Why don't you like fighting games Sup Forums, is it because you're bad at them?
Why don't you like fighting games Sup Forums, is it because you're bad at them?
No, I just don't like boring characters that are just "Guy/girl from X country in a swimsuit" that makes up the majority of characters in shit like Street Fighter.
Sup Forums hates fighting games because most of Sup Forums is the rage quitting faggots who want to instantly be good now
is that a vagina in her back?
>I've literally never played a fighting game before: The post
>be bad at fightan
>still love the genre
>buy pretty much every game of the series I like
>have over 20+ games I'm really bad at
I do like fighting games though, fuck Sup Forums. Don't ask me to be good at any of them. I'll try, but you'll likely kick my ass.
What do you think a vagina looks like
I sure am, however I do know most of the female characters from different series by names.
pretty much yeah. Fighting games are a testament to why games are turning into esports garbage. Everyone gets excited about "the hype moments" and comeback garbage and it influences the way games are made.
But SFV is the game designed for people who're bad at fighting games.
man, if only her skin wasn't so dark
I like fighting games but im shit at them.
Problem is all my friends are even worse so no one wants to play.
Why should I like fighting games?
I wish. Truth is it's actually designed for people who like feet
They're boring, love the girls though.
They are easy to master, but boring to watch and play. odd....
>SFV is a F2P model marked at $60
>Tekken 7 is just a DLC fest and Tekken Bowl is offline
>Guilty Gear has dead online
>MKX is garbage
>MvC:I has the fucking mind stone which will probably get banned at tourneys anyways otherwise it'll be the only meta
Fighting games are fucking trash.
Not enough big guys
>Why don't you like fighting games Sup Forums, is it because you're bad at them?
they also seem kinda boring though
>Wanting white Egyptians
Literally disgusting
I also lack the dedication to spend all my free time playing that one game with that one character.
Boring, man.
I love fighting games but I broke the d-pad on my DS4. If I'm always presented with that possibility, like a disposable to a quality razor, I'd rather not play them until I can afford a proper stick.
I like fighting games though. I play them a lot. Fuck the fags who say you don't like fighting games unless you frequent locals though, there are none near me and I don't have the time or connections to start one, netplay is all I have and I enjoy it for what it is
She probably has alternate colors that fix her.
I don't dislike them, so if other people want to play them, good for them. I don't shit on any fighting games or people who like them. But I do acknowledge I suck ass at them, and the only fighters I would buy (if their business practices aren't bad like MvCI) are fan service stuff like both Persona 4 Arenas, etc. The only thing I'm moderately above average in is a series that many people debate even is a fighting game is Smash but that's a whole nother can of worms.
atleast there's still fantasy strike
Virtua Fighter?
Killer Instinct?
Under Night?
Arcana Heart?
These are questions that need answer, man.
this artist draws nice pokemon ass
I like them. I just don't like playing against other people.
Then why are they all freakishly big?
Dead online
>Virtua Fighter?
Hasn't been relevant in years
>Killer Instinct?
Sat for 20 minutes the other day waiting for a match before giving up. Dead online.
>Under Night?
>Arcana Heart?
If I've heard of Melty Blood but not these games, that's a bad sign.
>love fightan even if I'm shit
>keep buying fightan games thinking I'll get good at them
>still shit even after hundreds of hours
>too scared to go online anymore
>getting less time to play them as time passes
Surely there's still hope for us, user.
Bad controls
Hit training mode, son.
Who do you main in Super Smash Brother's Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube, Sup Forums?
Don't ask me, I'm not a fucking degenerate
I'll git gud one day.
I know that feeling user, we'll get good one day.
Why are fighting games the only genre where this place hops to the other side of the fence of the casual debate and wants them all easy?
>can land combos just fine in training
>can't do shit online because the only devs who can do online right are the KI devs
Not him, but the "training mode" meme is a bad one.
Humble anons, the struggle is real.
Badly drawn erector spinae.
>can't do shit online because the only devs who can do online right are the KI devs
That's because you're practicing the wrong stuff. Work on your hit confirms before you start getting into combos.
>if you think the games are shit just git gud
Valle? Is that you?
My hit confirms are fine. The problem is when you have devs who think rollback like SFV has is a better idea than what USF4 had where it would just play out at 4 frames a second. Neither are a good fucking excuse when you have KI and it has crossplay between Xbox and PC, and there's still barely an issue. I think I'd have maybe 15 matches tops that were laggy out of the hundreds I've played on KI.
>playing fighting games not made by NRS
I haven't played in a long time and now I'm rusty on top of being shit, so that's all I do. I feel like even if I practice things like BnBs and other basic stuff in training, it falls apart whenever I fight other people or try going through arcade or survival modes for stuff.
I also switched controllers after coming back and now I feel retarded for not being able to do diagonal motions properly anymore.
Simplify your combos you actually use online and build up to bigger ones.
There is no reason for trying optimal combos out of the gate because most of your opponents won't do them.
I always wind up playing grapplers. Probably because I can't combo worth a shit.
Did I say that?
I don't care if you like them or not, people have preferences, but this place does have a lot of people who'd rather see fighters made easier for them, but won't hesitate to shit on anything else "casual" with the slightest provocation.
Fox. I try to learn with the toughest character to master in every fighting game/every competitive game. I'm never that good at it but it feels good to know that it's the top. It feels good to learn those characters. I like Pikachu, Falco, Falcon, & Peach too.
but i do like fighting games
Hahaha fucking this. Seriously, there is so much hypocrisy. Sup Forums thinks they're hardcore because they can play against dumb AI in Dark Souls and that all games are so casual these days, but even when Street Fighter 5 makes itself as casual as possible while still retaining a basic level of depth they want it even EASIER. They're just as bad as the journos who wanted Cuphead to be easier.
