I don't like it

I don't like it

get out

I said the same thing about New Vegas and now I can't stop playing that shit. I'm gonna buy all the DLC in Christmas.

why not

Online recommendations of horribly out of date games are never good.

But I like Half Life... And Final Fantasy VII

I want to like but I can't like The Witcher, I always give up near the beginning.
Please help me.

I like it but that doesn't mean you have to. You might like SS1.

just skip to 2, if you can't get into it after the beginning of 2 don't bother
i found both to be boring as fuck

Recently gave this game a shot myself. If you liked any of the other 'shocks I'm not sure why you wouldn't like it. I can see why people loved it for the time, it would've been very new and refreshing. What it does, though, has been iterated on and there's now tons of games that do what it did then.

It's exactly like all the other "[word]shock"s out there but with low texture and polygon count and more customization than it probably should have. In that it allows players to bone themselves if they invest unwisely if you don't go do some out of the game research.

Thats fine. You don't have to like every game.

but there are not many [word]shock things out there, just some bioshocks
And bioshocks are just squallid imitations

there's also prey, aka system shock for babbies

What's the best way to handle System Shock 2 for someone who is going in blind?

constant and frequent respawns ruin it

go navy

the issue is that it didn't age well at all. MOst games like this did not age well.

Games don't age. People enjoyed it back then and it can be enjoyed like that now. The only problem is that you cannot engage with it, for whatever reason. That's a fault with you because good games don't turn bad with time.

it holds up better than most games released in the last 10 years, i feel like the people who say this kind of shit either haven't even played the game or dropped it because they don't know about key rebinding

This shit literally means nothing. People complain all the fucking time about how terribly SS1 aged and how it's IMPOSSIBLE to play nowadays. But I played it for the first time last year and it was phenomenal.

Here's hoping they remake SS2 after they finish the SS1 remake. Then we might get something actually playable.

does the ss1 remake have a release date yet? i haven't heard anything since learning about it earlier this year and that Spector was on the team