neogaf and Tumblr. Why they've come here, I don't understand, since they seem intent on trying to recreate everything that the format of this site tries to avoid. Never have I seen a more vomitous den of tripfaggotry and circlejerking than /vg/. What is the point of it? If you want to have an avatar and a persistent username, go somewhere that allows for it instead of a place that tries to prevent it. The only explanation I can come up with is that the people who tripfag on /vg/ are pathetic enough that they'd get run out of any standard forum, so they come here because they can samefag praise all of their own posts until people think they're liked.
>yagg sbarro
Don't forget braapposting started on Sup Forums and immediately spread to /fit/
I replied to the guy that talked about people "lying" about ResetEra being super aids. He is full of shit - ResetEra is just as shit as people say it is.
t. guy that spent the past week looking at the insane shit people say on their Discord.
>other sites that cater to your opinions
I don't need a site to cater to my opinions for me to visit it. I need a video game site to not be about how many niggers are are in the game and scoring it accordingly.
>What is the point of it?
I just go there to discuss my idol phone games
time to reset the era and fill it with black transfolks
Maybe...just maybe I want to discuss shit without insults being slung every other post? The console war crap is unbearable here.
Not that user but what's Sup Forums's beef with Sup Forums? Been a while since I've browsed but there didn't seem to be anything really wrong with it
the vast majority is shit, yes, but some niche /vg/ threads like /dfg/ or /indie/ are actually good and informative and provide a format of discussion that isn't available anywhere else on the internet
>You mean that fake discord image someone here made?
No, I'm literally in the ResetEra Discord and have actually been reading it. Don't fucking defend this shit.
Hmm... I wonder who could be behind this post reply.
But the console war stuff is fun. You jive turkey
Proof of what these two fags are talking about is real. Fuck neofag 2.0, sexual assault wasn't enough to kill its user base.
There's a reason so many of its generals ended up on /trash/, shows like Steven Universe, RWBY, Loud House, Homestuck and all the other cancer fanbases that form there.
>literally getting banned for badmouthing the CIA
defend this, neofaggots
You know that's a troll account right?
well then, same
Someone's about to lie and tell you that that's not the real besada or something.
>posting the fake besada twitter account
Like are some of you even trying?
Then maybe, just maybe, you should post elsewhere. Somewhere you can have the persistent identity you imitate on /vg/, and where the moderators crack down on arguments about consoles. Why post here? There's dozens of sites that have what you want. Why come to the one that doesn't?
then fuck off nigger
okay mom
make me honkey
So you're defending the console war trolling here? user that's low even for you.
It's hardly the worst thing on Sup Forums though. It's all in good fun.