Ugly as sin

>Ugly as sin
>Shoved in people's faces
>Now in Japanese games
Is Aloy Sony's Lightning?
She looks like Bobby Hill crossed with a leprechaun and a potato

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She's worse than lightning. At least she's somewhat attractive

>Ugly as sin
She is clearly a 7
The retarded hairstyle makes she look worse.

I dont know. Lightning's chicken legs were repugnant

t. Ireland

>lightning's head
>aloy's body


>She is clearly a 7

t. closet homo

That's one ugly monster.

>"ha, you're gay for not liking a woman with a man face"

What does Japan think of her?
They only like cute girls

There isn't a character I wanna smash across the face with a bat more than Aboy.

Truly Sup Forums's dream girl.

'and body

I'm not attracted to fridges

I genuinely don't understand why Sup Forums insists that she's ugly. She's average looking at the very worst.

don't you fucking talk about my perfect bobby hill like that.

The sony kikes are forcing her hard. It's worse when she's fucking ugly and looks like a high test man. She just isn't a natural icon like Crash, Kratos, or even Drake was. She is just...meh at best.

People remember more the robots than her.

I love her hair. Maybe it's because when you're playing playing Horizon and running around you're just staring at her hair swinging around (no ass allowed).

I never got far enough in the game to get the midriff outfit though.

she looks like she smells fucking awful


>She is ugly because she's not muh japanese pedobait


Sony pushing Horizon is one thing, but now Sony is constantly pushing Aloy everywhere, so we will constantly be forced to look at her. If the PSASB sequel rumors are true, I bet she will be in that game too.

don't you mean neogaf?

Well you faggots are trying to normalize pedophilia next, so what's the problem?

Why wouldn't she?
Her game actually made money and she can have a neat moveset


>you'll never be as mad as GRfags
a bit of comfort in the world

>>Shoved in people's faces
yes, people tied you down in clockwork orange style and played game infront of you. they torchered you.

you don't have to play it you retard.


>I genuinely don't understand why Sup Forums insists that she's ugly.
Because you're in a place where clearly nobody has a mind on its own so they just repeat bullshit after bullshit after bullshit?

>PS4 World lobbies will all be filled with female hunters voiced by Ashly Burch
I will burn a candle for your tragic loss sonybros, no one should have to face this horror.

>a literal model's face

holy shit this game was released when we were still in the 14s for image numbers

shes a dyke isnt she.

adbul please leave

doesn't look like one

>She's average looking at the very worst.
That's the problem. Girls in vydia are suppose to be as good looking as the graphics support.
Why the fuck would you make average looking females when you have top notch graphics at your disposition?

In a video game, when it comes to main charceters, a girl is either beautiful or ugly. There's no middle term because real life is full of middle terms, and that's not what we want in our waifus.

In one of the videos about the making of Horizon, they said Aloy is intentionally not meant to look like a supermodel since not everyone looks like one

Why did they make her head fatter? To please feminists?

>implying im not setting it to classic speech immediatly

But their favorite Senran is Yumi.

Not everyone is as lonely or shallow as you. Grow up.

This is what pisses me off the most, video games are FICTIONAL, not real. Why the fuck would you make the characters ugly on purpose? It's not FUCKING REAL.

fuck off back to Sup Forums or resetera, you fucking faggot

>In one of the videos about the making of Horizon, they said Aloy is intentionally not meant to look like a supermodel since not everyone looks like one

I think this is the one

you just made a whole bunch of not-sense

why dont you like strong independent females you white cis scum reeeee women are just as strong and brave as men are reeee

>intentionally not meant to look like a supermodel
being remotely attractive=being a supermodel
this is what society has come to

>Sup Forums claims no one will remember this game after a week
>manages to do well in sales and still getting new content
Sup Forums btfo once again

>people make realistic games all the game and you people don't bitch about it

>Those massive ears
I bet you'd find Dumbo attractive you sick fuck

fuck off neogaf

I fucking love both, Kat and Aloy are great and cutes female protagonists, I want to marry both

>that face

i mean...shes not ugly if thats what you're trying to say

It's like they grabbed her face by the sides and stretched it.

Aloy looks like a fucked up Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle. Fucking awful face.

shut up permavirgin

Go back to filename.

Can someone Photoshop her to look cute?


She looks like Podrick from GoT

not going to lie
people like you scream "Ive only interacted with my mom"

We can tell you're a virgin but it's fine.
We don't think any less of you, user.

atta boy


My god were do you live?

You have some excessively high standards brother/sister.

>find massive ears unattractive
>must mean he only interacts with his mom
Must be hard being retarded.
Don't worry though there are support groups out there for "people" like you.

>Sharia Dress, Asexual but Also Lesbian:The Game
I actually liked the story, though.

Hello Saudi Arabia.


Holy shit that looks kinds better

No you don’t.

She literally looks like the kid from Malcolm in the middle

But really tho, she fits in Monster Hunter perfectly

Now she does since she's as ugly as all the new humans, if it was MHO she'd stick out.

>Implying I'm lonely
I have a girlfriend, dumbass. Unlike amerifags and eurofags, men in onther parts of the world appreciate female beauty in wherever place it can be found.
Why make an average looking women when you can make a stupidly beaultiful one?
It is clear which one is more appealing.
It is also clear that good looking females can boost a game's sales.

So why the fuck not to make a beaultiful female character?

The only valid reason for a developer to make an average looking female heroine is when it is lore ralated. However, in the case of Alloy and most western female characters they only make it because they are a bunch of nu-male feminist cucks.

got both you fool

I shudder to think where you people live that you consider this potato nigger pretty.

She's slightly above average. I get there is certainly games where it makes sense to make all the women as qt as possible.But that doesnt have to be everygame. it makes sense with the Horizon aesthetic for her to look like this. Making her to hot would seem out of place. it's not unrealistically ugly like Sera. And I mean fuck, she's still better looking than quiet who was based off an actual 9.5/10 and was created for the sole purpose of being hot.

>Men like beautiful women

You're either gay or dihonest

>She is clearly a 7

>Eyes reduced in size
>Ears pushed out like Dumbo
>Eyebrows thickened
>Lips pushed off center
>Overbite added

Yeah sure that's obviously the same person user. I'm surprised they didn't shit up her face with cancer freckles too.

so basically you are admitting the problem is you are a waste of space waifu fag?
duuuude right? I also hate 3 dimensional characters, development and arcs. ITS FICTION EVERYONE SHOULD BE OP. also naked, in fact everything should be porn. And why do WWII games use guns? shoild be cool rocket space lasers. and everyone should be a black women, and no Swastikas, those are a real life thing. Hey you should work for Activision!

Would you prefer she be a 10 year old girl that is also a robot that wears a japanese school uniform?



Aloy a cute! Aloy is in Monster Hunter!

That black nigger is cuter

shut up rostie

Capcom thinks she appeals to us dirty gaijin and thus decided to have a crossover with MHW.

>Alloy is better looking than Quiet
Your whole comment can be discarded because your judgement is clearly defective

aloy is fucking hideous and any of you who deny this are fucking retarded

see this

>She is ugly because she's not muh japanese pedobait

Shouldn't you be in Jail, Amir0x?

How hairy is the cunt?

Fucking hell, why couldn't she look like this in-game?

Too fucking spoopy.