I'm hyped. Predictions?

I'm hyped. Predictions?

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looking forward to it, but do you play as the daughter in this one? I have high functioning autism and don't like playing as girls

Individual screen co-op Online
Dungeon editor
Ammo for guns
3 new area types

Also, date announced or not?

They took pretty much the same route as la-mulana 2 for this one it seems.

I'm sure every adventurer had some sort of kid you'll be able to play as.

Trailer just now youtube.com/watch?v=EywsqbENxwE

More news maybe on Sony Paris Conference (PC version should be released around same day).

I fucking love Spelunky, this will be the game GOTY of the year for me.

YOOO. I spent a good 150 hours on the first. Hopefully it's not shit.

Neato! I'll buy it on Switch

Oh my fucking god! to the MOON!

I would love some more verticality. So hyped!

Been going through rough times lately, this really cheered me up in a profound way. Playing Spelunky during the PC launch has become one of my favorite video game memories of all time, being part of the Spelunky community back then. One of the greatest video games ever made, without a doubt the best indie one, I hope the 2nd game lives up to the first.

"To the skies" I guess we might be going to the moon?

Fuck, I loved the first one. So great to know this is getting a sequel, this is a glorious feel.

What if it played mostly the same but you climb up instead of down each floor?

how do I git gud at the original?

Then that'd be stupid cause you'd start with like 10 ropes.

Just play cautiously. one mistake often means death by stunlock

literally best and only worthwile announcment from paris.

Functional online co-op is all I want.

For no gameplay shown that's a nice trailer.

is this real? if so I'm super fucking hyped. Spelunky is one of my favorite games. I've probably got over 1000 hours logged through the 360 and Steam versions, and regularly place in the top 20 daily challenge.


More hyped for UFO 50 honestly. Not that I won't pick Spelunky 2 up of course, but kinda wanted a release date for this instead.
Me too.

No doubt, the original game had a bunch of playable characters.

What exactly is there that they could do? I like Spelunky, and I'll keep an eye on this, but I'm not convinced that it needed a sequel.

>high functioning
You can't even fucking play a videogame over the drawing of the character, you're literally a non functioning mentally ill autist, you fucking retarded fuck.

Well, you could argue that it needed more stuff because runs tended to blend together due to the limited item pool. Imagine if it had more varied floors as well.

More items, more traps, more secrets, more bosses. More characters too, I guess, but that doesn't change the functionality. Just more Spelunky in general would be fantastic. Once you master hell runs and you're completing them them 90%+ of the time, you can't help but want... more.

The way the entire game/story is a tribute to his daughter has me very worried. I hope he still has the drive to make this a good, fleshed out game with online co-op without compromise, and isn't just making this game as a feel good "the world revolves around you" gift to his daughter.


Yeah, it being presented on the sony conference ratther than a nintendo direct seems like execs will fuck this game hard. I hope not.

Yeah that seemed odd, are those characters actually based on the creators or something?

I think a sequel makes sense, but I think it is important that Derek focuses on balance when designing it, not taking the Edmund route of putting so much content into the game that there's just no coherency left. The original game desperately could have had an expansion and nobody would have complained.

A Sequel is a great idea, as long as the approach isn't "Spelunky but now it has 20 times more content" I'm excited just for the new setting alone.

I hope they don't change too much about the game feel, because I honestly believe that Spelunky is the greatest playing 2d platformer ever, there's nothing that feels as good as it does.

I think it's more of a "daughter assumes the mantle of her father" type of thing. If it has co-op, it'll have other characters, too.

I like to self insert, shoot me

That worried me a bit too. I remember playing Crypt of the Necrodancer before it came out and, while the story wasn't that big a deal because you could just skip cutscenes anyway, I preferred it when it didn't have an unnecessary and shit story added in. Even if thy made the story good, it doesn't mesh well at all with a game like this that you're going to replay over and over.

the old characters were based on other indie developers, a few of them at least.

Maybe you have different equipment!

This. They wouldn't have made a point to show the other characters from the first one if there wasn't going to be multiple characters.

