This entire gen sucks

Not a single good game released on any of the consoles or PC.

Go read a book then nigga.

Bloodborne, dude. Also, Witcher 3.

There have been a disastrously large amount, many of which came this year alone. You're probably just a jaded faggot.

Why don't you go ahead OP and give us examples of good games of former generations, for context.

You mean not yet

The only thing I hate more than a fanboy is retards like you claiming nothing is good about any of the consoles.

>mfw there's no such thing as a good video game

I found every game I played this year to be mostly boring. Even Zelda was only ok at best. Too much wandering about and shit story and shit dungeons.

But I am perfectly unbiased as I hate everything equally and don't favour any console.

sucks to be console only cuck and not idort master race, also pirate and g2a race
>endless space 2
>div os 2
>zelda botw

theres been a shitton of great game this year alone, buy a book or sell your switch and join the big boys

xbone and ps4 still doesnt have a big exclusive imo. even the ps3 and 360 had that with mgs4 and halo 3

I played all of those except endless space 2. They were all boring. Zelda was the only one that was somewhat ok but it has shit dungeons and shit story.

I have all the consoles and a gaming PC mate. I didn't like any game on any of these platforms at all this gen.

you might change your gaming hobby to sleeping and reading then.

Is there any genres you're into in particular? Any games with any kind of aesthetics you prefer? Or are you open to anything?

>every video game sucks doesn't it guys!?
>I hate video games!
Good job fitting in kiddo. Sup Forums sure does hate video games.

But I have no other hobbies so I still come here even though i don't like games.

If you spend that much time and money on something you don’t like, then I would honestly just kill yourself

I used to be into everything. All genres. I had nearly 200 PS3 games and 150 xbox 360 games last gen.

Try watching movies.

Not him but it sounds like you should just find some new hobbies and move on. Sometimes things just happen.

Well is there any series from the previous generations that got a current gen game, did you try out yet?

Any reason you have ended your worthless life yet?

I've been reading into that for the last few months now. I think Nitrogen gas seems to be a painless way to go about it. I think I can get it from stores that sell welding equipment.

The stupidity of current generation. BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY SUCKS, HAIL SONY. PS4 has more remasters in 2017 than any other years. While Microsoft Xbox One is backwards compatible. You're growing discontent because now Nintendo is following the Sony endorsed remaster trend.

Motherfuckers are all creatively bankrupt.

I don't know how to get other hobbies though. I spent all my life only playing games and either studying or working.

just kill yourself.

I will. Just need to get the equipment to do so,


>You're growing discontent because now Nintendo is following the Sony endorsed remaster trend.
Everyone on Sup Forums sucks Nintendo's dick when they re-release shit though
It's okay when they do it

>making a mess for others to clean up
Don't be a fucking piece of shit. Fill the tub and then slit wrists.

You should just try other things and see if they click with you or not. Like try going to the local pool and go swimming, or take up an instrument, or try cooking a dish, etc.

Agreed, hopefully next year and 2019 are better at least for Microsoft and Nintendo since Sony no longer makes good games.

I want to take up some dangerous hobbies that might kill me. Something like skydiving. That might be a thrill.

This 100 percent. I needed a new hobby a few years ago. Cooking is fun to learn and obviously useful. Give it a try.

storm the Bilderberg group with an assault rifle instead.

Basejumping. Off cliffs and stuff.

Not American. No guns here.

Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, BOTW, and Persona 5 were great tho.

then join the sons of odin if you're white.

Uncharted was a boring movie game. BOTW had too much open world wandering about pointless shit, shit story and shit dungeons, Persona 5 was weeb trash. Bloodborne wasn't as good as Dark souls.

>No good games on any console or pc except for the good ones that actually came up

Do yourself a favor OP and literally get a new hobby. If shit that is clearly good is shit to you then your jaded outlook on life might be the problem. Go to the gym, start hiking do something to fix your shit outlook on everything.

>tfw have more fun playing tibia and runescape and autismcraft than any fucking other game

Breath of the Wild
Yakuza 0
Yakuza Kiwami
Mario Odyssey
Divinity OS 2
Hollow Knight
Nier Automata
Tekken 7
A Hat in Time
Stardew Valley
Ori and the Blind Forest
The Talos Principle
Axiom Verge
Shovel Knight
Alien: Isolation
Rez Infinite
Shadow Tactics
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Cities: Skylines

Not OP but I played all of these except:
Yakuza Kiwami, Stardew Valley, Helldivers
and Cities: Skylines. I found all of them to be pretty meh at best.

>No Halo 5 MP or Sunset Overdrive
>but Prey (2017)
Todd, just because I didn't buy Skyrim, doesn't mean I can't spot you out of a crowd.

>tfw not enough time to play all these great games from this year and last year
>almost a dozen coming out soon that I'm interested in
>across all three consoles, and the 3DS too.
It hasn't been like this in a long time, get over yourself user and have some fun.

Gaming is dead, OP. We know that.
Wish I could turn back time to the good old days.

>mfw there is no such thing as a video game

the switch is a great handheld

Sounds like you need to start reading or watching movies.

Shit taste

Halo was never good xbot

this gen is saved my dude, everything else is a plus

>mfw there is no such thing as a good book or movie

But Prey 2017 was? Fuck off, BethShill.
Halo, even at it's worst is better than NuPrey.

Their big thing is just going to be TLOU2, while BB is good it doesn't have that broad appeal

How is it a bad game?

But its confirmed by multiple devs that console is holding gaming back.

>rose tinted glasses

But I know the past also sucked too
that's why I want to kill myself everyday, I am just a pussy that doesn't do it.

>mfw you have shit taste

SMT V is coming motherfucker.