FFXV: Episode Ignis

>tfw a 2 hours DLC looks better story- and gameplay-wise than the main game is

feels awkward.

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw you have absolutely no motivation to return to the game ever again

I can believe he actually lost his sight because of the ring. the theory was true.

Ignis should've been the main character. Fuck gay annoying Prompto, fuck spoiled emo brat Noctis, fuck generic steroid dude Gladilous.
Ignis has the best voice & design. Literally the best male character in that game.

>tfw i will just watch it on YT like the other two DLC

This so should have been in the main game, holy shit

>This so should have been in the main game, holy shit
Should've been a quote on the boxart

*can't, and I agree.

Looks good though.

Oh boy more fuel for xv-kun to fuck up every thread
Looks alright though


That's fucked that the Lucii would pick to actually disable him in that way. He's helping their great-great-times however many grandchild who is the True King fulfill his destiny.


I can already see that one autist shouting at others non stop about how it's the greatest DLC ever with the best combat system ever created

>That combat
>Team up with Ravus
>Interesting story

Jesus, it really is sad how they made a 2 hour DLC looking so impressive compared to the main game. OP is right, this looks way better than the main game, but then again most of the DLC's were better than the main game.

Episode Gladio was already great in the gameplay department, Episode Prompto was a good addition in terms of story, and this final DLC seems that it will be a both.

>real life people paid real life money(and are still paying money) to "play" this pile of trash

truly disturbing

The leaks have been confirmed true this whole time dumbass . Since the last dlc

>Episode Gladio was already great in the gameplay department
Nah, it played like a poor man's Yakuza game.
The only redeemng quality was the Cor fight, but even that was all about waiting to parry that one attack of his which left him stunned.

Did you see Kingsglaive? They were ready to have the entire city die if it meant that the destiny is fulfilled.

Sure man, now just fuck this thread up

Brand loyal cuck fanboys will buy anything a developer shits out.

That's not how that works user. By xv-kun logic you're not allowed to like the game but hate xv-kun, if you hate xv-kun that means you also hate the game

>tfw traded the game in last month and got £10 for it

I thought FF games held their value

What leaks?

Yeah I did, but if I remember right wasn't part of the reason they didn't immediately burn Nyx to a crisp was because he was fighting for the bigger picture?
My main complaints about Episode Gladio art that:
1. It was way too short.
2. Gladio's gameplay wasn't as diverse as I would have liked.
3. It focused more on Cor than Gladio.

I mean I did generally like it though.

Now get ready for xv-kun to insult you

Friendly reminder that this is 100% true, as I was the person he said this to. That's how his logic works.

did I say you could reply to me, you little faggot bitch?

Alternate endings confirmed

>A brand-new storyline unknown to Noctis as he remains unconscious after the Trial of Leviathan. Ignis faces his own fight on the streets of Altissia, driven by his unwavering dedication to protect Noctis at all costs.

>Fast-paced action - Ignis’s spelldaggers can be imbued with elemental properties, and his unique ability “Total Clarity” allows him to target and attack multiple enemies at once.

>A new comrade, Ravus - following the guest appearances of Cor in Episode Gladiolus and Aranea in Episode Prompto, Ravus will join forces with Ignis, putting allegiances aside in order to save the ones they care about.

>Master Your Fate – this episode features multiple endings, allowing players to see a different outcome of events.

>Sauce: My ass

>Muh XV-kun boogeyman.

Fuck you man, don't summon him. So far this thread is decent.

>wwaaah stop enjoying games waaaah
Eat shit you cunt

God this game, and anyone who is still playing it is complete shit, holy crap

>Master Your Fate – this episode features multiple endings, allowing players to see a different outcome of events.

That sound terrible.

People speculated that he would put on the ring being how he got blind since before any leaks.

Those were different, this one was just about the DLC stuff which only just included stuff people were already talking about

The Master Your Fate™ option, buy more endings for multiple enjoyments!