>"Spelunky but now it has 20 times more content"
Honestly I wouldn't complain.

ding ding ding

I'd be totally fine if it was just a reskin of the first one. New locations and enemies and stuff.

kill yourself retard

god this shit pretty much ruined penny arcade


I wouldn't expect too much out of the story, another journal and a little bit of the backstory. I think it will be the same simple premise of getting gold.

Are all the spelunkers canon now or just the 4 other colour ones?

The problem isn't playing as a girl character, no one cares, the question is whether or not he still has the drive to make this a proper game with millions of dollars in his bank account and the seemingly dubious emphasis on story (no gameplay footage for a spelunky game? really?)

guys relax, you realize it is still Spelunky and randomly generated, right? It's not a VN about the daughter of the spelunker.

>and the seemingly dubious emphasis on story
Are you serious?

It's a trailer that shows that the old Spelunker has moved on and his daughter is taking up his mantle. It's not going to be some big singleplayer story game, it's fucking Spelunky.

>Individual screen co-op Online
Honestly the best part of Spelunky was cross-play adhoc across PS3/PS4/Vita locally and everyone having their own screen.

it literally is a VN right now, it's been 5 years since Spelunky HD. You would expect him to show some gameplay.

Derek Yu strikes me as a very down to earth and humble person, he still looks like the same guy he always was. I'm pretty sure he as it in him. He's reflected a lot on the development of Spelunky and its design, I think it's safe to say that he has a very deep understanding of the game and is design, what works and what doesn't and I feel like he's going to put his all into making a worthwhile sequel.

>it's a VN because teaser trailers that don't show gameplay are representative of gameplay

I never managed to even get to hell, I think closest I got was city of gold. I got the achievement for beating Olmec within 8 minutes, though.

Are we going to get levels that fuck with gravity given the setting?

>the daughter is playing with a skull that the MC used to drink the blood of enemies

Game is dark

>g-guys i'm sure the game is gonna be great, the gameplay is so good and innovative which is why the had to keep it a secret and spend thousands of dollars creating this story rich teaser for us!! why can't u be thankful??

are you implying that they built a new engine from scratch for this game.

If they exist, i'd imagine they'd be something like the spider level: one-off levels that can either be randomly encountered throughout the stages or a door or something you expressly agree to enter.

post yfw you realize they released the trailer without gameplay because they released it before it was finished to ride on the mario odyssey "moon" hype

>whole game logo and teaser is centered around the moon
>guys i bet this is just a side bonus level thing don't worry about it
t. total retard

>killing off spelunko
>have to play as his stupid kid

Theres no way thats not a self insert with a child they have had between the games.

Why is self-inserting as a woman a problem? You're already self-inserting as someone successful or with a goal, surely a woman is small potatoes compared to the level of delusion you're already putting yourself through?

Only took a few hours from trailer release to devolve into complete shitposting. Great job guys.

Do you have any evidence whatsoever that the game is going to have "emphasis on story" or are you going to keep talking out of your ass?

Why do we have to have shitposters in a Spelunky thread of all things? If you take less than 2 minutes of footage from a teaser trailer and turn it into some sort of feminist narrative, that's on you, but can we PLEASE not infect Spelunky of all things with it until we know more info? Can't we give Derek Yu the benefit of the doubt for all the good times we've had with his game? I know we're a cynical bunch, but not every closet has literal skeletons in it, ok?

can't wait till we can screen for autism before birth


Nah, they'll show more in the coming months, they've apparently worked on it for years.

>I’m sure you have a lot of questions about Spelunky 2 and we have a lot more to share with you in the months to come about what’s new, what’s returning, and when you’ll be able to play the game. For now, we just wanted to let you know that yes, it exists! Many thanks to Sony and all the PlayStation players who have supported us over the years. We can’t wait to bring you back into the world of Spelunky!


i fucking hate v shitposting

its a fucking new spelunky game nigger wait and see, if by some ungodly chance its a vn then dont play it, it may not be spelunky but it might have the same spark of fun it had.

also the delusion in thinking the sequel is just going to have a massive genre shift

>(no gameplay footage for a spelunky game? really?)
My guess is it's very, very early in production. Easier to just do a basic teaser.

maybe I just don't like girls? who cares, stop trying to psychoanalyze me

>The sequel to the critically-acclaimed roguelike platformer Spelunky is in development and coming to PS4 and Steam! In Spelunky 2, the story deepens as more randomly-generated adventures beckon. What new secrets are lying in wait...?

