Hey you, yes YOU. what's your darkest vidya related secret?

Hey you, yes YOU. what's your darkest vidya related secret?

I cheat.

Buying a PS4

I enjoy videogames regardless of the platform

I don't care about the political opinions of the developer.

I play to have fun

I forgot to shower once when my favorite game came out


I think Undertale, Bioshock Infinite (And Burial at seas part 2), and Dark Souls 2 were 10/10's.

If I told you then it wouldn't be a secret.

I call games I haven't even played bad because other people a shilling them to much

i'm an idort but i spend the vast majority of time playing pc or xbox and not playstation or 3ds because they're just superior for the games i play and the friends i have.

this triggers the loner weebs

Why?.. i will never get it.. i cheated when i was young as it was fun to break the rules of the game.. but at the very end what matters is to accomplish something with your own skills.. "gaming skills" but still, you wont get the feel of accomplishment by cheating or playing too easy games like nintendo games in general..

When the game asks me to set the brightness, I always set it to see the figure clearly

i exclusively jerk off to feral pokemon

I'm terrible at Overwatch. Can't aim, get destroyed in 1v1 fights, and very rarely get gold medals, on fire, etc. I also get killed by Genjis and Tracers when I play as Winston. Despite that, I make it into Master rank every season by only playing Mercy/Lucio.

When I play comp, I need to have chat muted and Oney Plays, Super Mega, or Game Grumps on in the background because I have a massive anxiety problem and getting shit on for fucking up destroys my ego.

I also refuse to play notoriously difficult games like Cuphead or Dark Souls for the above reasons.

I also think Danny is funnier than Jon

I bought Soul Caliber 4 just so I could jerk off to Ivy, Cassandra, and Taki. I hate fighting games other than Smash and haven't played a single match to this day

I cheat all the time in multiplayer games. I pubstomped for years with LMAOBox on an alt account in TF2

I've played through Fear 2 three times but gave up on the first one after an hour

The Last of Us, Ocarina of Time, and Half Life 2 are my top 3

I've spent around 100 dollars on girlfriend audios and I write shipping fanfiction. I've written fics for games I haven't played because I like the characters

I love Devil May Cry 3 and 4 but despise 1 and haven't played more than an hour of it. I also absolutely love Human Revolution and Mankind Divided but dislike the original Deus Ex

I once played through Arkham City 12 times in 2 months.

I find a lot of retro games unplayable as they lack the polish and streamlining of more modern games

The only turn based RPGs I've ever played are the South Park ones because I used to watch the show

I hate the Sonic franchise. Every game is complete garbage

In every Zelda game I play, I use a guide to make sure I get all the items and see all the content

I have over 400 hours in Left 4 Dead 1/2, all of which is solo play on normal

I donate to streamers on occasion

The only RE game I like is 4

I savescum whenever possible

I've bought cosmetics in multiplayer games

I don't have unlimited time. When something is tedious and well below my skill level I speed up the process so I can get back to the parts of the game that are actually compelling.

I shoved a 3DS XL stylus down my urethra for sexual pleasure

I shit post on Sup Forums with r/gaming in my alt+tab.

You don't have to have unlimited time.. i work from 8hrs a day all week.. i still think a hard game has more fun to it than cheating.. also what is compelling about a game? The cinematics? Why not watch a movie? Or a cinematic compilation? Its way faster than cheating

not him, but I always cheat if I can in single player. I'm tired of grinding for money to buy X think to proceed with the adventure.

You're not listening. The games aren't hard. They're tedious. It's like you've never played a fucking game before if you think there aren't parts that are better when sped up.

Was it good?

>I've spent around 100 dollars on girlfriend audios and I write shipping fanfiction. I've written fics for games I haven't played because I like the characters
Post some please.

It was alright
They're pretty long and the 3DS XL one specifically has a smooth point to it which makes it easier to get in

You're really weird, and I like it. Find me on steam at 'Tomorrow King'. I've just got to ask about the Arkham city thing

When I was a kid I unironically enjoyed Sonic 06
it was also my first experience with sonic games

I played for team reddit in the shazbowl

>Im an idiot
>I hate playstation

Sounds about right.



i love mario and hate zelda games

>own playstation 4, 3ds, xbox, pc
>play 2 more than the other 2
>weebshit gets asshurt

stay triggered

Sounds like you're playing shitty games

Hey, you called yourself an idiot, I was just pointing it out. No need to get upset.

