there's nothing like wandering around in a sweaty dustcoat and listening to Johnny Guitar over and over again
There's nothing like wandering around in a sweaty dustcoat and listening to Johnny Guitar over and over again
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user, I can't lie to you. Johnny Guitar is a terrible song and you're terrible for listening to it.
>wandering around an empty world space with no random encounters
I'd rather play wasteland 2 senpai
Do you remember your first meaninful decisions in this game?
I met Mr House for the first time and killed him on sight. Didn't like him.
I infiltrated the NCR doing good deeds for them but betray them as soon as I got ranger armor.
The Brotherhood I helped and then ignored because they remind me of myself (basement dwellers)
I killed Kaizar because he was going to die forma stroke anyway.
>just another "house hurt my feefees" faggot
Thanks for letting us know
I let him rot in his basement for that. Nobody fucks with my fee fees.
>not installing a FO1 ambient music mod and wandering the wastes with the radio off
Most of the soundtrack is already from 1 and 2
I genuinely can't stand Moribund World. Rest of the OST is phenomenal, though.
i helped the powder gangers take over the town because i thought we were going to run the residents out by causing mischief, not murder every last person down to the potato farmers.
>not installing Secret Stash radio mod which puts in every song that the quests are named after
>best looking armor has NCR Tag on it
god fucking dammit
Desert Ranger armor from Honest hearts doesnt have a faction tag, and I would say thats the best looking of them.
>who are the Powder Gangers, Goodsprings Resident?
>a bunch of violent escaped convicts who murdered the guards and use dynamite to raid people
Nothing but wacky hijinks
HD remaster when?
>There are songs in new vegas I've never heard before
Dustcoats are actually designed to reflect the heat from the sun and keep you cool.
I never knew JSawyer was THIS autistic.
>Josh, we need some songs for the guys who sing in the Tops after finishing Talent Pool but we're out of music licensing budget
>Don't worry, I've got it handled
How many other songs have the lead dev singing in them?
Three total.
And it is tied to one of the best characters in the game too.
Four, he did the song for Bruce Isaac as well
That opening riff to Johnny Guitar makes me angry.
I should have known.
>remastering unfinished games
>implying wearing a full leather jacket in the Mojave wouldn't be sweaty as fuck
Makes you wish for a nuclear winter, doesn't it.
considering how the world was set on fire
>cowboys were wrong
But who wants to set the world on fire?
use the dynamite i got from Easy Pete to bomb the fuck out of Vulpes and his faggot cosplayers at Nipton
Not me. I just want to start a flame on this fucking campfire. God I have pathetic survival skills
pete hines
Avellone wants to reset society again to mantain the post-apoc status quo, so I don't know why people are actually trusting him to write for Fallout again.
there's a mod for that senpai
Pete's just a man with a job to do
heh. that guy obviously endured quite a few swirlies in high school. what a vindictive little insect he is.
for some reason that's the only track i know by title
This. Pete may be a dickhead to fans and a terrible PR guy because of that, but he’s not actually responsible for any of the content in Bethesda’s games.
Isn't it a fact that Bethesda doesn't have writters?
They just put ideas into papers and pick them out of a jar or something?
Apparently Bethesda’s lead writer is this retard.
But yeah, outside of the main quest, most side quests and whatnot were probably mostly written by the various other staff who worked on the game.
They have Emil Whatshisname. He's just a shitty writer
sounds like Life is Strange
I have seen this name before, yeah. Judging by that video this man is fucking retarded.
Why hasn't he been fired?
>Fallout 1 was 80 years after the nukes and pretty much on the border of post-apoc and post-post apoc
>Avellone worked on Fallout 2, when the series was definitely post-post apoc
>he wants to nuke NCR so the series can "return to its roots" because it's "too post-post apoc now"
The man has no idea what he's on about and seems to be talking exclusively from his anus
Todd likes to hire his personal instead of people who are actually competent.
Does he need BASED Balance Man to keep him in line?
I think Bethesda has proven that they can write any shlock they want and still sell games so who cares what Emil Parmigiano-Reggiano writes
I enjoyed NV enough to sink +100 hours into it, but it's a significantly worse rpg than FO1/2, and a worse shooter than FO4. The only thing it has going for it is a unique setting and being better than FO3 and having a great soundtrack
Having said that, I think it gets a bit too much praise by being Sup Forums's first Fallout.
never played Prey, is that true or was he bullshitting to cover up ZeniJew meddling?
At some point I'm pretty sure you have to fight and kill your girlfriend who's welded into an alien cyborg thing