Tfw can't wait to play as a qt abused female android

>tfw can't wait to play as a qt abused female android

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I'm gonna need that shower scene, David

This trailer ironically makes me want to play a David Cage game.

If they make your choices matter then this could be a fun game. Even with David Cage writing.


Won't this be like Heavy Rain where you switch characters or something?

You'll probably stuck being male for at least half the game anyway

>they're in the Heavy Rain house
What did Cage mean by this?

You play as 3 characters

>Escape with child
Kara needs to go into hiding
>Child shoots dad
Police blame robot and Kara needs to go into hiding
>Dad kills kid
Dad blames robot and dies to robot
Kara then needs to go into hiding

Choices won't matter but this still looks like Quantum Dream's best game

>ryonafagging intensifies

The camera better not cut away when he starts bullying the qt robot.

Is David Cage dare I say back lads?

i dont want sjw shit but i want this

>shitty visual novel where you can't even fuck the characters
yeah no thanks

Don't worry there will be a rape scene

>it isn't you that does the raping
wasted potential

Will you save her, Sup Forums?

Cage should take a few lessons from Automata on how to explore android related themes.
Generic domestic violence ain't gonna cut it.

Did this game get a graphical upgrade?

There has never been a Quantic Dream game where you couldn't fuck someone

>Automata invented the robot/human debate

Looks great for sure. Especially the eyes.

Good thing that post didn't even say anything similar to that.

I am going to personally make sure she has the worst life possible.

t. Todd

no fuck robots


Honest question, user. Do you have brain damage?

Fuck robots or fuck robots?

why not both?



How many are cutie grills?

Punished Connor

>>If they make your choices matter
Never played a Cage game before? This is a fun concept being explored by a complete fucking moron. 5 bucks says the androids wind up being dead spirits seized from the afterlife by a cackling madman.



Don't forget that personification of Internet is going to be involved.

Just Kara

Korean comic destroying an android for money youtube

wait I can fuck Ellen Page?

If you looked up her nude model you basically raped her


You can fuck other men as Ellen Paige


For what it's worth I think that this "game" looked really promising.
Hopefully I get to play as a android supremacist.

but that makes it gay man fuck that shit

If the dad is poor as fuck, how did he afford an android slave?

There are 1300 versions of Kara

Are you, dare to say, a literally retard.


you underestimate the power of NEET bucks

You don't

They probably cost $100 or so.

The good old 5 finger discount

i hope you can chose to serve another family or branch out to another path instead. That shit hits way to close to home.

>a man and a woman having sex is gay

Did your daddy touch you in the bad way?

you're supposed to be the dude and fuck female(male)

this game looks better and better by every trailer, when is it coming out?

>fuck female(male)

What is wrong with David Cage and Quantic? Evertyhing they do, feels, for a lack of a better word in my dictionary, fake? Is like a taking a puppy and torture it is the best way for the devs mind to get out the emotion called sadness. Is just so goddamn off.

Trump Day 2018

Spring 2018

So the androids don't have a setting to automatically report abuse or illegal activity? It seems like something that would be programmed into them.

And I'm talking about the obvious child abuse.

I don't know if you know this, but video games aren't real, they're fake

privacy and as androids they do not carry the rights to break said privacy like a civilian could.

Androids have no rights, they only exist to do their job and shut up

>play as
Your character is a bunch of button prompts

I gave ur mum my button prompt last night m8

Yes user, that's how videogames work...

I'd like to 5-finger discount that android if you know what I mean

Yeah I'd steal a phone too

>It's another game that is a Blade Runner reference
>It's a post-Heavy Rain David Cage game so choices don't matter.


>Speak to Todd

This tbf, I was sorta interested before but with this trailer it really got my attention.


"speak to Todd" has meme potential

I hope it doesn't turn out as a "you are inhuman if you don't feel empathy for robots"kind of shit.
The least thing I want is to be virtue signaled by a bunch of artificial beings who shouldn't exist in the first place.

I will only play this game if I have the option of either exterminating all androids or subdue them as absolute tools for humans to use as they please, because that's what they are. Tools.

Why is this allowed

>le poor womyn and an abusive white male.

even the Cage has been infected.

>no alice rapes todd

>tfw you were born too soon to experience sexbots.


Why go on at all?

>no kara rapes alice

so what, the game is just a bunch of different "sketches" with choices? last trailer had different characters altogether

>david cage makes a game
>"david cage's games have all been shit in the past, but this one looks good!"
>it's complete shit
>makes a ton of money from hype anyway
>david cage makes a game
>"david cage's games have all been shit in the past, but this one looks good!"
>it's complete shit
>makes a ton of money from hype anyway
>david cage makes a game
>"david cage's games have all been shit in the past, but this one looks good!"
>it's complete shit
>makes a ton of money from hype anyway


She kinda looks like Jennifer Lawrance, fucking Cage is getting horny again.

That's what quantic dreams "games" are all about.

not really, there's usually some sort of plot connecting everything together

its as if some people really have shit taste

>quantic dreams games
Pick one

shitty plot is still a plot

>robo ryona
Rock solid.
I need to go find that comic and dump it.

playstation exclusive piece of shit

Why the fuck would he jump like 8 feet early?

Exclusive youtube experience.

>shouldve jumped at the edge
ino right! kek

Tighter master~