I pre ordered Hatred despite knowing it would get banned in my country.


what country


Stop playing shit games matey

That's your solution? Idiot, I play good games and bad games that can be improved by speeding them up.

>being this triggered that someone hasn't devoted their life and well being to sony

this is why the community is cancerous. you can't even own the console unless you play it 24/7 and hail sony as gods otherwise you're considered to be hateful towards them.


cry more buddy

You sound like a triggered Nintendo fanboy.

He also pretends that idort = idiot

Get a switch

>damage control picture

nope. i've never paid for a nintendo console in my life. not yet anyway.

people trying to be clever. but whatever, their butthurt is funny.

black friday hopefully. i'm not going to buy one unless it's under 250 though

What he has to damage control if he is an idort?

>i've never paid for a nintendo console in my life.
>that's why I spend every waking moment shitting on Sony fans on their behalf on a mongologian basketweaving forum

Laughing my fucking ass off. Was Odyssey really THAT bad that you have to be on here all day?

holy fuck

>because you have to be a nintendork to prefer something other than playstation
Hello pot my name is kettle. You're black!

>nope. i've never paid for a nintendo console in my life. not yet anyway.
Then you are not an idort, stupid.

I haven't played a game in like half a year

shitting on sony fans? where? i'm playing yakuza 0 right now as i type this. you're the one that somehow interpreted my original post where i stated i play pc and xbox more than playstation or gameboy as me "hating playstation". either way, stay triggered. it's probably time to go back to neogaf now

>you have to buy something yourself to own it

Is Arkham City worth getting if i thought Asylum was "meh"?

Yet you don't have a switch, so how are you an idort then? you aren't. You WERE an idort in the last gen, this gen you aren't until you get a switch.

Not him, but I personally found Arkham City to be one of the better ones, along with Arkham Origins.

Arkham Asylum was a bit meh anyway, I felt lost in a maze most of the time.

>this desperate backpeddling

Nintendo fans is always good for a laugh.

you can be an idort by only owning 2 of 3 competing platforms e.g. ps4 and xbox

No, idort was always owning all the three things, xbox, nintendo and sony
xbox and pc share a lot of crap these days though, so now it is pc sony and nintendo in most cases.

I erp in muds and byond games

I also actually liked the AVP game, it was a ton of fun... I honestly cant understand people who didn't appreciate the campaigns

whatever you say buddy. i sure am a nintendo fan despite not even owning their latest console, or any console for that matter since the wii. yup, nintenigger here.

i've always known it to be at least 2 platforms, but if you owned any currently-developed-for console it also counts like a 3ds, but it's a fucking internet meme with no real definition so fuck knows

I do this too, it's not even a "ha fuck you game I'll give myself an advantage" thing. I just fucking hate when a game is to dark, because when I get Comfy I slide down on my chair and the game becomes even harder to see and it ruins my enjoyment

>xbox and pc share a lot of crap
Bubble burst! You need to use the windows store, which means you need to keep shit up to date and accept microsoft shoehorning Minecraft Microsoft Edition and Candy Crush onto your pc while spying harder than the NSA

I entered a password for max level in Ys Book 1&2 because i couldn't beat the final boss at my current level of 1 below maximum, and i'd have to kill 2000 enemies to level up

That's why you dual boot and literally unplug your cable physically after downloading the shit you need, silly user

I play GTA Online on PS3 and RP on my own, like I was a hustler. When I'm off missions I pickup hookers to replenish HP and then master bate to it like it's porn. I've had girlfriends and had actual escorts, but this is what I'm really into sexually lately.

I like reality less and less every passing day.

>being this paranoid
>when you can literally just disable the windows update service

I never finished morrowind

You're not alone. Me and my cousin had a blast in multiplayer playing as sonic and silver, grabbing sonic and flinging him to space.

The spying shit can't be disabled or you lock windows 10.

Uhm, yes it can be disabled? W10Privacy, look it up.

I don't play multiplayer games.

Tech savvy fags leaked docs that say that the settings don't do shit, don't believe the shills that claim otherwise.