I don't like them because I don't like the controls or abnormally sex obsessed teenagers.
>watching canada cup
>menat, abigail, guile, ibuki, gouki, mika, rashid, etc
>I almost fell asleep
good lord this game is so boring to watch
I don't know why you'd even bother buying fighting games without a local scene to play with anyway. Online play for fightan is fucking terrible.
The whole concept of every fighting game revolving around building muscle memory for doing the same x amount of combos is just sad and not alluring.
Even if you call your enemies bluffs / next moves, if you haven't put in enough hours to be able to do all the combos of your character, chances are you will lose.
This is the whole issue with (online) fighting games, people are autistic as hell, and most people don't want to put in so many hours to be able to only play 1 character. This is why the scene is pretty stale with a relatively low playerbase.
It's because my friends are bad at them and I hate playing online
>I want to play as this attractive female character
>What do you mean I have to actually lean how to play the game to win, I just wanna mash in arcade like a neanderthal
Teenagers that buy games with their dicks are idiots
>tfw just got the game from my gf and have to play hundreds of matches to unlock people
dont know how all my friends did this shit. i play marth but im sticking to kirby/cap falcon until i get him
I like fighting games but I am bad at them.
Just plug in 4 controllers and leave the game on a VS overnight, it counts the time for each player
>dont know how all my friends did this shit
Because you're approaching the game from the mindset of a job, while your friends just unlocked everything because they just wanted to play the game because it was fun.
Reverse that. I'm bad at them because I can't get interested in them enough to play them.
I just prefer slow paced gameplay, which generally doesn't apply to fighting games.
I like Ice Climbers but the "scene" hates them so fuck those faggots.
>Tekken 7 is just a DLC fest
excuse me?
is there any shame in saying yes?
zeku is fun and all, but man, i cant wait for sfv arcade edition. been trying to guess what peoples second v triggers will be but i honestly have no idea. like, what the hell is karins going to be? or geif? or anyone else, for that matter?
>I just prefer slow paced gameplay, which generally doesn't apply to fighting games.
It has applied to Street Fighter since 2008.
i like them but i'm bad at them, and when i start to think the amount of hours i spent to become somewhat decent at shooters it always makes me quit no matter how much i'm enjoying the game
I hate the people who are pretty bad at them but still have rants about the game mechanics and scrubs.
You can tell who they are because they echo whatever a high ranked player says.
I love fighting games, probably my favorite vidya genre other than run and gun and sports.
I enjoy many games that I'm bad at. The problem with fighting games is that they're very very boring. There's no reason for me to play and git gud at them if the process isn't fun.
they did it a decade ago when the game was still active and we all had lots of time on our hands. im doing this mostly alone so its not that easy
most of the challenges for getting people are for number of matches, not time spent in versus. 50 matches for stages, hundreds for characters. probably just gonna end up doing it the alternate way and beating classic/adventure as everyone
I'm not good at any competitive game. I'd rather just jack off to R. Mika and falseflag as a Meleefag in FGC threads.
Waiting for SFV arcade edition to come out
also waiting for a new version of MvCI with at least 2 seasons of dlc characters included
also waiting for DBFZ to come out (and see if the gameplay is even good)
not enough people in Europe who play Rev2 to really make the game worth getting into for me
same with Kof14
I find NRS games fucking boring
don't really like Tekken's gameplay
I like fucking around in fightcade and USF4 tho.
You don't have to spend any hours to become good at shooters idiot. You played them since you were 12 and you literally just point and click. Like what the fuck?
Nah you're still a massive faggot, nobody enjoys playing you at locals.
Melty's not that hard to stumble across, man. Sorry to tell you.
They're pretty good though. Especially Under Night. Cast is kinda small right now, but the game feels really nice. It's like a nice medium between the more grounded 2D fighters and airdashers.
Menat or Dhalsim? Choose for me. My brain wants Dhalsim but my dick wants Menat
Unless its turn based, I don't think we're using the term 'slow' in the same way.
I get that it can be slow for a fighting game, but that's not the same as "five minutes to decide each move is normal".
No, there's no shame inherent in admitting that you're bad and don't think the time required to get good is unattractive as long as you don't turn around and shittalk the people who do. It's a video game.
Because they're repetitive and primitive
because i don't see the point in memorizing all those button combos. it's very boring, much more boring than grinding in an RPG.
This. Sup Forums are literal autistic retards in every sense of the word.
Dhalsim if you want to be a dick but still lose half the time, Menat if you want slightly more honest play but ridiculous lab time to get her moveset down pat.
Played sfv since release. Wanted to finally get good at the genre. Got to gold which is higher than i ever thought I could, but I peaked there and I cant advance.
>Garou and USF4 in the same tier
My fucking nigga, the Street Fighter scene became so fucking boring once tourneys dropped USF4. I'm really hoping KoF14's success leads to a Garou 2.
Like that. I've never played any kind of locals and know for a fact I'd get wiped if I knew where to find any, but if this is the kind of shit I gotta sit through for playing these cute bastards, fuck em.
add mvci already
Not many have character creation.
Posts tumblr tier art. Op is an underage gay boy.
I like them and I am good at them.
I beat Kid Viper in a Johnny mirror, and won some local tournaments over the years. I'll never get out of Evo pools probably, but I'm good.
>KoF14's success
is this a fucking joke?
Looks like a face lol
I'm really bad at them but really enjoy playing them with friends
I really wish the fucking matchmaking in most fighting games wasn't just "Match you up with a random person with no regard to skill level" because 90% of fighting games are dead as fuck except for the most dedicated fans who can literally 100-0 me with no effort at all
I never feel like i'm learning and just get my ass kicked over and over it sucks
>as long as you don't turn around and shittalk the people who do. It's a video game.
Yeah, but that would be no fun.