Hopefully Sony blocks that

Online multiplayer.

>A person has a different opinion by me and is cautiously criticizing a game announcement for a 2D platformer with literally no gameplay

Thank god I got all the achievements in the old one. I can't wait to be part of the discovery process in the new Spleunky game,

>maybe I just don't like girls
What are you, straight? I care you silly shit, you're honestly suggesting that the only thing that enables you to self-insert, is what they have stashed down their slacks? Christ.

Same as old game but with more shit in it.

>One of the greatest video games ever made
I have to agree

this is more likely

forced diversity...... you can ONLY play as the spelunky man's wife's daughter and an assortment of other multi ethnic, aposematic teenage communists

>cautiously criticizing a game announcement for a 2D platformer

>'it literally is a VN right now'

I genuinely would be fine if it was just the same as the first game but with more zones, items, enemies, and functional online.

I would consider this the BASELINE for this game so I don't know what people are freaking out about. I would be absolutely floored if they didn't at least do this, I don't know why people are expecting less.

>tfw you get a jetpack from a crate on 1-1

>Given what I wanted to do with the sequel, I knew the only way it could possibly get made is with my friends at BlitWorks. Sony first introduced me to them in 2013 to port Spelunky to PS3, PS Vita and eventually PS4. I had a great experience working with them on the ports – they’re extremely professional, easy-going and good at what they do. As far as I was concerned, Spelunky 2 would get made with Blit or it wouldn’t get made at all, since Blit was familiar with the original game and also had the skills and manpower to do the sequel justice. The only thing I wasn’t sure of was whether they would want to build a game from scratch with me, since their specialty was porting.

>Thankfully, they were excited to work together again! And so, along with Eirik Suhrke (Spelunky’s musician), we began working on Spelunky 2 and have been at it for a couple of years now. Andy Hull, Spelunky’s lead programmer, is working on his own game, Dunk Lords, but I’ll definitely be picking his brain for feedback, as well.

>As you can see from the trailer, parenthood has had a big influence on Spelunky 2’s story and themes. For now, I’ll leave it to your imagination what it all means, but I will say that there are similarities between being a parent and working on a sequel. Both involve a lot of reflecting on the past as well as thinking about the future. With Spelunky 2, we get a chance to examine in depth what makes Spelunky unique and draw it out even more. At the same time, we need to move forward and take some risks with new ideas, keeping the series fresh for longtime fans and for ourselves.

>cautiously criticizing

Nigga, you retarded? How is someone calling the entire game a visual novel because of a teaser trailer the above statement? How is someone calling the gameplay "good and innovative" as some sort of joke the above statement? Take your autism pills, pal. I think you skipped a few days.

>I'm hyped
literally why? I've never played such a trash game before in my life

Not the same guy, but I'm pretty sure that was a joke. At least I want to believe it was. Guess people have lost their sense of humor.

More roguelike buzzword thrown around.

story deepens could literally be anything
if i write a one sentence story publish it like the baby shoe story and then write another sequel thats also a single sentence the story is deepening

also is there a trailer? if so can someone link it for other anons too?

>implying his half breed chink daughter is not diverse enough to force you to play as her and only her the entire game

>an announcement for a game doesn't have gameplay and indicates the gameplay will be bad

Literally over a decade of gaming history proves that you're entire premise is retarded. Every year there's an entire expo devoted almost entirely to announcements of games that don't have gameplay yet.

>Coming to "Steam"
Linux confirmed for shafted again by Derek

>coming to PS4 and steam first
>hurr why wasn't it announced via nintendo
what kinda mental illness is this bullshit

>Both involve a lot of reflecting on the past as well as thinking about the future. With Spelunky 2, we get a chance to examine in depth what makes Spelunky unique and draw it out even more.

>yfw you somehow get transported back to the Mines

poes law dude, especially on Sup Forums-falseflags
also its hard to tell sarcasm on the internet

>derek yu is the creator of spelunky
>andy hull is the lead programmer

So what did Derek even do? Is he just an idea man?

That's what I mean, the description for the trailer literally states that it is still a rogue-lite. People are being retarded.


It still won't be as good as the original free pc version