I can already see you getting triggered at people enjoying it and accusing everyone of being one person because you can't come up with any actual valid criticisms

Why wouldn't I pay money to play great stuff?

You faggots are worse than him, all you do is sperg about him instead of trying to discuss stuff

From SE press site, same as that keyart of Ignis press.na.square-enix.com/releases/1064/play-as-ignis-and-learn-of-his-heartwrenching-backstory


It's real, dumbass. If I can fuck blonde foot fetish girl, I'm raising FF15's score from 5/10 to 6/10. Another point if they fix the combat by letting you play as party members in the main story.

You faggots who come into XV threads just to complain about people playing it are the epitome of cancer.

No it doesn't, why would it? Also we already knew it would have stuff like that it was mentioend a while ago in an interview

it's just a phenomenon to see living human beings pretend to like something so hard it's puzzling and deserves mockery

It was already too late
He can smell xv news

Sadly this. I played the Assassin's Festival and was bored out of my mind.

>this photo
WAIT, so Luna didn't actually drown and Ravus found her body??

All of this shit should have been in the main game, I also can't believe how retarded fans are that they still haven't learned that just because trailers look alright by no means does it mean the final thing will be the same when it comes to XV. Like, at all.

It's forever funny though that Noct/Ignis and Ravus/Luna relationship is more interesting than the forced Luna/Noct bullshit. and I'm not talking about romance, I mean they are just better, more realistic and human relationships to explore upon even if they are pretty basic. Game is still garbage and a joke and will more than likely remain so no matter how many DLC
come out but those are my thoughts.

What's the problem exactly?

I wonder what he did with her body? Bury her somewhere with the rest of their family? You'd think that would be an important detail to have in the main game but lol FF XV.

>You'd think that would be an important detail to have in the main game but
Summing up the whole fucking game right there

Oh the fucking irony, the chimps who pretend that liking a great game is some puzzling phenomenon and who go out of their way to try and pretend they are somehow on the highground are the only ones who deserve mockery

Pretty much. XV is hot garbage.

The news report just said they never found her body, not that Ravus didn't.

So the fact that Ravus found her but while branded as a traitor couldn't make any public announcement to having found her

But...there's only one ending. We fucking saw it. Ignis lost his sight. That's it. What other details could possibly matter when that's the only one that comes up in the main game?

The game is already fantastic and the DLC is only making it better.

usually a game just comes out once, you pay one price, and it already has all the features. instead of tricking cucks to prolong the experience for more money.

It's not that hard, user. It's like pointing and laughing at kids who are poking at dog poop with a stick or something.

The game explicitly tells you that they couldn't find Luna's body, and later on in the game you see Ardyn with Luna, Regis, Nyx and Iedolas's corpse, you could see demon goo coming out from them implying he perserved their bodies that way

>No it doesn't, why would it?

It doesn't add anything, and they may fuck things up if they create an ending that contradict the base story.

> Also we already knew it would have stuff like that it was mentioend a while ago in an interview

No we didn't, this is the first time they ever mention this.

You don't need to reply with your copy pasta reply to every post you don't like xv-kun

Yeah but with the CGI scene with Noctis and Luna. I thought the end part implies Luna drowned in the water or what caused her death was drowning. Hence, the reason why they also didn't find her body.

No you're just a retarded brainlet who ignored anything the game did so you could sperg off on the internet like an underage piece of shit.

>One vehicle section, one fight, rest is cutscenes.

The absolute state of FF15.

More of Daddy Ignis is okay for me. PS did one thing right.

The news broadcast tells them that, while also stating it's unknown if she was alive.
Ignis tells you right away she didn't make it, heavily implying he confirmed her death with his own eyes.

You're the problem xv-kun and you know it


I know you need them to survive XV-kun, maybe you can make a costume covered in them you pathetic nignog.

XV has multiple timelines, for example the Omen trailer is another canon timeline.

I hope this DLC clarifies Ravus motivation, because in the main game, even with the update, is all over the place.

