>be man
>play as a woman whenever given choice
I seriously hope you don't do this ...
>be man
>play as a woman whenever given choice
I seriously hope you don't do this ...
Other urls found in this thread:
I do.
so you prefer males, huh?
>he doesn't wish to be the little girl
what is wrong with you op? are you straight or something?
I'm sure you like listening to big manly male grunts and panting all the time.
I know I do
>be man
What if I'm a manchild?
apparently you do since you enjoy fantasizing as a woman
I'd be such a fucking whore if I were a girl
>be frog poster
>make a shit thread every time you post one
everyone i've ever known who has done this has been a homosexual. admittedly it's a small sample size, about 6 people who i only knew online. but it is interesting.
I do.
Is there anything manly more than staring at women ass at every given chance?
>want to stare at a guy's ass for the entire game
What are you, gay?
>Always play female
>If there are race options I'll always go machine or lizard
>If not, I'll always try and find a full body skintight suit that covers my face because masked girls are my fetish
Best way to play.
I enjoy looking at women
>giving a fuck about anything but the gameplay
you Barbie/Ken dress-up faggots ruined games, btw
>play male character
>”oh you like looking at man ass all day you woman hating ableist”
>play female character
>”oh you’re a fag”
There’s no winning with you niggers. It’s either some SJW land whale or an insecure incel virgin bitching. I don’t know who is more annoying.
>be man
>have sex with a woman whenever given choice
I seriously hope you don't do this ...
>giving a flying fuck in the first place
Their shit tier opinions are hilarious and do nothing to influence what I do or don't do in a game.
>be a dumb frogposter
>eat dick for breakfast, lunch and dinner
Who cares anyway just play how you want to without the need to justify it to someone.
Try it out maybe you'll have more fun then
dumb frogposters
fuck off reddit
What if I'm a man becoming a woman?
>be user
Then you're Fable 2
post your femsheps
>incel is rebbid
niggers on /r9k/ have been referring to themselves as incel for years
found the /r9k/ crossposter
>inb4 the i like to stare at a womens ass pathetic virgin argument
Why not just stare at yo gf ass? Oh wait
what if I want to be a cute girl tho
>not doing it just cause
I mean, why not?
>she has a ring
NTR, I presume? You are one tough son of a bitch Todd.
what's incel
I like playing as a female to hear her pain vocalizations when I take damage.
Only if it has an anime aesthetic.
Only in online games, because I get free stuff and friends :)
Short for "involuntary celibate" aka people who don't get laid, their soft and politically correct way of telling people they're virgins.
Didn't know you liked shit voice-acting, user.
>he would stare at a guy's ass given the option
What are you gay?
I love it, cheers
Fagspeak for "virgin."
I'd much rather look at a woman playing than a man
i always play as a woman
autogynophilia is beautiful
>their soft and politically correct way of telling people they're virgins
I use it all the time on Sup Forums and get more (You)s than if I just say virgin.
fuck no
I mean, if I play as a male character I end up staring at his ass and getting erections. So I play as female characters instead and don't have any problems. If I was gay I'd probably play as a male character but thankfully I'm not.
>talking shit about jennifer hale
fuck off faggot
burned op the fag
Nice bait desu
I'm a girl fetishist, what do you expect?
The Nolan North of female VAs, generic as fuck.
I'm tired of being a male desu. If given a chance, I'd be a girl but I would be a complete slut.
>be man
>play girl characters whenever possible
>girlfriend and i compete to see who can make the hottest slut
You some kinda fuckin faggot?
you only think that because she's so succesful after landing mass effect.
>hurr le seinfeld effect
It depends on so many factors for me
Is the game singleplayer, what race/class am I, does it make a functional difference, can I make a better looking man or a better looking lady, etc
She was successful before Mass Effect, I'm tired of hearing her droning voice permeating my TV and games for more than ten years now.
I bet you think keanu reeves is a bad actor too.
>be woman
>play as a man whenever given choice
I seriously hope you don't do this ...
In destiny my Hunter is female. Sometimes the ass is too good to give up.
If given the option to play as a female, most of the time I will. Depends on what kind of character I really want to make. I've always wished I was a girl, so being able to live that fantasy through a digital avatar is the next best thing. I don't consider myself transgender or anything and it doesn't affect anything in my real life, but when it's game time and I can be whatever I want, I will opt to be the little girl.
who /only play as an old man/ here
>Muscle girls
bill a best
So you like to stare at a man's ass, huh? That's cool, OP. Even if you are enforcing those stereotypes.
No, because Keeanu actually works for his roles. Everything you see in John Wick is him training with guns to get the action down just right. Jennifer Hale gets thrown roles on the basis that she's popular just like Nolan North, they're both overhyped shit.
>wanting to stare at a man's ass for tens of hours of your life
Whatta faaaaaaaaag
What can I say? I want to be a girl and get guys off with my feet and armpits.
Armpits are the worst fetish. I'll never understand it
I know this is a bait thread, but you don't play AS a man/woman/whatever
You are playing a video game with a fictional character on a screen.
Self-insert is unironically autistic.
your face is overhyped shit.
>not scat
>not vore
>not diapers
>not gore
>not ponies
>not furries
get to fuck
why are you staring at guy's asses?
You heard me, fag
>not feet
No, I read your stupidity, not heard.
Sorry I don't get so buttblasted I auditory hallucinate posts as voices that offend my psychotic brain like you.
>reddit spacing
>being an autist with a stick up his ass
You seem a bit upset over nothing. Are you an armpitfag?
I was born a man to love women and fapped to one's I've dressed up in various outfits. Also only retards self insert