No shit windows settings dont do shit, which is why you fuck with the registry, group policies, and services! Jesus you are actually retarded.


...and then you do that and you lock windows, didn't I say that?

I masturbated to Amy Rose while watching the Sonic Heroes cutscenes when I was 13.

>play VN where you date dragons
>someone points out that the dragons have clear parallels to real life racial and social stereotypes
>realize I got tricked by the game into dating a black man

Yes you did, and you are stupid, because I've done that, and I haven't locked windows. If you genuinely buy into the meme that by touching Windows' registry, group policies, and services, you will just brick windows... then you are beyond stupid and I'm done replying to you.

Google is your friend, reading is your ally. Use your noggin and you won't get a floggin.

I ERP as doctor Ziegler.

I saw a pic where the guy clearly explains how he blocked everything and anything that spies and then windows didn't boot anymore, but whatever you say.
I always forget to save things because I am lazy.

I'm a save scum

When I watch a TIHYDP of a game I've played, I often made the same mistakes. TFW I'm probably as bad at videogames as DSP

Lol nice pasta, maybe use a trip next time faggot

>i saw a pic some user posted on the internet, so it must be true

I have been tinkering with computers for the past 15 years. I've killed more computers than you can imagine, and I've learned a lot over that time. My first hand experience tells me that if your random user bricked his OS, he either disabled a critical service on boot, or corrupted his bootloader. A corrupted bootloader can be fixed with a windows recovery partition and a bit of CMD ingenuity. As for disabled services, you'd need to find a way to re-enable them from outside the OS, a very difficult task indeed (but not entirely impossible).

Your "sauce" on this info is entirely vapid and probably full of shit. You need to stop believing every shill that passes you on the internet. Probably find the dude who made the image came from and we all know how they unironically shill Gentoo harder than toddposters on the eve of a new fallout game.

>still haven't beaten Nameless King without a summon yet
>jack it to Rouge the Bat regularly
>pretend FC2 was great even though I actually think it's a chore to play
>bought Skyrim twice
>bought FO4 season pass
>firmly believe I'm the only person who understood L.A. Noire re: why Cole's affair was seemingly unexplainable
>ME2 is my favourite in the series
I'm a bad man.

I had a lot of fun playing Horizon Zero Dawn.

Not the user you've been arguing with, but I did sime security stuff for a government org that needed to make sure they weren't talking to Microsoft through the internet after their Win10 transition. It's really not that hard to do what the other user was saying, despite what tinfoil hat wearers say, as long as you know how to read/modify the registry and connection settings.

FC2 is pretty good, faggot.

>VN where you date dragons
Was it Angels With Scaly Wings?

I watch Inuitinua's streams because she looks like a young version of my mom.

In Pokemon Gale of Darkness, I fapped to the battle model of Walrien. The jiggle physics on its blubber got me horny.

That's what I say in FC2 threads when they pop up, yes.

You sick fuck

Im thinking about getting ass creed origins because it has Cleopatra VII Philopator in it and I am madly in love with her.

Literally no other reason other than it having my historical waifu in it.

Are there any others?

I always play as a woman character.... Because I want to be one.

I watch Inuitinua because I am extremely attracted to her. She is just the right amount of sexy/awkward. If I knew her IRL I would marry her in a heartbeat.

I replayed Metroid Prime 1 acting as if I was Samus and very careful, always scanning everything, often walking slowly, overall played it like the game was a book.

I greatly enjoy driving around in gta4 and 5. I spent hours on end, driving around with the same car without doing any weird bullshit and not hitting anything. Sometimes I actually stopped at red lights.

When I first saw Midna in Twilight princess I instantly had dirty thoughts. I way about 13 at the time.

I had a lot of fun playing Modern warfare 2, trying to survive a team deathmatch without ever getting killed. I tried to find a spot where nobody would ever find me. I later tried to get a few kills without dying by playing it very very safe using a combination of claymores and c4 with the perk one man army. I had tons of classes all of them had one man army, one was for smoke grenades, one for a silenced rifle, one for heartbeat sensor and so on.

I played counter strike source zombie escape maps just so I could spray lewd anime images on walls whenever I was in a safe spot with other players.

I spent money on membership for online games like Club Penguin and Animal Jam