>Guild Wars is dea-
Guild Wars
I still have it installed and jump in now and then.
Good times - GW1 has an S tier OST. So fucking good.
Oh shit dude. When's the next time a lot of people will be on? I sorta wanna play it one more time.
one group of roleplaying autists coming together in one district for an hour doesn't mean the game is still alive.
I miss pre-nightfall guild wars. Factions didn't hurt the game at all
Yeah, I played primarily during prophecies and factions. That was my favourite era(s) with GW1, nightfall didnt interest me so much and I didnt play gwen.
nightfall ruined it
insane power creep
u can join the guild in OPs vid fair few ppl in it
still active communities u can get groups if u want for basically entire game still, not like old days where every outpost had groups forming but it still decent
Nah people are still playing, you can do SC's, dungeons and what not easily if you are part of an active guild.Earlier areas are much less populated obviously but it's not like you need to go through them again.Besides game has changed a lot since Nightfall, some classes had really big overhauls, drop rates have changed, mods don't care about botters... it's almost a different game at this point.
>tfw watched one youtube video of this
>started making bank
>literally 2-3 hours of this and I was considered rich
>"how come no one else is doing this"
It was great being an uber driver in Guild Wars too bad some retards would leave and not pay. I then found about fow farming literally the next week. This was before the first major update with that Dwarf Mountain patch where green weapons appeared and went for 20-100k
Nowadays I see people looking for runners from LA to Marhan's Grotto for 50e, Armbraces now go for 120e instead of 30e a few years ago, only rich fags are playing now it seems.
I played the game until GW2 came out and killed the community, I occasionally check on the balance passes and see shit like Energy Surge getting buffed beyond how it was in Prophecies and why it was nerfed in the first place, and get sad at seeing GvG's and HA being a few people and all henchmen.
e as in ectos?
If so, christ that is some crazy inflation.
Then again, thats like 10 years ago I remember this, and FoW/UW farming was in its prime and a valuable resource at the time.
I'm still somewhat proud of getting my ecto set back in the day on my fem necro.
vid looks like it was made in 2007
Only nostalgia fags are playing GW so it's fitting.
only gw2 fags sit in gw1 threads and try these thinly veiled insults
It gets the most active when there are events going on(Halloween, New Years, Annisevary, Canthan New Year..)
but Shadow Form was in Factions
It's funny how even after billions of nerfs Shadow Form went through you can still use it to solo Domain of Anguish with it.What the fuck were they thinking with that skill?
Yes but you couldn't cast chain it until Nightfall.
>finally decide to get a dps meter
>all these reapers running around with sub 4k dps on single targets
>meanwhile firebrand, weaver, tempest, DD break at least 4 times that average on single targets
>these are the same type of people who go on reddit and tell everybody reaper does ok damage
>these are the same type of people who go on QT and see that reaper C A N accomplish 30k dps in optimum scenarios (i.e buffed up with food, maximum buffs, in full ascended vipers and spinning on chill fields) and think that they can do the same dps in rabid gear spinning on one of a guardian's 1000 light fields
I'm sorry Sup Forums but I really just hate reapers.