I just beat it - it was actually pretty good. So my question is
What the fuck is your problem with it, Sup Forums? It has a few quirks, but so did Mega Man 1.
(Sup Forums has never played MM1)
I just beat it - it was actually pretty good. So my question is
What the fuck is your problem with it, Sup Forums? It has a few quirks, but so did Mega Man 1.
(Sup Forums has never played MM1)
Sup Forums doesn't like video games in general.
>Sup Forums
The whole planet has problems with it, it's not just Sup Forums.
I honestly wouldn't know since I never played it though.
you'd think the guy who made megaman would've known to avoid the problems that megaman had when trying to reboot the genre.
It seems to be mostly complaints about the graphics in reviews and lack of lip sync.
1. The original Mega Man games were kinda ugly with their overuse of black backgrounds
2. Old Mega Man games didn't even have voice acting (and you can just turn it off anyway)
Most of the steam negative reviews are complaining about it not running or the controls not responding. Or how it outright has less stuff in it than megaman. The graphics complaints are pretty minor compared to the rest of the game being a garbage fire.
Get some standards faggot. But I'm guessing you didn't even finish Mega Man 1 and you're here defending this piece of garbage you grabbed for 2$.
I played through 1-8 in the anniversary collection, so I don't even know what you're saying homo.
>Or how it outright has less stuff in it than megaman.
When did Mega Man have 4 difficulty settings and online multiplayer?
The fact you're comparing this game to an entry that came out decades ago in a very raw state says a lot for starters
Seems like the autismal Megafags like yourself are never happy.
MM1 didn't have thirty years of games to look back on and know what to keep and what to drop.
You know they have to make a new engine right?
I will never live down the shame of backing this piece of shit for $100
I played the game for less than an hour when I finally got it, it was garbage.
Can you explain what you were expecting? I'm honestly curious. MMX1 is my favorite entry, and I got sort of a janky combination between classic and X that I enjoyed.
It was alright. Not the "don't let your nephew play this shit" catastrophe people make it out to be.
>"don't let your nephew play this shit"
Is this an Irate Gamer reference?
They pitched us something very different from the final product
Inafune is a scam artist
A) They used UE3 so that's not an excuse
B) That doesn't excuse bad game design
stupid reddit retard lmao
1. Unless they used prebaked assets and scripts, then it's not like the game was ready made.
2. It doesn't have bad game design unless you think Mega Man has bad game design