did sony just win?
Did sony just win?
>Open world adventure
Congratualtions sonybros! Four years later and you finally got your second game!
this, the cinema trailers make it hype but actual gameplay is boring walking around, killing some generic enemies that randomly pop up
It’s absolutely disgusting how a western developper is trying for eastern easthetics
>western studio
Kek. Yeah this. Whoop de doo!
>It's a fucking NiOh ripoff
>Sucker Punch
>did Sony just win with this Skyrim clone pls respond
What, exactly?
>Sucker Punch
Character creator or are you stuck with me edgy Asian-white man?
Sucker Punch, eh?
Well, OK I guess. Might be cool.
>western made japanese game by Infamous titles studio
literally not interested
>open world arpg hack & slash meme
Who the hell is sucker punch and why should I care about another open world meme shitfest?
Sly and Infamous devs
You shouldn't.
These guys made inFamous, they know how to make a decent open-world game.
>open world
Not even close. Full of SJW pandering and linear gameplay.
>it's ok when japan does it
*tips kimono*
>Full of SJW pandering
Huh? Is this something to do with the dude in SS being a native?
>linear gameplay.
Again, huh? Infamous is a by the book open-world game.
So fucking true. why doesn't it look like this?
>Seriously, how come no one has made a sprawling samurai open-world game yet? Feudal Japan is beautiful; from the swaying bamboo forests to the ornate castles, it’s a place that demands to be explored. Don’t you want to wear a suit of samurai armor? Wouldn’t you like to fire a six-foot-tall samurai long bow? Want to journey across a lush countryside with a katana on your hip? For me, the answer is clearly “yes, yes please.”
>I’ve been a fan of samurai comics since 5th grade, from Lone Wolf and Cub to Usagi Yojimbo. The types of characters, landscapes, betrayal, and sacrifice in those stories are a rich vein ready to be translated into a videogame. The artists and engineers here at Sucker Punch have brought this world to life on PlayStation 4, from tall grass blowing in the wind to the call of a far off crane, we want to make it feel real. All of what’s shown in our debut trailer was captured in our game engine, that’s the interactive world we’re painstakingly crafting together, that’s the world we’re going to set on fire.
>In 1274, the Mongol army invaded Japan, their first stop: Tsushima Island. In Ghost of Tsushima, you play as a battered samurai, fighting back against overwhelming odds. In the trailer, you see the leader of the Mongols, a guy I would describe as an “uncomfortably reasonable killer” trying to intimidate our hero. It’s all there, right in that little scene. The power and confidence of the Mongol Empire coming face to face with pure, lethal, samurai determination.
>We’re excited to finally be able to talk about the game and look forward to sharing more in the coming months. Keeping it a secret for so long has been painful. The trailer is the perfect way to share with the world what we’ve been dying to play for so many years—fighting back invaders in feudal Japan, mastering the katana and building your legend as “the Ghost.”
inFamous second son's open world was shit. Boring as fuck side quests. Spent most of my time using neon powers just so i could run through it.
Why does the ninja guy look like he fell out of a PS1 FMV?
>samurai game
>western developer
Make Nippon Mongol Free
>Lone Wolf and Cub
My nigga
>it's okay when glorious Nippon appropriates foreign settings!
Hell yeah they won, a award for wasting nearly 2 hours of my time.
I'm a sucker for New IPs and more of them are welcome, and Sucker Punch is a talented studio so I'll definitely keep an eye out for this
I feel like japan theme levels in games are always cramped.
Radical scene.
No it's a good thing. Since Japanese developers are busy jerking off to western aesthetics, someone has to fill the eastern gap. I am very excited to play this.
Weren't infamous 1+2 open world adventures?
Weren't they the funnest games known to mankind?
Hell yeah this is gonna be good
Can't wait for the PC version
>a white man in 1270 feudal japan
user, are you stupid?
I´m surprised that Sony allowed them to make a game with a male protagonist. they are pure sjw nowadays. then again it isn´t a white men so I guess that is why it made the cut
Trailer looked cool but now they're saying it's open world? I don't know, man. Except for Zelda I hate open world games.
>Can't wait for the PC version
Have any Suckerpunch games ever come to PC?
a white male protagonist
Are Kratos, Joel, and Days Gone guy not white enough for you?
