Who's looking forward to DOOM on Switch this Friday?

Who's looking forward to DOOM on Switch this Friday?

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not me


I guess no one wants to pay more than what other versions cost for less everything.

Yes, never play it

Do the other versions offer portability?

1. everyone who cares about games like these, own a system that has game like these
2. everyone who cares about game like these already played the game
3. 30fps consoles shooters are shit

lastly imagine some epic complaint about the graphics

>30 FPS
>No gyro
Honestly hoping it does decent enough to keep the momentum of people wanting Doomguy in Smash

Next Friday, you dork

>never heard of laptops

who cares? wew I can play doom on the train whoopdidoo

yes, going to buy it day 1

>Multiplats on PS2/PS3 were by far the worst versions
>No one batters an eye lid

>Worst version of a game comes out on Switch

Tell me when this is on the Switch instead.

I want a Goblin Slayer Doom game instead.

>>Multiplats on PS2/PS3 were by far the worst versions
>>No one batters an eye lid
Did PS3 multiplats come out a year and a half later at twice the cost with cut features?
>b-b-but muh portableeeeeeeee

You can play on notebooks
You can stream to PS Vita and play it on the go if you have good internet (60 fps too)

Is this launching at full price?

$60 for campaign and multiplayer. No Snapmap.

They didn't usually come later and cost more.

>cinematic doom

Damn. That's a bit much for a graphically downgraded version. I got the PC version for half of that.

>You can stream to PS Vita and play it on the go if you have good internet (60 fps too)>>


I'm gonna be buying DOOM and Skyrim on the Switch. Really hoping we get Fallout 4 too.

The game got an official price drop in May or June to $30. Then the Switch version was announced.

DOOM doesn't cut any features besides the multiplayer which is a separate download. You're not saying you want the garbage 3rd party multi, do you?

>It's coming out friday

Holy shit time flies, but no. No gyro controls no buy.


Is this a Nintendo problem? I love Nintendo and Switch but man they can be such jews.

No, instead they offer things that actually matter such as 60 FPS

It's a third party game being published by a third party. Why would this be Nintendo's problem?

It cut Snapmap.

Really? I have to buy it full price again? Damn my fanboyism

>no gyro controls

eh I'll pass, call me autistic but I can't go back to stick after splatoon 2

I think they said they're adding them

if they do that I'll gladly buy it

I already have it on PC and I don't think games like this are very good for "on the go".

It's 60 dollarydoos for a game I already own at except it runs at 720p with a silky smooth 30fps.

no thanks

my nigga

It's weird how quiet Bethesda is being on the Switch ports, it makes me feel like they are doing a wait and see approach before going all in with support.

Whats funny?

>Supporting Bethesda
No thanks.

>wolfestein 2
>wait and see

maybe you were thinking about capcom senpai, bethesda is going all out on switch

>60 bucks for half the framerate

No thanks.

>wongraded graphics
>no gyro aiming
>1 year after release


Hi Todd.

>all out
>3 games that are already out on other platforms
This is the same thing that happened with the wii u.

I hope so, but why are there so few details on these even tho they are about to come out? I want to know more about the Skyrim version we're getting.

Dude I wasn't complaining because I like Bethesda, I was complaining because you showed up in a thread to state that you didn't care what the thread is about. That's like starting a conversation with a girl just to tell her you don't find her that attractive and arent interested in her.

And? It's a feature nobody used. You play DOOM4 for the SP.

Except I wasn't the one that made this thread just to say it. He asked who was excited, I said I wasn't. It's not shitposting, it's just stating how you feel about it. Just because you can't deal with it doesn't mean it's shitposting.

Posting something that has no real content is the definition of shit posting. Say something of substance. Give reasons, give anything besides "I don't like the thing".

Good thing I'm not the kind of yahoo who bought that 6-hour cinematic experience for $60 either.

doom is over after a few hours, you are supposed to finish it in a weekend when you're chilling at home

>No gyro controls
Into the trash it goes.

Don't mind him, he's autistic and doesn't know how to pick on up social cues.

I bought it twice on pc and ps4 before, when I had a toaster
I got your damn game, Todd.

I would legit buy it if it were like £20 and had gyro controls. Never played the DLC and I'll be damned if I'm getting it on PS4

>Doom guy is only holding one gun


I'll probably pick it up to play on lunch breaks at office and while traveling.

That's not Doomguy, Doomguy is in the back.

No, that's either poorly-lit Phobos or Arlene.


>no gyro controls
>a laptop can handle it

>no special content or features to make up for releasing the game so late
>aside from portability, which is clearly not worth a 200% markup.

i care about portability but not with 7-10 hour games like doom/wolf2/la noire. i just don't see the point

LA Noire is like 20 hours though.

fair, i don't remember much about it since i beat it shortly after it came out originally. still, the combination of short/expensive/old/downgraded makes these AAA games way more difficult to consider purchasing. at least the indies are cheap and look as nice on the switch as anything else.

maybe if I didn't already play the shit out of it on PC already. good game though.