Gaming on PC is not fun.
Gaming on PC is not fun
gaming is not fun
what's the difference?
Gaming is more fun when you can only play 1/3 of them and you have to pay to use p2p.
That's the sweet spot
PC is made for work. PC gaming was an afterthought.
I suspect you are an idiot, but you can still prove the opposite if you provide a reason good enough for your laughable statement.
I just play emulators, newer games just aren't as fun
was he right?
I like it, in fact I was having fun this very day playing Planetary Annihilation with my friends
Having an extra chromosome must not be very fun either.
PC is for mmos
I like it for single player experience more than anything else I have. I wish multiplayer games had more people. There are still people playing bo2 on my Xbox but games die a month later on steam.
I play single player fps on PC with a controller, the good thing about PC is that the choice is there
>not having chromosomes to spare
Some games can't be played properly with a controller and one if those is DOOM, he doesn't know shit.
How do you rip the skeletons on the right corner of the screen?
He's talking about the original DOOM, not nu-DOOM
Me too.
No surprise he went to special needs schools.
Writing essays on console is not efficient.
that's even worse
The older I've gotten the more I agree with the sentiment that sitting at a desk is not an enjoyable way to experience most games.
I set up a Steam Link so I can play in my living room/bedroom with a controller. Best of both worlds. The silky smooth framerate and top notch graphics of PC, with the coziness and comfort of a TV/controller.
>Silky smooth rate
>steam link
thanks for the laugh
There is literally nothing different, why the fuck does anybody act as if PC is some foreign concept. You can play with a keyboard or a controller. Consoles are literally just premade PCs with proprietary software. There's absolutely nothing fucking different about playing something like, say, Dark Souls on console or PC aside from maybe how it runs on your pc.
I'm using powerline adapters, and they work really nicely. I am able to do 1080p/60 at the "best quality" setting without any noticeable latency issues.
I would never recommend doing it over WiFi, though.
It is because faggots like OP have so many games they pirated to play so they can't decide what to play so they feel overwhlemed and just claim OMG PC SUCKS because it is easier than to actually just downaloding a fucking gamne i9nstalling it, make sure it plays right (most of the time it will work flawlessly unless you pirate or use old shit) and fucking play it. Easier to justfucking shitpost.
>powerline adapters
Well that fucking changes everything.
Why are PCbros so defensive whenever someone points out that perhaps their platform has no games other than what they manage to leech off of consoles?
>no games
So all the abandonware of the years from 2016 and backwards doesn't count? why do shills claim that as long as it isn't exclusive to a console and AAA it doesn't count?
>7 years in special ed class