>Not wanting to roam in an open world Feudal Japan
What a gay, I can't think of any other game that has done it first. Way of the Samurai doesn't count, it's Monster Hunter tier area loading.
Oh boy I liked that game!
hope it's not a Shadow of Mordor in Japan game
This. I'm excited for the aesthetics alone.
Friendly reminder that the last non-open world SP game was on PS2.
Sony owns SP.
You’ve heard “It’s like darksouls”
Now get ready for “It’s like Niho”
Why did you post the plot of Games of Thrones?
>wanting to walk around another generic fucking skyrim/witcher empty world that's 90% bland wilderness
>Open world adventure
Hahahah, no thank you. Bloated, little story content, always busywork.
>set in feudal JAPAN
>everyone speaks English
>sucker punch
literally nothing
I’m interested.
>typical Sup Forums hate circlejerk
Worse than that other site desu
Are you?
you literally never played infamous you daft fuck
They'll probably have Japanese voice actors for the Japanese release. I hope they allow us to switch languages in the menu.
As a huge fan of their work I have to agree. They dropped the ball hard with Second Son.
What is wrong with you self hating eastern/western faggots?
Why do you hate everything that isn't Japan when you're not Japanese and don't live there?
Do you want a character creation for Witcher 3 too? Fuck outta here.
>killing mongs
day one purchase
Those were different times
This jew is obsessed with whites
Because stacy wont fuck them. It's really that simple.
I'd rather have big budget way of the samurai 100000 times more than any open world japan game
Although I wouldn't want it to be a triple A developed game since that necessitates blandness, so it's a catch 22.
Typical open-world mouthbreather.
Name 5(five) good open world games set in feudal Japan.
Don't make me laugh, you fucking moron
because western games are trash. it's that simple
You think i'll answer your question after ignoring mine? You think i'm some cuck?
Fuck outta here
this is just as good as metroid prime 4 so no they didn't
both are games that don't exist because we haven't seen any gameplay
>Sucker Punch
>Westerners doing Japan
Imagine all the buying power granted by the PS4 and Sucker Punch is who you still use.
>Plebstation exclusive
Into the trash etc.etc.
We've had our second game
>Sucker Punch are the OGs of open world games (fuck off todd fanshits)
>Tease open world game in 2017
>"le open world games are bad" -meme
A superior jest my friend. Keep at it on your Clown Diploma at the Clown College.
>downplaying hype culture on Sup Forums
Oh shit nigger, where do you think you are? Adapt the mentality of a 14 year old or fuck right off.
Samurai has the same power as Delsin right? Is that smoke?
No, there won't be character creation for a game set in 1270 fucking Japan. You expect to play as an African woman in a country that got it's first contact with fucking Europe in the 16th century? You're an idiot.
you poorfag probably dropped the soap when you realized its a ps exclusive title.
>Sucker Punch are the OGs of open world games
Do console drones really believe this?
yeah thank god
>no weebo shit pandering to perma virgins
>no retarded voice acting
>no start your harem of 12 year old looking girls
>no shitty or retarded anime face machanics
>Not making Sly 5
>Going for some generic weeb open world game
It hurts...
I don't play trashy chore simulators disguised as games. So I'm not sure if I get this pop culture reference
Come here nip, see my big white dick
I'm not sure you know how that expression is used.
>Sucker Punch are the OGs of open world games
The Legend of Zelda on NES was the first notable open world game and if you want to move the goal posts then GTAIII was the first notable example of open world as we know it.
Have you played thouse games? The ps4 infamous didn't leave much of an impression, but infamous 1+2 were surprisingly good.
>QTE simulator with 30 min long cut scenes constantly
>Persona 5
>30 hours of handholding 90% of the game is VN shit and the city is barely interactive
>Gravity Rush
>poor mans Infamous that nobody cares about because the gameplay is trash (Spam to kick) with no real variety and boring ass plot
>babby first Turnbased series that hasn't evolved for over a decade and still behind turnbased games like Divinity Sin and has no VA in 2017
>Ace Attorney
>caring about this series after the original 3
>Metal Gear Solid 5
>open world trash with braindead AI and half a story
Bloodborne was good though
I'm not sure whether you are mentally ill or not.
Wow, what the fuck are you talking about hombre
Only good jap games are either nintendo titles or from sotfware games. The rest is typical Sup Forumsirgin tier trash