Maybe you are underage or new to games but what the fuck do you think the Final Mix editions of KH games are?

But since you are clearly the underage chimp here who has no fucking idea what DLC or expansions are I'm not sure why the fuck you are trying to act like you are somehow an authority on anything other than complete fucking retardation

This. I bought the season pass (With a gift card someone else gave me) and have no desire to go back and play anything. Dropped Episode Prompto about 30 minutes in.

lol even the DLC is retarded and has zero continuity

It's cute how you think I'm actually going to give you a serious reply if you jump high enough for attention XV-kun.

I just realized how much more retarded that CGI "death" scene is now that they've shown Ravus finding and picking up her body.

Yeah buddy, nice headcanon.


>they are still throwing money at FF15 instead of giving Taro money for Atlantis/M002 dlc.

>It doesn't add anything,
It adds another ending just like it says

>and they may fuck things up if they create an ending that contradict the base story.
But it would be an alternate ending and not the one from the main story, are you dumb?

>No we didn't, this is the first time they ever mention this.
Yes he did, he explicitly mentioned stuff like alternate endings blog.esuteru.com/archives/20007796.html

Not him but it's true. They confirmed that Omen is an alternate reality.

sorry to break it to you but KH sucks too :(

You did well, gameplay wise that DLC was a mess. The final boss was a fucking turret section, let me say it again: A FUCKING TURRET SECTION. And the story was poor man's MGS.

>How best boy will lose his sight
I'm not ready for this again.

They didn't confirm shit. Pic, link, or it didn't happen. Just like the Pittios theory that was debunked by Tabata himself.

I literally just read the wiki to find out. The only way you can even attempt to try and make sense of anything in this dumb game. He wants revenge but Luna is always his top priority so everything else takes a backseat to that. He grabbed the ring in KG mainly for her sake and also wanted to kill Levi for her but we already knew that. It just makes no sense why he would suddenly be okay with Noctis in the end. I guess it's because he wanted Luna to be happy but the whole Luna/Noct relatonship is so retarded in the first place. It would have made more sense for her to fuck Gentiana or some shit.

The water was still crashing around and because Titan just punched up a bunch of land under the waterbed, she did drown but that doesn't mean Ravus couldn't have found her body

In the game at the time where the radio report says Luna's body has yet to be found at the same time the radio report says Ravus was branded as a traitor.

So two and two toghether and as we now see Ravus had Luna's body.

You sound like someone who would eat any shit that they thrown at you. This doen't add anything and is unnecessary. If you like it, well, more power to you man.

Guess you didn't watch the trailer

Also how is that bad when people wanted more setpieces and cutscenes?

basically same thing with Balthier in FF12 who that voice actor also voiced

Except they did though


You are the one sperging out about boogeymen here.

>she drowned but her body is found on land when Ignis finds Noct who doesn't drown!

The absolute state of the XV-cuck fandom.

Well, this is dumb, there is nothing in the game that even suggest that there are multiple realities.

Did you learn another insult that you'll run in the ground?

>lol even the DLC is retarded and has zero continuity
Where are you drawing this from? Are you even reading anything being said to you or just here to shitpost like a little cunt?

Why when Ravus would have found her after that?

Get workin on that costume Barry. chop chop!

It's confirmed a canon alternate timeline during a panel at GDC

It's just xv-kun

Stop calling people cunts Barry, it's rude.

Why is this bad? Prompto is a gunner so why is him using a type of gun in the final boss bad?

Pfft. What? When? On what obscure scrap of paper tucked away in the corner of the world map is the concept of alternate timelines ever touched upon within the game? Besides, even if other timelines are a component of the story, how does Omen count? Omen was literally nonsense from start to finish.

Yeah, I saw it I was wrong.

But like a said before, in the game there is nothing that suggest that there are multiple alternative. This is other case of ''a piece of information that is only available outside the main game''. Just like Prompto's father before his DLC.

> multiple alternative

Fuck, multiples realities, I mean.