Pirates BTFO

Day 4 and still no crack. Denuvo using a new version with VMProtect added. Denuvo won

who gives a shit, assassins creed is a shit game

inb4 unironic ironic sour grape posting

stop being such a fucking boring cunt

Pirates BTFO at the cost of extremely high CPU usage.

no one is wasting time cracking the glitchfest of a shit game

more like buyfags BTFO

are you fucking retarded? do you shitposting retards even read what you post? this fucks over people who bought it not pirates you have shit performance because ubisoft fucked you over also if you ACTUALLY paid money for this game you should hang yourself
you pathetic faggots will take anything up the ass from these companies and so they keep doing it instead of finally going bankrupt
fuck all of you cunts

Epic, simply epic! Bravo, Ubisoft!

I'm glad to have the game run a little laggy in exchange for the poorfag pirate shitters to be eternally BTFO! For the gamers!

>$0.10 Denuvobucks have been deposited into your account.

Why are buyfags so god damn stupid?

they are good goys

>extremely high CPU usage
Fake news. Game runs great and utilizes all threads of a multicore CPU properly. Piratecucks absolutely BTFO.

>needs a fucking 1080 ti to keep it above 60fps
>anything under a fucking i5 7600k can't even make it with a 1080 ti
>runs great
jesus christ

>$0.30 Denuvobucks have been deposited into your account

As if there is/will be anything new that's worth the bandwidth.

>tfw console fag and don't have to deal with this garbage.

I'm glad I stopped caring about PC and started actually playing vidya.

sounds like a waste of time and money

>Jewnuvo shills working overtime
Can't wait for the best version that wont rape my CPU.

It's a CPU benchmark, brainlet. That GPU is there for the sole purpose of not bottlenecking the CPU, so that FPS difference would be entirely CPU bound. That's how all benchmarks are made.

And the buyer's lost

Meanwhile you have to spend the equivalent of a new graphic's card per year for online access.

Console framerate is like 50% of that anyway lol.